Ie igh worksheets

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Ie igh worksheets

Add these free, printable words with long I worksheets to your phonics resources for you classroom. These pages include black and white clip art to help students match words with meaning. Not only will you find pictures, there are also mazes and other puzzles to keep these pages engaging for your child. The letter combinations making the long I sound are igh or ie. You will also find words where the y makes a long I sound. Children have already received practice with words containing the magic e sound. Examples of these words are hike and ride. The words contained in these new pages are different. To help students get started, make an anchor chart for practicing words with the different letter combinations. This set contains 13 printable pages where students will work with words containing the letters igh, ie and y. Each one will have a long I sound within the word. Children will be ready for these pages after mastering short vowel words, magic e words and words with digraphs and blends. When creating my worksheets for phonics practice, I always try to provide you with pages that will engage students.

There are over 50 worksheets to help students learn all about Vowel Pairs. High school science.


Log In Join. View Wish List View Cart. Middle school. High school. Adult education. Resource type. Independent work. Independent work packet. Graphic organizers.

Ie igh worksheets

Worksheets for igh and ie. Log In Join. View Wish List View Cart. Middle school. High school. Adult education.

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Black History Month. Earth sciences. Special education. Log In Join. Close Reading. Graphic organizers. Long I worksheets great for extra practice and use during literacy centers! Guided Reading Books. Valentine's Day. High school social studies. Get newsletter. Activities, Printables. ELA test prep.


All 'For All Subject Areas'. Worksheets, Printables, Centers. Middle ages. These can be used as a great supplemental resource to any phonics program! Adult education. Mental math. Flash cards. Your student. Worksheets, Printables, Independent Work Packet. A mystery picture will be revealed. Art history.

3 thoughts on “Ie igh worksheets

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