henry pym marvel

Henry pym marvel

Henry "Hank" PymPh. D[21] is an American Entomologistbiochemist, roboticist, engineer and physicist and "Scientific Adventurer", henry pym marvel. He discovered the Pym Particlessubatomic particles which can increase or decrease the size and mass of objects or living beings. A prodigy from birth, he spent his time creating fantastical and fun inventions encourage by his grandmother.

He returned several issues later as the original iteration of Ant-Man , a superhero with the power to shrink to the size of an ant. He later assumed other superhero identities, including the size-changing Giant-Man and Goliath ; the insect-themed Yellowjacket ; and briefly, the Wasp. He is a founding member of the Avengers superhero team, and the creator of the robotic villain Ultron. He is also the ex-husband of Janet van Dyne and the father of Nadia van Dyne , his daughter by his first wife, Maria Pym. Since his beginnings in the Silver Age of Comic Books , Pym has been featured in various Marvel-endorsed products including animated films , video games , television series , and feature films. In a interview, Lee said: "I did one comic book called 'The Man in the Ant Hill' about a guy who shrunk down and there were ants or bees chasing him.

Henry pym marvel

Henry Christopher "Hank" Pym grew up with an ordinary family in Nebraska. His family was poor, which led to his father complaining why he couldn't invent something useful instead. The only one who drove Hank to follow his imagination was his grandma. He was an ordinary, but brilliant, young biochemist until his wife, Maria Trovaya, was murdered on a trip to Hungary. Devastated by the loss of his wife, Hank suffered his first mental breakdown. After recovering, he decided to focus his scientific work on things that could help him battle inhumanity and injustice. This new focus eventually lead him to discover a rare group of particles that could be used to alter someone's size. Thus Pym Particles were discovered. Hank Pym has been a polarizing figure within the Comic Book Industry. His most infamous, and oft-referenced, moment is the time he struck his wife, Janet Van Dyne. Though Hank was suffering from increasingly debilitating mental issues at the time, and the actual event was the result of an artist's mistake, the scene has become one of the most famous instances of domestic violence in Comics. Hank himself accepted his mistake and has tried to atone for it ever since.

Yellowjacket is Born Yellowjacket unleashed. With the perpetrator of the original theft now exposed, Pym is cleared of all charges. Retrieved 25 November

Members of WikiProject:Timeline team are working on editing pages in response to the information revealed in the book. If you wish to contribute, please do not immediately edit these pages, and instead visit the Timeline Discussion. For a time, he worked for S. However, during a mission to stop a Soviet Union missile, Ant-Man witnessed the Wasp sacrificing herself to save millions of lives, as she had become trapped within the Quantum Realm , with seemingly no way to save her. Pym then changed directions and had founded Pym Technologies while also retiring as the Ant-Man, vowing never to use his invention again, turning his back on S. Despite some troubles to get Lang to master their technology, Pym's plan eventually succeeded, and Cross was defeated. However, during the final fight , Lang had found himself transported inside the Quantum Realm and successfully escaped, giving Pym a new hope that he could save his wife.

Henry "Hank" Pym , Ph. D , [21] is an American Entomologist , biochemist, roboticist, engineer and physicist and "Scientific Adventurer". He discovered the Pym Particles , subatomic particles which can increase or decrease the size and mass of objects or living beings. A prodigy from birth, he spent his time creating fantastical and fun inventions encourage by his grandmother. But on her death, he became more serious and decided to stop with his wild ideas. He attended university where his own professors discouraged Pym's use of his own imagination and inventing things for fun by being told that he would never invent anything that would impact the world. He married Maria Trovaya , a brave and beautiful young woman who had been a political dissident in her native Hungary , from which she had fled. Naively believing that his American citizenship would protect her, Henry and Maria Pym traveled to Hungary shortly after their marriage.

Henry pym marvel

Under the employment of S. D , Hank used his suit to become the superhero Ant-Man. After S. Hank is the husband of Janet van Dyne and the father of Hope van Dyne. Howard Stark confronted Pym about giving S. However, Pym was unwilling to give his suit to anyone else, so Agent Peggy Carter had to convince him to go to Berlin personally.

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Cross invited Pym to join him at the presentation for his Yellowjacket Suit , as he claimed that he wanted his mentor to be beside him at his greatest moment of achievement. Hank realized as he worked on the Vision that he could not have been based on the original android Human Torch, Jim Hammond. Giant-Man: Former A. Hank and his Ant-Man family now have to fight their way out of the Quantum Realm and shut the door behind them on the dangerous Kang. Able to maneuver in flight much like a real wasp, he can hover and dart forwards and backwards in addition to sustained forward flight. Pym fought Cross and was shot in the shoulder before Cross escaped. After eliminating the team, he has Hank Pym gather a new group. When the West Coast team was hurtled back in time by Kang the Conqueror , Pym helped the team return to the present. However, Egghead had lied: the arm was not booby-trapped. Vision : When the United States government conspired to dismantle the Vision, Hank Pym was instrumental in the reconstruction of this fallen Avenger. This was halted by the arrival of Ant-Man and Wasp, who fought her off until Pym and van Dyne returned. Onboard the ship, Janet instructed Pym on how to fly it, and as they got away, they talked about their past lovers, with Pym revealing that it never worked out with anyone else because they weren't Janet. Ultron sedated Jan and strapped her into a machine that would transfer her life-force into his robotic wife. Wasp is enraged by this knowledge of Giant Man having food behind everyone's backs and attacks Giant Man. It was released on July 18,

Let's delve into some classic Marvel lore to learn more about Hank Pym's dark past.

He was rushed to Avengers Mansion for treatment. It was too dangerous. Shrinking back down, Ant-Man went to confront Starr while Wasp went to destroy those plans for the tunnel. Blaming Iron Man for disbanding the Avengers, destroying his friends and more precisely, for Janet 's death. Its evil deeds would long plague Pym with guilt, especially since, as he was forced to admit much later, he had used his own brain patterns as the engram basis of Ultron's robotic mind. The nature, source, and mechanics of the Pym Particles remain unrevealed. Jocasta : Jocasta is an android built by Ultron to be his wife. Origin Hank Pym has held several identities. Retrieved 6 August As Lang became more frustrated, Hope van Dyne ordered him to commit to the attempt. Pym taught Janet how to use the gas within which he now contained the "Pym Particles," and which he used to shrink himself in size, and through biochemistry, gave her the ability to grow insect-like wings when she used the gas to shrink herself to insect size. It is the first movie of Phase 5, the second phase of The Multiverse Saga.

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