farmasötik biyoteknoloji yüksek lisans

Farmasötik biyoteknoloji yüksek lisans

Having received the title of associate professor inDr. Pelin Mutlu has been working as a faculty member at Ankara University Biotechnology Institute since

Biotechnology has developed from the intersection of many research fields suchas microbiology, molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, immunology and cell biology. It is an exciting field in whichgenetic information is transferred between organisms for thepurpose of elucidating important biological events ordeveloping useful products. Biotechnology has made andcontinues to make significant contributions in the field of plants and the environment, as well as health. Biotechnologyis a dynamic field that changes and develops rapidly. As advanced technological developments increase, the impact of biotechnology increases. The importance and impact of biotechnology is felt worldwide in many other fields, particularly medicine, pharmacy, agriculture and theenvironment. Considering the ever-increasing strategic importance of Biotechnology and Biology in the world and the developmentsin this field, scientific competence is required in order todevelop these sectors in our country and to achieve a sustainable and effective structure.

Farmasötik biyoteknoloji yüksek lisans


Investigation of drug resistance mechanisms in farmasötik biyoteknoloji yüksek lisans types of cancer cell lines and their reversal by molecular methods. Prokaryote Molecular Biology and Synthetic Biology. Biotechnology is expressed as a complex and broad branch of science that aims to beautify our lives and our environment byusing living organisms or their products for industrialpurposes and covers various special fields.


Division of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology was established as part of Department of Biopharmaceutics on the 25th of December, Vision of our Division is to educate pharmacy students as internationally well-known, highly respected and preferred pharmacy professionals, scientists and experts who can lead communities with a broad perspective in this rapidly changing world. As academic personnel, 1 professor, 2 assistant professors, 1 instructor, and 1 teaching assistant work in Division of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. Research and teaching facilities of the division are composed of a cell culture lab, a protein analysis and formulation lab, a gene therapy lab as well as common research lab. Map Campus Drawing Accessibility Maps. Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. Publications in International Scientific Journals last two years. Getting Information. Strategic Planning.

Farmasötik biyoteknoloji yüksek lisans


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It is an exciting field in whichgenetic information is transferred between organisms for thepurpose of elucidating important biological events ordeveloping useful products. Thanks to the developments in molecular biology and biotechnology, the understanding of the molecular mechanisms of cancer disease and drug resistance allows the development of effective diagnosis and treatment strategies. The most appropriate wayto achieve this is to bring together the scientific knowledgeand experiences of scientists from different disciplines of life sciences and to train young researchers who can benefit fromthis common energy. Investigation and comparison of the therapeutic effects of Palbociclib-loaded magnetic nanoparticles on 2D, 3D and ex-vivo breast cancer models. Real time detection and quantification methods using real time PCR technique in genetically modified Bt11 corn and Roundup Ready soybean products. Biotechnologyis a dynamic field that changes and develops rapidly. In recent years, studies on the transport of conventional and biotechnological drugs with targeted, controlled release systems have gained importance instead of traditional chemotherapy methods used in cancer treatment. The importance and impact of biotechnology is felt worldwide in many other fields, particularly medicine, pharmacy, agriculture and theenvironment. Drug resistance in cancer is one of the most important problems that negatively affect the effectiveness and success of treatment. Ankara University Biotechnology Institude


Essential Technics in Molecular Biology. Thanks to the developments in molecular biology and biotechnology, the understanding of the molecular mechanisms of cancer disease and drug resistance allows the development of effective diagnosis and treatment strategies. Biotechnology has developed from the intersection of many research fields suchas microbiology, molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, immunology and cell biology. Considering the ever-increasing strategic importance of Biotechnology and Biology in the world and the developmentsin this field, scientific competence is required in order todevelop these sectors in our country and to achieve a sustainable and effective structure. Real time detection and quantification methods using real time PCR technique in genetically modified Bt11 corn and Roundup Ready soybean products. Investigation and comparison of the therapeutic effects of Palbociclib-loaded magnetic nanoparticles on 2D, 3D and ex-vivo breast cancer models. It is an exciting field in whichgenetic information is transferred between organisms for thepurpose of elucidating important biological events ordeveloping useful products. As advanced technological developments increase, the impact of biotechnology increases. In recent years, studies on the transport of conventional and biotechnological drugs with targeted, controlled release systems have gained importance instead of traditional chemotherapy methods used in cancer treatment. The importance and impact of biotechnology is felt worldwide in many other fields, particularly medicine, pharmacy, agriculture and theenvironment.

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