horse pedigree

Horse pedigree

Not sure what those words mean? Pedigrees are important when it comes to breeding and deciding which type of horse you hope to have, horse pedigree.

In the database there are currently 2,, horses , Photos 7, Movies. SporthorseData Mail: Contact Us. Copyright sporthorse-data. Jump to Navigation. Create new account Request new password.

Horse pedigree


Please login or register to use this feature. Male and female horses are called yearlings when they horse pedigree between one and two years of age.


There are many reasons why a horse's breed registration papers can be lost. For instance, if the horse has been bought and sold several times, a previous owner might neglect to pass along the papers. Or sometimes paperwork simply goes astray. Also, unscrupulous sellers might pair the papers with a similar horse to increase its value. While this is inconvenient for the new owner of the "unpapered" horse, it is also illegal. Still, even if your horse is missing registration papers, it is sometimes possible to find information on the horse's pedigree.

Horse pedigree

In the database there are currently 2,, horses , Photos 7, Movies. SporthorseData Mail: Contact Us. Copyright sporthorse-data. Jump to Navigation. Create new account Request new password. Login Register. Advertisement Advertise with us!!! New Photos Added. New Movies Added. Werth their weight in gold!

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Very user friendly. Pedigrees - 2 years 7 months ago. Barbus Emdil Facebook. You all do a fantastic job! Male horses can be castrated as early as six months, and once they are, they are referred to as geldings, regardless of their age though you can still call them weanlings or yearlings, if applicable. An outcross is breeding two unrelated horses. Gemini Six. So this horse: Chuckles, by Laughs, means Laughs is Chuckles sire. The vast information is invaluable to every breeder wanting to gain better insights on their horses. Written by Natalie Gasper. Photo Cred: Canva. All the years spent building my library has found a wonderful resource to share pic's and information about this great creature the horse, much of which would be lost but for this site. A breed registry , sometimes also called a stud book, is an official list of horses within a certain breed whose parents are documented. The pedigree branches out from there, typically going back several generations.


So this horse: Chuckles, by Laughs, means Laughs is Chuckles sire. Love it, and use it daily, multiple times per day. All the years spent building my library has found a wonderful resource to share pic's and information about this great creature the horse, much of which would be lost but for this site. Rivervale Stud. Linebreeding is breeding two horses that are distantly related. I can also appreciate the challenges that go with maintaining such a vast database. Highly recommended. Copyright sporthorse-data. In particular the test mating function is invaluable! Jump to Navigation. Barbus Emdil Facebook.

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