hoid elantris

Hoid elantris

La Coppermind tiene spoilers de todos los trabajos publicados de Brandon, incluyendo El Hombre Iluminado y Desafiante. Es alto y delgado. Los personajes que interpreta suelen inclinarse a hacer bromas y burlas pero cuando retira esa fachada, a menudo su personalidad se hoid elantris misteriosa y profunda.

Send all your submissions for Who's that Cosmere Character? For every episode, we randomly draw a set of clues from all submissions, so yours might take some time to appear in an episode! Asked by bdoble97 , November 7, Whwn I read Elantris I was not that well versus in the Cosmere and still dont know nearly as much as most of you. My question is who was Hoid in Elantris.

Hoid elantris

Information about books that have not yet been released, like Stormlight 5, is allowed only on meta-pages for the books themselves. For more details, see our spoiler policy. To view an earlier version of the wiki without spoilers for a book, go to the Time Machine! You must not trust yourself with me. If I have to watch this world crumble and burn to get what I need, I will do so. With tears, yes, but I would let it happen. Hoid is a Worldhopper and Dawnshard [5] that travels the cosmere, originally born on the planet Yolen before the Shattering. Hoid's appearance varies dramatically from book to book. He's often in disguise, which makes his true appearance difficult to ascertain. Couple this with the fact that he can Lightweave his appearance in order to look however he wants, it makes it nearly impossible to know for sure what he looks like. To the best of our knowledge, his face is lined, [20] hawk-like and arrow shaped. Hoid is tall and thin [8] and also has a sharp nose and jaw with delicate eyebrows. He wears a stiff black coat and carries a long thin sword at his waist. Hoid's true personality, while also usually disguised, is more easily seen as he occasionally drops whatever part he is playing. One of his overall most noticeable traits is his sharp wit and intelligence.

Its not confirmed, but it's either Hoid, or someone in the 17th Shard. They each have pieces of the story.

Hoid is former King Elhokar 's Wit and entertainer. He knows useful, important things. The King's Wit was not a silly court fool such as one might find in other kingdoms. He was a sword, a tool maintained by the king. Insulting others was beneath the dignity [of] the king, so just as one used gloves when forced to handle something vile, the king retained a Wit so he didn't have to debase himself to the level of rudeness or offensiveness. Hoid is trying to accomplish something on Roshar , something that he thinks is the most important purpose he's ever had. His "old friend" i.

Send all your submissions for Who's that Cosmere Character? For every episode, we randomly draw a set of clues from all submissions, so yours might take some time to appear in an episode! Asked by Silva , August 26, At the end of Elantris, Hoid is seen talking to a mysterious thing a sphere with patterns around it before entering the lake, what is it? It sort of resembles a Cryptic, but not a lot That's what I thought so before the extra scene at the end of elantris where did we find out about the Skaze I'm assuming a WOB? More specific details from a WoB but they were first mentioned by Dilaf when fighting Raoden in Teod. He says that the skaze were right about it being possible to kill Elantrians.

Hoid elantris

Send all your submissions for Who's that Cosmere Character? For every episode, we randomly draw a set of clues from all submissions, so yours might take some time to appear in an episode! Bradon Sanderson has said that the fool is Hoid.


What was the idea or point of him pulling things from his pocket and dropping it on the ground? The figures he contacted were Endowment , Autonomy , and Harmony. No need to be specific, I should think. He's just the King's Wit! He is really scared of Odium, but there are others. While searching, he discovered that Hoid kept his short-term memories stored in his Breaths. I do have intentions of rewriting these books and publishing them eventually. Somewhere on this world, is another Wanderer, one who has lived far longer than I. When the scene at the Well was moved in revision, one of Hoid's major influences on the book had to go for various reasons. Hoid traveled to Sel , likely making use of Devotion's Perpendicularity in Arelon. So he is kind of by necessity more involved in the plot. This topic is now closed to further replies. In the fall, I got the call regarding the Wheel of Time, and my world transformed forever. There is another one, and both of the large epics will have certain amounts of influence from Hoid.

Shadows of Self Mistborn five, the second in the Wax and Wayne era of books is out tomorrow!

So, "gods" would not be plural. Or he does them his own way. Having full access to Lightweaving is a fulfillment of a long, long quest for him. Does that make sense at all? I love your work, and I just had a couple questions regarding it All people fail now and then. Hoid is something else entirely. He whispered of the machinations that had been turning for thousands of years, and he said all this without batting an eye. I own the place, technically. Brandon Sanderson I feel it has always helped.

3 thoughts on “Hoid elantris

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