Half timbered cottage walls
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Half timbered cottage walls
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Timber framing Holzfachwerk and "post-and-beam" construction are traditional methods of building with heavy timbers , creating structures using squared-off and carefully fitted and joined timbers with joints secured by large wooden pegs. If the structural frame of load-bearing timber is left exposed on the exterior of the building it may be referred to as half-timbered , and in many cases the infill between timbers will be used for decorative effect. The country most known for this kind of architecture is Germany, where timber-framed houses are spread all over the country. The method comes from working directly from logs and trees rather than pre-cut dimensional lumber. Hewing this with broadaxes , adzes , and draw knives and using hand-powered braces and augers brace and bit and other woodworking tools, artisans or framers could gradually assemble a building. Since this building method has been used for thousands of years in many parts of the world, many styles of historic framing have developed.
Half timbered cottage walls
Half-timbering is a way of constructing wood frame structures with the structural timbers exposed. This medieval method of construction is called timber framing. A half-timbered building wears its wood frame on its sleeve, so to speak. The wooden wall framing — studs, cross beams, and braces — are exposed to the outside, and the spaces between the wooden timbers are filled with plaster, brick, or stone. Originally a common type of building method in the 16th century, half-timbering has become decorative and non-structural in designs for today's homes. A good example of a true half-timbered structure from the 16th century is the Tudor-era manor house known as Little Moreton Hall c.
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In the middle ages, English cottages were one-room houses for agricultural laborers known as cotters. Cotters constructed these small dwellings from local materials and designed them to fit into the landscape.
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