

At first, Discord, fluttercord, a mischievous prankster, was bent on turning all of Equestria into his own chaotic playground, but the Mane 6 defeated him with the fluttercord of friendship, turning him back into stone once again.

Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. Princess mi amore cadenza has been experiencing crashing waves Fluttercord Human Discord X Flut Such like, the most shyest girl trapped in love with the most baddest boy We all have our favorite singers and bands.



Where is that dear, fluttercord, sweet Fluttershy? Start a Wiki. However, Tirek fluttercord to Discord's former nature as the master of chaos, and offers to share Equestria when they take it over.


Exceptionnally Fluttercord is going to be a 2 weeks event! Be ready for a massive amount of Fluttercord content soon! Wednesday 19th January No matter the distance, Fluttershy and Discord will always love one another. Sometimes, even when a couple lives together it isn't easy either. Thursday 20th January Both Fluttershy and Discord have a way of finding danger, whether by accident or purpose.


At first, Discord, a mischievous prankster, was bent on turning all of Equestria into his own chaotic playground, but the Mane 6 defeated him with the magic of friendship, turning him back into stone once again. But then, fast forward to, "Keep Calm and Flutter On", when Princess Celestia has come with Discord in statue form to Ponyville, much to the Mane 6 and Spike's shock, and explains that if Discord improved his behavior, his powers would be toned down for good purposes. Princess Celestia is especially trustful in Fluttershy, who thinks her kindness could be effective to set Discord on his heel-face turn and get him to show his true good colors. Then Princess Celestia leaves the Elements of Harmony with the Mane 6 in case things go awry with Discord, they have to turn him back to stone again. Once they all release Discord from his stone prison, he immediately starts to cause disorder to his surroundings, disguising it with casual, "stretching". Then he reveals that he was consciously aware during his imprisonment, and laughs off the idea of being reformed, especially the ponies' faith in Fluttershy, considering that he's impervious to her, "Stare". But Twilight Sparkle makes clear the conditions of Discord's freedom: behave, or it's back into in stone.

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Discord, remorseful of his actions, gives the medallion given to him by Tirek to Twilight as a sign of true friendship. As the chest opens, the six ponies are imbued Rainbow Power. The other guests break into a state of panic, and the princesses can't resolve the situation with their magic. Twilight returns to Ponyville and informs her friends, who are in disbelief of the decision, save Fluttershy. Image at top. Just your presence here is making me feel so much better. She isn't one of those girly gir He asks Discord where she is and Discord points him in the direction of Ponyville. We all have our favorite singers and bands. Suddenly, Discord realizes that he really does value his friendship with Fluttershy too much to lose it, and restores Sweet Apple Acres to its original, harmonious state. Realizing Discord's betrayal, Fluttershy is reduced to tears. Why would you ever think that?

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However, Fluttershy seems to like everything, leaving Rainbow Dash clueless. Tirek then holds up his end of the bargain before absorbing Twilight's alicorn magic. Such like, the most shyest girl trapped in love with the most baddest boy The potion causes them to switch bodies. Sickened Love by horsesrule 19 2. Start a Wiki. However, Twilight once more feels rejected and heads to the Castle of the Two Princesses to keep herself busy, with the rest of her friends tagging along to keep her company. After doing so, he grows to giant size, towering over all of the land, apparently unstoppable. Rarity had always lived the life of luxury and extravagance. Fluttershy, to her friends' dismay, accepts, but then he turns the flood into an ice skating rink.

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