horoscopes michele knight pisces

Horoscopes michele knight pisces

We all look at our horoscope but what are they? How can they support and help us? What about the other zodiac signs?

Select your star sign and go to your custom horoscope page with weekly, monthly and annual readings, and articles. The truth seekers in all of us arise this week thanks to the meeting between the Sun, Mercury and Saturn in Pisces. We see tangible results from keeping the faith in something. This is a week where the universe asks us if we feel we have the right to be ourselves and express rather than suppress, our individuality. If we have been […]. Do check your chart no matter what your sign for anything at an early degree of Aquarius. But also the other air signs — Gemini and Libra as well as fire sign Leo.

Horoscopes michele knight pisces

A massive and pivotal week for you where serious moves can be made, Pisces. The 28 th sees the Sun, Mercury and Saturn all meet in your sign. To make a move with forethought and caution. With your eyes wide open when it comes to the results. You will be asked to take responsibility for your actions. There will be no assigning blame elsewhere. Or passing the buck. The universe wants you to own it. Or at least learn from it. You are the beginning and the end of your own destiny. Or set in motion in the past as it now comes full circle think about those rings! Love could get locked down for the long haul, you radiate a special kind of attraction that broadcasts keeper. For serious responses. Look to whether you are a glass half full or half empty kind of person.

Expect your space to expand. Accept the key during the coming year. In a nutshell: The massive Pisces stellium in your sign lasts until the end of April.


After months of forward motion we are heading into retro weather again, Aries. You may have felt this a little earlier than other signs due to both Jupiter and Chiron both putting on the brakes in your 1 st. This month sees Uranus retro-active in your money zone from the 24 th — at which point all the outer planets are backwards. Mercury is now slowing down in its ruling sign and house in your chart Virgo and your 6 th and goes Retro Lite from the 21 st when it also opposes Neptune in your 12 th. It will be easy to forget or overlook something on this day so please — pay close attention! The month could begin with shocks or upheavals around your cash flow. An unexpected expense or you having to rob Peter to pay Paul — or should I say rob ruler Mars to pay Uranus? These two collide in your money zone at the very top of the month.

Horoscopes michele knight pisces

We all look at our horoscope but what are they? How can they support and help us? What about the other zodiac signs? Read on!

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Take a sneak peek at my Celtic Cross reading! Knowing you have the skills to deal with them and emerge is all it takes. Your creativity and also desire for love, beauty and earthly pleasures increases. When a stellium of planets the term for three or over , forms in your sign. Along with shifts to your beliefs come questions you need answered. Your own wisdom is your unerring compass for gaining insight and the truth. Proof of life beyond? And will have replaced them with new ones. Having an awareness of what the zodiac signs represent can empower us to develop closer bonds with our friends and once you know how they tick, you can form more intimate connections. What do you believe, Pisces? You have empathy, a brilliant imagination and a profound sense of love and romance. Horoscopes are guidance into the cosmic energy of the week ahead. Anything that has kept you stuck or trapped will either be exposed for true healing and release to take place. Entertainment SP www.

If the time is right and something is meant to happen — it will. Let go and let fate decide. If someone or something is proving elusive this week, ask yourself if you can really be bothered to chase after them or it?

All about pisces Pisces is a water sign and the most psychic sign of the Zodiac. Share it with your friends! Combined with Pluto in your 12 th this all acts as a catalyst. Quick to offer love and support, they can leave little for themselves and their critical ability all-too-often cuts both ways. With your eyes wide open when it comes to the results. Keep in mind you are now approaching the end of Saturn in your sign and also ruler Neptune. Romantic and committed, a Taurus is a great friend. Expect outings — which shift your idea of reality. Weekly astrology looks into the planetary movements to create a horoscope reading to empower us to navigate challenges and seize possibilities. This also applies at the time of the next eclipse — in your 1 st on 18 th Sept at the time of the full Moon. Sagittarius : Believers in the best in all of us, those born under Sagittarius need their freedom and help others secure it. Your psychic email reading aims to answer specific questions as well as giving you a general overview of what is going on around you empowering you to follow your own wisdom and intuition. As well as money, income, borrowing, loans and mortgages, you are advised to pay attention to joint financial matters with partners as well. Writing, teaching, publishing, the media and your on-line presence prove to be gold mines. You are the beginning and the end of your own destiny.

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