Gnome sequencer 2
Go to Page View First Unread. Hello and thank you ahead of time, I am having some frustrating difficulties with Gnome Sequencer. I have followed the step by step directions.
I was wondering if addons like GSE - gnome sequencer are allowed for all players to use, this addon is available on curseforge. I just wanted to how blizzard feels about these addons? You will never have a Blue give a hard yes or no to any add-on. They are all use at your own risk. From the sound of it though, it does seem like one that will get you flagged hard and fast. Is anyone else tired of hearing this, be it as an excuse or anything else? You will not get one.
Gnome sequencer 2
This is a small addon that allows you create a sequence of macros to be executed at the push of a button. This means if a spell is on cooldown and you push the button it will continue to the next item in the list with each press until it reaches the end and starts over. BubbleHearth and drag it onto your action bar, the addon will do the rest. This is pretty neat. I was actually thinking recently of how you would do exactly this in lua… At any rate here is some prot pally sequences that will make you a boss:. My Fury Gnome Sequencer. I agree with the 50ms comment Xodia. There is a lot of gaming mice or keyboards that come with macro software that let you program repeatable key presses or you could use something like AutoHotKey to do a quick script that will keep pressing a button every 50ms something like this:. Can someone post an example of what their sequences. Dont forget to rename the file from DemoSequences. I have a hand tremor nerve damage that makes accurate typing difficult if it needs to be done quickly. Castsequence 0,0,0, macros were one way that I could still play and enjoy Warcraft despite my situation. When Blizzard removed them I thought my days playing the game were over. Annoying, as I have just paid six months subs! Although this addon has no UI etc.
General advice is non GCD stuff here. Discalimer : 1- Addons are helpers you should not completely rely on them, 2- use at your own risk, i am not responsible for any, you use at your gnome sequencer 2 responsibility. When you trade that item will show on drop down list on trade window.
Last Jump to page:. April 20, Choose a unique name before you save, otherwise just add something meaningful to the name. Does not check for Enchanting, only gold and items and item quantities. When you trade that item will show on drop down list on trade window.
Is there an optimal speed for mashing my GS macros or would it be largely dependent on the macro itself? If you automate using AHK of a hardware tool like for Logitech keyboards or Razer, then the speed is between 30 and 60 ms. Anything less than 30 ms and you run the risk of DCing. Anything more than 60 ms and you start to lose the flow of the rotation. In reality ms is the sweet spot and it takes tweaking the setting to get it right. For example, I use 40 MS exactly. While 38 will work, it tends to skip too much. It really depends on what you are using to key spam with. It needs to be set in that application.
Gnome sequencer 2
GSE allows you create a sequence of macros to be executed at the push of a button. However, unlike castsequence, it uses macro text for the commands instead of spells, and it advances every time the button is pushed instead of stopping when it can't cast something. This means if a spell is on cooldown and you push the button it will continue to the next item in the list with each press until it reaches the end and starts over. It comes with an editor and everything you need to get started. The video below has a summary of the UI changes. And more You have just downloaded by the author. If you like this AddOn why not consider supporting the author? This author has set up a donation account.
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Send a private message to semlar. When I sim my blood dk on raidbots Melee So the thing I was doing to make sure it was working going slow was what was making it not work lmbo, sounds about right. I am very new to GS and macros in WoW in general. A Pyroguard Emberseer. That said: Code:. Comment Options. Further Edit: A change to line 68 in core. From one old man to another, if you have AHK Auto Hot Key or have a keyboard like a Razer they have an application that does the same thing but a bit easier to use Razer Synapse. Modify line 68 of core. So for some classes where you have simple rotations that are easy to use over and over it makes sense to put more into the GSE2 macro, and other classes you are going to have very limited utility to GSE2. I can't seem to get it to work. He is not having any problems at all. Linear Mode. What this would do is acquire a target, start your auto attack, send your pet to attack it, then depending on spec toss out those abilities in order, then load it up with unstable affliction and either drain soul or shadowbolt as your mash depending on talents.
Last Jump to page:. April 20, Choose a unique name before you save, otherwise just add something meaningful to the name.
So whenever i use a macro it only uses the first string of the macro. Originally Posted by Gummed. Dual-Boxing Community www. Send a private message to Dalvand. Helsephine-nagrand June 20, , pm So something like. April 22, Addon Info. Note that deathbolt does more damage if all your dots are up, so I would make a dot macro. My buddy and I just got back into the game, we stopped playing in Please shed some light. Email this Page. I'll also need to check other characters to see if step 1 needs to be done on every character.
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