god of war 4 ps3 oynanırmı

God of war 4 ps3 oynanırmı

Daha Fazla. Konudaki Resimler. Daha Fazla Bilgi.

Ace Combat Assault Horizon — 6. Aliens vs Predator — 6. Alone In The Dark — 5. Angry Birds Trilogy — 1. Batman Arkham City — 7. Batman Arkham Origins —

God of war 4 ps3 oynanırmı


A classic roars into the modern age.


Born during the PS2 era, God of War made a name for itself with excellent action gameplay, an intriguing tale of divine revenge, and a memorable lead in the Spartan demigod Kratos. Sony has released 10 God of War games in the series — six on home consoles, two on portable consoles, one on mobile, and one text-adventure on Facebook Messenger. There are several God of War stories told through novels and comics as well, though this list only includes games. Although technically the first game in the series chronologically was God of War: Ascension, realistically you'll probably want to start with God of War It's a great starting point for anyone just getting into the series.

God of war 4 ps3 oynanırmı

Starting with the release of God of War in on PlayStation 2, Santa Monica Studio has created seven games across multiple platforms up to the most recent release in Together, father and son must put everything on the line as they journey to each of the Nine Realms. A host of new abilities for him and Atreus also await, leaving room for fluid, expressive and customizable combat in this epic and unflinching tale. All the while, Asgardian forces assemble…. From the marble and columns of ornate Olympus to the gritty forests, mountains and caves of Pre-Viking Norse lore, this is a distinctly new realm with its own pantheon of creatures, monsters and gods.

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Borderlands 2 — 5. God Of War Collection — Formula One Championship Edition — The Last of Us — Bildirim X. Crysis 3 — 8. Smackdown — 12 GB. Little Big Planet Karting — 6. Metro Last Light — 6. Dead to Rights Retribution — 6.

The game was released for the PlayStation 4 in April , with a Windows port released in January Unlike previous games, which were loosely based on Greek mythology , this installment is loosely inspired by Norse mythology , with the majority of it set in ancient Scandinavia in the realm of Midgard. For the first time in the series, there are two protagonists: Kratos , the former Greek God of War who remains the only playable character , and his young son, Atreus.

Batman Arkham City — 7. Blacksite Area 51 — 7. Tomb Raider — 6. Battlefield Hardline — Call of Duty Black Ops — Crysis 2 — 7. Smackdown — 12 GB. Red Faction Armageddon —. Dragon Age Inquisition — Leap into the action with all-new fighters and return to a beloved entry in the annals of MMA gaming - now refreshed for a new era. Call of Juarez The Cartel — 5. Pro Evolution Soccer — 8. Sniper Elite V2 — 3.

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