Gente de la tia juana

After all they don't get involved in the crap when the bullets are flying, smells like friendly fire is taking care of the mexican governmet melitary farces, making them gente de la tia juana stupid or impotent, gente de la tia juana, to further "General Zaius" goals of sending bad hombres to mexico, "AND TAKE THE OIL". Time has proven that the type of narcos that gangbangers and fans of publicity loving thugs say they "have b&q garden compost have a career span of months and years at best. This guys are trained militarys they even taking out marines sinaloas are some real sicarios no wonder mencho is scared to take over sinaloa he will be sent back to Michiaocan in a body bag. Good evening Officer one day it only takes time right.

I dont post Corridos to glorify narcos or to promote the music, I post them because I believe that through corridos we can get an idea of the type or person, or their background, even though I know that some of them exaggerate the stories. Wachito keep up the awesome work saludos Carnal en armas, De un soldado a otro. Sorry but whatever bro. When you post a corrido you are promoting that crap. Can you upload some Tropa Chicana or Banda Machos so the michoacanos can dance while they type? Lol, jk. These corridos are trash.

Gente de la tia juana

Originalmente, varios comercios y cantinas ocuparon las primeras vialidades que eran cercanas al camino que llevaba hacia el pueblo de San Diego. En junio las fuerzas federales de Francisco I. Bowman, y James N. Los principales clientes de los juegos azar eran los artistas de la Colonia de Hollywood. A partir de las confusas circunstancias de este hecho y el posterior fusilamiento del soldado, nace la leyenda urbana de Juan Soldado. En , Baja California se convierte de territorio a estado libre y soberano. El 1 de mayo de , inicia sus funciones el primer ayuntamiento de la ciudad de Tijuana. Dichos concejos fueron encabezados por priistas. El 16 de noviembre finalmente llegaron a Tijuana. Contenidos mover a la barra lateral ocultar. Leer Editar Ver historial. Herramientas Herramientas. Archivado desde el original el 10 de junio de Consultado el 15 de noviembre de

This has been going on for generations the folklore of certain events, gente de la tia juana. It creates a murkiness or confusion which often helps cover up the real story. It's long been known that cutting off the head of an organization results in the balkanization of the cartel into many micro trafficking groups.


I dont post Corridos to glorify narcos or to promote the music, I post them because I believe that through corridos we can get an idea of the type or person, or their background, even though I know that some of them exaggerate the stories. Wachito keep up the awesome work saludos Carnal en armas, De un soldado a otro. Sorry but whatever bro. When you post a corrido you are promoting that crap. Can you upload some Tropa Chicana or Banda Machos so the michoacanos can dance while they type? Lol, jk.

Gente de la tia juana

After all they don't get involved in the crap when the bullets are flying, smells like friendly fire is taking care of the mexican governmet melitary farces, making them look stupid or impotent, to further "General Zaius" goals of sending bad hombres to mexico, "AND TAKE THE OIL". Time has proven that the type of narcos that gangbangers and fans of publicity loving thugs say they "have respect" have a career span of months and years at best. This guys are trained militarys they even taking out marines sinaloas are some real sicarios no wonder mencho is scared to take over sinaloa he will be sent back to Michiaocan in a body bag. Good evening Officer one day it only takes time right. It's not ecomically viable to take over another state,it costs to much money and people.

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Think about it snichaloans why would someone in organized crime want to call attention to themselves. Don't matter what part of cali he in its gutta out here this ain't Mexico you'll get knocked off patna. Archivado desde el original el 10 de junio de Lives in South Gate Sinaloa is already ahead! Alliances and backing for a ghost to reign in. Lil punk needs to get delt with. But maybe he is. Ha Ha May the force be with him Mostly the older generations of Sinaloas and Michoacanos and anywhere else know about respect and loyalty the new generations are the ones messing everything up. We all know how cjng likes to kill innocent people and say they're cleaning up. That's why Mexico is so fucked up politically. Chapo created all this chaos and now his sons are vulnerable. What are the street prices per gram for drugs in say Sinaloa for coke and how pure is it. I can't see something like that happening in the US, law enforcement here regularly goes after Mafia figures. En tramapalipass puro pinchi gato tambien, todos los pinchis narcos son una bola de pendejos ignorantes, en la etiqueta deberia decir "usese y tirese". Veytia sold out to the highest bidder.


Or were they ambushed or something? Cabellero Mocorito. The tense little crybaby wont live very long. As stated before. CJNG has been in Nayarit for a very long time but they are smart. All cartels have killed innocents I'm sure but I doubt they just go around picking people up and saying they are rivals, the rivals would know that and wouldn't fear them. Even the best special force units in the world have lost men to an inferior adversary because of a decently planned ambush. The Sinaloa cheerleaders think that because they don't hear corridos about Michoacanos they don't exist. He will finish his live sentence much earlier than many. One is Menchito which is locked up and the other boy which he raised Armando Valencias kid lives in Guadalajara and his daughter lives in Jalisco,married to Julio which is in jail also. They always include the original source so you should be able to quote that in any school paper or for that matter, media report. If the US does send Mexico aid hopefully they send armored vehicles with turrets.

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