hacker news books

Hacker news books

Hi, welcome to the brand new website, HN Reads. I enjoy reading Hacker News and I hacker news books buying books and readingand I also love data, so what better than doing some processing of data about books to find some interesting results?!

Mine would be The Utopians trilogy[1], I recommend it to anyone looking for a good sci-fi read. Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents I'm a person that struggles with boundary-setting and have spent numerous years in relationships that have left me as less-than I was before. Imagine people-pleasing to an absolute fault, and being more of a chameleon that adapts to avoid conflicts. This has led to problems of identity, and deriving my sense of worth through others which isn't healthy. Fortunately, I do not have the same problems professionally and part of my people-pleasing skills have been put to good use there.

Hacker news books

Hacker News is a forum spawned from the Y Combinator startup incubator. Hacker News book threads happen every couple weeks, with commenters adding their favorite books in response to questions like:. In DDIA, you will learn about highly technical details like database internals, the intricacies of system clocks, and data replication. See top ideas from Designing Data-Intensive Applications. The E-Myth Revisited particularly popular with the developer turned consultant crowd on Hacker News, those developers looking to start and grow their own company. If you want to learn about startup growth, check out High Growth Handbook. See top ideas from The E-Myth Revisited. The Staff Engineer book by Will Larson sets expectations around technical leadership. As an engineering leader, I also found this book instructive for developing technical strategies. How do you improve legacy code?

Both are good casual reads. A lot of the criticisms seem highly dubious e.

To vote on existing books from the list, beside each book there is a link vote for this book clicking it will add that book to your votes. To vote on books not in the list or books you couldn't find in the list, you can click on the tab add books to this list and then choose from your books, or simply search. Discover new books on Goodreads. Sign in with Facebook Sign in options. Join Goodreads. Collection of books that the Hacker News community seems to like and share regularly flag. Daniel Kahneman.

Hi all, creator here : I launched Shepherd. Then I crunched that data and broke it by genre, age range, and when it was published. Thanks, Ben P. Semaphor 3 months ago next [—]. The idea is cool, but I have some suggestions. I just ran out of time to do that this year this is the first year I've done this. I will also rethink what data I show for as I want to better show which authors picked which books visually. Get a better source for the book data: I wish there were a better source; book data is a nightmare. There is only one source of book data and that is the publishers through a format called ONIX. The publishers have no idea what they are doing, and so they stuff the book's "description" full of marketing crap as well as abuse the BISAC-defined genres :.

Hacker news books

To vote on existing books from the list, beside each book there is a link vote for this book clicking it will add that book to your votes. To vote on books not in the list or books you couldn't find in the list, you can click on the tab add books to this list and then choose from your books, or simply search. Discover new books on Goodreads. Sign in with Facebook Sign in options. Join Goodreads. Collection of books that the Hacker News community seems to like and share regularly flag. Daniel Kahneman.

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Then there's the Einstein quote: The only real valuable thing is intuition. Read " Thinking, Fast and Slow " where he talks about estimating the time to create a new textbook. Thinking Fast and Slow is a great book that covers at length recency bias and its affects [1]. Same applies to audiophile equipment, collectible postal stamps, etc. Edit, honestly I've read other give you alcohol books and they don't even come close. Start with a known past project that is in some way similar in magnitude and adjust from there. I can see how it'd go down well with the rabid "I am the centre of the universe and all shall yield" types that seem to fall out of the American academic system into servitude friendly startups that are promoted on here like they are a good thing. Book 1 felt different than the other two, yeah. Read 32 comments. SubGenius 7 months ago root parent next [—]. What do you guys think about that? It has some good advice on diet and macronutrients, especially on the less efficient metabolism of protein, that could make a significant difference in one's approach to weight loss dieting, but it is not a guide to dieting practice. Love between fictional characters? This culture in tech is exactly why mental health issues in the industry are so prevalent. Psmith Journalists the nearest Wodehouse ever got to literature with a social point to make, definitely worth the read.

Now that the decade is coming to a close, what where the most personally influential books you read?

I strongly recommend anyone who has progressed beyond their angsty sophomore year of college to give it a pass; just go read Anthem to get a feel for Rand's poorly justified bullshit and to observe a nice example of 'literature' that can do no better than straw man antagonists and save yourself several hundred pages of reading. Many Hacker News readers, especially engineers joining a new company with existing codebases, need help understanding and refactoring and this book is here to help. Yet it was decided it was best to give us all a vote. Start with why is good to understand how marketing and branding works, and how to do it better. We are at the end of Two towers and thanks to forcing those books onto my children lets face it - they are quite slow and "boring" in comparison to normal children books I have found new appreciation for stories contained in them. We can look for historical, or pre-historical evidence, but we can also observe the few remaining migratory hunter-gather bands remaining in the Amazon and such that have not been killed off by mining companies. High Output Management. It doesn't necessarily say all what I said above, some of that comes from psychiatry. I read Solaris after watching the movie and I loved it. This works even on cloudy days increase the time outside to more like 30 mins , and it does seem to help.

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