greg evans comic

Greg evans comic

Greg Evans born November 13, [1] is an American cartoonist and the creator of the syndicated comic strip Luann.

Luann is a syndicated newspaper comic strip written and drawn by Greg Evans and launched by North America Syndicate on March 17, In , Greg Evans' daughter Karen Evans began co-authoring the strip. Luann takes place in an unnamed suburban setting, and primarily focuses on young adult Luann DeGroot dealing with school, her love interests, family, and friends. Some storylines center on other characters, including her older brother Brad. Tiffany took advantage of his kindness by using him to steal Gunther's test paper.

Greg evans comic


Contents move to sidebar hide. Greg Evans —present Karen Evans —present.


Imagine being a teenager for 25 years -- Luann, the title character of cartoonist Greg Evans' nationally-syndicated comic. Launched in , "Luann" has remained high on comic strip readers' lists, consistently ranking in the top. Now "Luann" appears in more than newspapers daily, including the Chicago. Sun-Times and San Francisco Chronicle. Evans' funny, yet honest, look at adolescence has also been compiled into several. Possibly his greatest recognition, though, comes from the many teenage fans who can find humor in his work, even in. Subscribe Subscribe Your email is safe with us. Privacy Policy.

Greg evans comic

Luann is a syndicated newspaper comic strip written and drawn by Greg Evans and launched by North America Syndicate on March 17, In , Greg Evans' daughter Karen Evans began co-authoring the strip. Luann takes place in an unnamed suburban setting, and primarily focuses on young adult Luann DeGroot dealing with school, her love interests, family, and friends.

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Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. Hidden categories: Articles with short description Short description matches Wikidata Use mdy dates from August Articles that may be too long from April Articles that need to differentiate between fact and fiction from April All articles that need to differentiate between fact and fiction Articles with multiple maintenance issues All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from August Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia. Colorado Springs, Colorado. January 1, , Universal Uclick. Read Edit View history. Download as PDF Printable version. June 11, , Universal Uclick. Andrews McMeel Publishing. Greg Evans born November 13, [1] is an American cartoonist and the creator of the syndicated comic strip Luann. This section describes a work or element of fiction in a primarily in-universe style.

Greg Evans born November 13, [1] is an American cartoonist and the creator of the syndicated comic strip Luann. In Years of American Newspaper Comics , Dennis Wepman wrote that Evans "taught junior and senior high school art in his native California, worked as promotion manager and graphic artist for a TV station in Colorado, and entertained with a robot at trade shows and fairs before he sold Luann to News America Syndicate in

The Washington Post. The Gazette. September 3, , Universal Uclick. Tools Tools. Hidden categories: Articles with short description Short description matches Wikidata Use mdy dates from August Articles that may be too long from April Articles that need to differentiate between fact and fiction from April All articles that need to differentiate between fact and fiction Articles with multiple maintenance issues All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from August Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia. Greg Evans born November 13, [1] is an American cartoonist and the creator of the syndicated comic strip Luann. Article Talk. Greg Evans. April Toggle limited content width.

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