hearthstone brawl decks

Hearthstone brawl decks

Jan 13 - Apr January 13 - April Jan 20 - Mar

The Innkeeper and Bartender Bob never knew what hit them. Come with me if you want to play. They could have called this the On Curve Brawl. Each turn, the Clockwork Dealer will try to deal you a card with a mana cost equal to the turn. It gives players a great deal of control over the most random aspect of any card game: the draw.

Hearthstone brawl decks

Discuss this Tavern Brawl on our Discord! Pick four cards. A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks. Check out Stonekeep on Twitter! You must be logged in to post a comment. Pretty self-explanatory. Works with any ban. Works best, of course, if Astral remains. Alternatively with Astral Automaton ban you can run False Diciple and copy that at will until you find an OP minion that fits the play and start copying that. People mostly insta ban the pogo, but the real mvp is the coin. I built this deck and won 18 games today. Do they give it after the event? I contacted support… we shall see.

I got pretty consistent wins with this, going within an hour. Tavern Brawl influencer, Ben Hearthstone, posted this weapon Rogue deck that contains many buffs but, curiously, no weapons. Undefeated thus far.


Well, wonder no more my friend. Tavern Brawl. The restriction of only using the basic, common, and rare cards could have made this a great Brawl for newer players, or those with a smaller collection. However, by making the Brawl use the Wild card collection, it puts those players at a disadvantage over players who acquired their basic, common, and rare cards when the various Wild sets were in Standard. In Constructed Brawls, players discover the most powerful lists very quickly. In the case of a repeated Brawl, players will use powerful lists from the last time the Brawl was available. This leads to the Brawl falling into a meta structure like we see on the Ladder. Some of these are from the first time this Brawl debuted in Since this is a Wild Brawl, all the previous decks will work to varying degrees of success.

Hearthstone brawl decks

Because you need to build a deck for this Brawl — and a Wild deck at that — the size of your collection matters. You maintain a measure of control because the spell generated will have the same mana cost as the minion played, but the spell can come from any class, giving you a wide range of outcomes. You want a deck with plenty of minions to generate those free spells, and you want to play minions on curve as often as possible. This means playing a minion on each turn and one with a cost close to your maximum mana to generate the best spells you can.

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I just wish I could get some gold! Doomsayer seems to work the best. Very nice …. The new Death Knight mechanic "Corpse" will only function to your advantage. December 21, at am. Jan 20 - Mar Capcom Cup X. March 23, at am. Your opponent will draw 2 cards from Naturalize and you only 1 from Branching Paths. Shadow Word: Death for everything above 4 attack 3. Pick four cards. December 20, at pm. You want play the card you draw most turns.

Happy Feast of Winter Veil!

Tavern Brawl influencer, Ben Hearthstone, posted this weapon Rogue deck that contains many buffs but, curiously, no weapons. It gives players a great deal of control over the most random aspect of any card game: the draw. Alternatively with Astral Automaton ban you can run False Diciple and copy that at will until you find an OP minion that fits the play and start copying that. People mostly insta ban the pogo, but the real mvp is the coin. Official Description for Battle of the Bans Pick four cards. Stay tuned to Esports. You must be logged in to post a comment. You want play the card you draw most turns. May 13, at am. Works best, of course, if Astral remains. How to play: First way,Spam mirror image put raid leader for attack keep 1 apprentice for free mirror image Alternative way, If raid leader is banned try to spam fireball with antonidas since mirror image is a spell and you can reduce mana cost with apperentice Worst way, never happened to me mirror image got banned. Shadow Word: Pain for everything less than 4 attack 4.

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