i am your mother meghan trainor

I am your mother meghan trainor

Epic Records released it to US hot adult contemporary radio stations as the deluxe edition's lead single on March 27,

La pista fue anunciada el 27 de febrero de Contenidos mover a la barra lateral ocultar. Leer Editar Ver historial. Herramientas Herramientas. Archivado desde el original el 28 de octubre de Consultado el 23 de octubre de

I am your mother meghan trainor

After getting torn to shreds on the internet for the snippet of "Mother" she shared in hopes of TikTok virality, Trainor's threats to release the song in full have come to fruition, with both the track and the music video dropping today. Set to an interpolation of Pat Ballard's "Mr. Sandman," she uses the 's main vocal melody to both call a hypothetical mansplainer a "bum," while urging us to shake our own "bums. Sure, "Mother" is catchy, but in the same way that an overproduced, cheap-to-acquire pop song rattling in your skull while you get overstimulated at the grocery store is. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the retail workers who are inevitably going to hear this track in their nightmares. And who else would be fit to star in the "Mother" music video but the world's most rancid momager? Was Kris Jenner shimmying her hips and pantomiming the song's abysmal lyrics worth the millions of dollars it likely cost to book her for the shoot? We think not. Watch the atrocity below. Music Streams Pop and Rock. Latest Coverage.

This is my dreams. Retrieved April 24,

I am your mother I am your mother You listen to me you listen to me Stop all that mansplainin', no one's listening Tell me, who gave you the permission to speak? I am your mother I am your mother You listen to me you listen to me. Mister big boy, pulling up in your big toy Sayin' all that blah-blah-blah, makin' all that big noise 'Cause you're so frustrated, emasculated 'Cause you got your shit called out by this little lady my baby. You just a bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum Bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum You just a bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum hey Bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum. Y'all need a masterclass from my man Learn how to satisfy like he can he can Ain't tryna control me and own me Like and old man that sees ban Bet you wish you could wife this mwah Stay mad, that's priceless You with your God complex But you can't even make life. Yeah, your opinion's so strong Even when you're wrong ooh-ooh-ooh Bet that feels like power to you That feels like power to you Must've forgot who you're talking to.

Are you an artist? Make the most of your lyrics with Musixmatch Pro! Go to Pro. Translations Verified by Musixmatch. Lyrics of Mother by Meghan Trainor intro.

I am your mother meghan trainor

Epic Records released it to US hot adult contemporary radio stations as the deluxe edition's lead single on March 27, A pop song with doo-wop influences, it interpolates the Chordettes ' single " Mr. Sandman ". Inspired by men who said Trainor's pregnancy would end her career, the song is about women's empowerment ; in its lyrics, she asks the male subject to stop mansplaining and to listen to her. The song reached the top 30 on national record charts in Belgium, Ireland, Suriname, and the United Kingdom. Charm La'Donna directed and choreographed the music video for it, which stars Kris Jenner. The latter dons a platinum blonde bob and appears in a white silk gown in a scene which channels Marilyn Monroe 's performance of " Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend " and later with Trainor in matching black gowns. The video received praise for the fashion choices; critics described it as glamorous. After her song " Title " attained viral popularity on video-sharing service TikTok in , Meghan Trainor announced her intention to pivot to its doo-wop sound on her fifth major-label studio album. Trainor wrote "Mother", the follow-up single, at the "last second".

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Stone plays electric guitar and bass, Trainor and Douglas play keyboards, and Tristan Hurd plays trumpet. I am your mother I am your mother You listen to me you listen to me Stop all that mansplainin' ayy No one's listening shh Tell me ah-ah Who gave you the permission to speak? Newsletter Sign Up. Problems playing this file? Billboard Japan in Japanese. Article Talk. Archived from the original on July 25, You just a bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum Bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum You just a bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum hey Bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum. Retrieved June 16, Measure advertising performance. Measure content performance.


I am your mother I am your mother You listen to me you listen to me Stop all that mansplainin' ayy No one's listening shh Tell me ah-ah Who gave you the permission to speak? Todos Rock Gospel Sertanejo Mais. She asks him to quit mansplaining and mocks him for the inability to bear children: "You with your God complex , but you can't even make life, bitch. Retrieved July 5, Archived from the original on November 12, Read Edit View history. She loves to be the center of attention and she's a little ham and I love it. Archived from the original on March 30, But 'Mother' Is Too Much. Consultado el 19 de octubre de Archived from the original on March 22, The singer and her husband Daryl Sabara are expecting their second baby. Retrieved April 13, Mother Meghan Trainor. Retrieved March 6,

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