how to win world conqueror 4

How to win world conqueror 4

World Conqueror 4 is a fresh new game in the strategy war game category which will fulfill all your passion for fighting all the while you go no farther than the screen of your smartphone.

Conquest is one of the three game modes; the others being Domination and Scenario. There are 4 conquests to choose from they are , , and The Conquest is always unlocked. The other Conquests will only be unlocked after completing the corresponding chapter in Scenario Mode you have to beat all the scenarios, for both the Allies and the Axis. The player can choose one of the participating Countries of the Conquest to play the game. Finishing a conquest with a low tier country however, will grant you greater rewards.

How to win world conqueror 4

Easytech Fan Community. General Chain of Command. World Conqueror 4 beginner's tutorial. Great Conqueror 2: Shogun. Reply World Conqueror 4 beginner's tutorial. Leonid Govorov Darth Vader. Posts: 2, Hello all. My name is Leonid Govorov , and here I will be showing you a quick look towards Easytech's most recent game, World Conqueror 4. I will be updating it, of course when future update or major helpful thread comes. This was last updated on November 11th, You can lead your army and conquer the world, with the help of great generals under your command.

This is the hardest conquest of to complete. After removing their main sources of income, you can invade Moscow.

The year is , the start of the largest and deadliest conflict in human history, World War 2. Except this time, you control the world's destiny. Will you side with the Axis powers or Allied powers? Create The Third Reich? Restore the glorious Roman empire? Or maybe show the world the true might of the Soviet Union?

I don't think there is a possible way to win with Germany because the English are overpowered with there navy. Answer from: Casual wcplayer It's not impossible but really hard as they over do their navy. If you take the west coast cities be sure to reinforce with submarine and a battle ship or 2 if you can. Play defence on the lower level ship. And only attack the generals by any means. I've found that when you kill the generals especially the aircraft carrier ones their attacks become uncoordinated and less aggressive. And try to para spam instead but still less aggressive than Japan and only reproduce more navy to maintain their ports and a small wall which with your submarines become easy for you to over run and switch advantage in your favorite. Nukes are best for the generals..

How to win world conqueror 4

Scenario is one of the three game modes; the others being Conquests and Domination. Scenario consists of Tutorials and the Mainline Campaigns. However there are also and campaigns. The Tutorial teaches the basic operation of the game, and some rewards.

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This is the water requirement for the troops and it derives its reasoning from the fact that you are usually in the middle of a war where the land is mostly desert and therefore water and food is the most important resource for the survival of you and your soldiers therefore proper rationing and an effective control over the limited food supplies available to you will help you fight the enemy at optimum performance. Consolidate the Japanese navy early to take over Australia and the British controlled parts of Asia. They stretch from Kazakhstan in the southwest to Kamchatka in the Far East. Bulgaria controls a territory in Europe. Cyrus the Great Marshal. You'll face hell and the one going to India. At this point winning is super easy. You may even spam aerial troops as you will have a high tech level to build airports that allow you to do so. During that time in Europe, attack other cities by air like Lyon and others. After that, fend off the enemy forces to slow them down. Please post game questions in the Boards. World Conqueror 4 is similar in its basic essence to many other popular attack and defense strategy games like Clash of Clans and Age of Empires.

World Conqueror 4 is a fresh new game in the strategy war game category which will fulfill all your passion for fighting all the while you go no farther than the screen of your smartphone. World Conqueror 4 has been very successful on the App Store with great customer reviews and the developers of the game take these user comments very seriously with regular updates coming through to add new features according to user suggestions.

My messe is unupgraded btw and im playing this on my alt so my techs suck as well and I can still steamroll it fast. Now you should basically be able to take the United States just with your army and aerial forces rely on them a lot, they're really useful in late game! Watching Over Your Supplies In World Conqueror 4, your ability to place different kinds of troops on the battlefield depends upon the amount of rationing and food supplies that you have in your army storage camp. It's added now. Many times you can turn a lost situation to your advantage by blocking a critical strike from the enemy and bouncing back with your own counter strike on the opposing forces. Take the western sides, sweep up any last naval forces, take out indonesia and phillipines, keep an eye on spain and portugal, cuz the united states and canada will attempt to hold a mini d-day there,eliminate indonesia and phillipines, protect japan and use paratroopers and missiles based in Indonesia to take out Australia. The best approach for Australia is to push North into Japan while constantly giving at least s of dollars in Aid to the Soviet Union if they fall, Germany would become too powerful. It took me 1 minute and 15 seconds to auto it without touching the screen. Only after you have destroyed German forces send a lot of howitzers and mechanised infantry, heavy tanks if needed, take over Germany followed by Italy then Spain. India controls 5 territories in Asia. For Mongolia, although it is not as strong of an enemy, it is defended by mountains, so attacking from Changchun will be a slow process.

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