

Providing tools allowing you to research pending legislation, stay informed with email alerts, content feeds, hb142, and share dynamic reports.

House Bill Actions Amendments. Actions Top Amendments. Proposed Amendments Top Actions. Current Introduced. Local Mandate. Hart , S.



Marvin Lim [D].


A fact sheet on the repeal of House Bill 2 is available here. In a statement Friday, the league said its Council of Presidents has voted to again consider North Carolina sites to host events. Red Hat remains committed to greater diversity and inclusion to strengthen the fabric of our company, community, and state. We appreciate the bipartisan efforts to reach a compromise on this issue and are dedicated to continued progress for our teammates, patients, communities and region. We support this bipartisan measure to repeal HB2 and create the conditions for continued dialogue and progress. North Carolina is stronger today because the two parties worked together. We appreciate the bipartisan efforts to reach a compromise on this issue and hope dialogue continues. This compromise is far from perfect. We continue to urge the governor and members of the legislature to find common ground that ensures equal protection under the law for every member of our community.


CARY, N. The year-old said she's been forced to quit jobs and has lost opportunities because of her gender identity. Her encounters in women's restrooms have been just as worse. I just want to be treated the way everyone else is treated and have the same rights. Dunn hopes that respect will come with the formal end to parts of House Bill on December 1. HB was a compromise bill to 's controversial, and now repealed, House Bill 2. HB 2 prevented cities and towns from adopting widespread non-discrimination protections and forced trans people to use bathrooms and locker rooms according to their gender assigned at birth. That part was repealed as part of the compromise bill.

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A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Chapter 8 of Title 20 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to campus policemen, so as to provide for the establishment of unified campus police forces through agreements entered into by colleges and universities; to provide for definitions; to provide for arrest powers; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes. Clint Crowe [R]. Create a new section of KRS Children and Minors - Kentucky Department of Education, nicotine products, prevention and cessation Education, Elementary and Secondary - Local boards of education, nicotine products, possession, penalties State Agencies - Kentucky Department of Education, website, nicotine products, prevention and cessation. Baker , J. J Collins [R]. Lawrence , S. Bill Number: Find an exact bill number. Education, Elementary and Secondary - Local boards of education, tobacco and other nicotine products, possession, penalties State Agencies - Kentucky Department of Education, nicotine products, annual report, requirements Tobacco - Local boards of education, tobacco and other nicotine products, possession, penalties Children and Minors - Local boards of education, tobacco and other nicotine products, possession, penalties Reports Mandated - Kentucky Department of Education, nicotine products, annual report, requirements Vaping - Local boards of education, tobacco and other nicotine products, possession, penalties. Local Mandate. Elliott , J.


House Committee Substitute 1. Local Mandate. View Top 50 National. Mack Jackson [D] Rep. Hodgson , K. Mesha Mainor [D] Rep. Education, Elementary and Secondary - Local boards of education, tobacco and other nicotine products, possession, penalties State Agencies - Kentucky Department of Education, nicotine products, annual report, requirements Tobacco - Local boards of education, tobacco and other nicotine products, possession, penalties Children and Minors - Local boards of education, tobacco and other nicotine products, possession, penalties Reports Mandated - Kentucky Department of Education, nicotine products, annual report, requirements Vaping - Local boards of education, tobacco and other nicotine products, possession, penalties. Providing tools allowing you to research pending legislation, stay informed with email alerts, content feeds, and share dynamic reports. Vote History. NJ S Establishes license allowing supermarkets to sell certain alcoholic beverages

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