felicidades susy

Felicidades susy

Felicidades Susy 10 K. Being a great teacher is not an easy taskto have a position of influence and power over your students can be overwhelming for some, felicidades susy. You dear Susy have used that influence to guide us all to achieve far more than felicidades susy had could have imaginedyour corrections have come with explanations of how best to form a sentenceand why a certain word should be used. You have always shown the right way using love and understandingnever allowing us to feel that we are silly or wrong.

It's no surprise when a member comes in and is so helpful to fellow SD members. Our votes and our appreciation go hand in hand and you, dear Susy, go out of your way to help us grow in our Spanish knowledge. Your kind ways and thorough explanations are a bonus to SD! Thanks and well-deserved. Woo,hoo, we love to celebrate the accomplishments of our fellow S D 'ers.

Felicidades susy


A phenomenal felicidades susy to the big 10K! You're a poet and I know that you know it.


Siempre me han gustado las escaleras, con su gente que sube arrastrando el aliento, y la que baja como masa informe que cae sordamente. Es bastante arduo el aprendizaje del dolor, gradual y sistematizado como una disciplina o como un oficio. El diario ejercicio del dolor da la mirada del. Las manos y las sienes comenzaron a sudarme. Si hubiera estado en. Llevaba un vestido rojo muy entallado. Acostumbrado como estoy a sufrir injusticias, necedades y. No le di la menor importancia. Lloraba como lloran todos cuando tienen que llorar. Estaban asombrados de que el hombre tuviera tal capacidad para el dolor.

Felicidades susy

Todos tenemos un ser querido con el nombre Susy. Al cual queremos llenar de los mejores detalles y grandes deseos. Imagen de tiernos tigres con mensaje Tu amistad es muy importante para mi Susy.

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How are you? Te mando un abrazo! Bien Hecho! I love the photo. Thanks so much JR, that means a lot to me coming from you! No exception here. Un abrazo, amigo! You have always shown the right way using love and understanding , never allowing us to feel that we are silly or wrong. But my favorite is when she says, perfect! Te mando un abrazo apretado! He is a very funny man. Congratulations go to you and thank you for all that you do! En la foto que publicaste con el mapa, puedo ver mi ciudad natal! Nice post.


Hola amiga Te mando un abrazo, amiga! The photos are lovely also. Thanks mate , the bar is raised because you reach higher mate. Maybe one of these days I'll own a pair of chaps and can go to Texas and ride horses! Thanks Margherite, I know she is loved by all of us. You dear Susy have used that influence to guide us all to achieve far more than we had could have imagined , your corrections have come with explanations of how best to form a sentence , and why a certain word should be used. You have always shown the right way using love and understanding , never allowing us to feel that we are silly or wrong. Hola Alyssa! As I write out a sentence in Spanish I think " is this conjugated correctly should I use a personal pronoun, and will Susy be happy with my attempt ", you lift me up to try harder and be better. For Susy, You work tirelessly every day to help us write what we want to say. What would I do without you? Hola Ian! Te mando un abrazo apretado! Hola Margherite, I like it too..

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