gay male nifty stories

Gay male nifty stories

Werewolf's Heartsong DizzyIzzyN.

The following list is a collection of Nifty authors who have contributed a significant amount of content to the Nifty archive. Thank you for sharing your stories! Nifty Collections. Collections Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender. Publish a Story. Log in. Featured Authors The following list is a collection of Nifty authors who have contributed a significant amount of content to the Nifty archive.

Gay male nifty stories

Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. Angel's Redemption Hazbin Hotel by Apple :0 4 0 2. My Dearest, Anthony. A story based of two characters from the popular TV show 'Hazbi Are You A Deer? Alastor x Male Hy You are just a regular human. But there was just one problem. It gave you the ability to transform into a beast. After weeks of surviving on yo A story about [your name] being a famous streamer on hell who have more than 2 millions follower. No one ever sa

Griffin, LD 5 stories, 73K words.

I can't remember the title of this story, but it's about a rebellious teenage Australlian or British boy. I'm not very sure, but he spells humor with a "u". Anyway, the boy doesn't like his stepdad but has a crush on his stepdad's friend named Mikhail. The protagonist and Mikhail fall in love with each other, but Mikhail has a family and very much attached to his son Duncan. I'm really sorry, but this is all I got.

By moc. By gro. By em. Nifty Collections. Collections Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender. Publish a Story. Log in. Mar

Gay male nifty stories

By moc. Discover more Gay Encounters stories in the archive on the top right. Nifty Collections.

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Ronald Shearing 1 stories, K words. I don't remember much about it, except that it featured teenaged food shop bag boys in very tight shorts. Scott Turner Scotty. Jim Ford 6 stories, K words. Naughtybard 5 stories, K words. Gymnopedies 5 stories, K words. AmateurishWriter 2 stories, 21K words. Nathan Booth 11 stories, 72K words. Dj Montgomery 5 stories, K words. Lucifer's little sister decides to visit her dear older brother in Hell after so long apart.

By ten.

Outlaw 42 stories, K words. Jaxon Renick 6 stories, 21K words. D One stories, K words. Davy Jones 6 stories, 68K words. I've tried various ways of searching Nifty, but have very little to go on. Fabiano Fabris 12 stories, K words. Ronald Shearing 1 stories, K words. I can't remember the title of this story, but it's about a rebellious teenage Australlian or British boy. James Heady 5 stories, K words. Promised to the Alphas Suzi de beer.

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