fallout vegas companions

Fallout vegas companions

Fallout: New Vegas ' post-apocalyptic Mojave Desert is a dangerous place to explore, although players don't have to brave it alone. There are many permanent companions fallout vegas companions players can recruit for help around the base game of Fallout: New Vegas and players would be wise to seek their help.

All eight permanent companions in Fallout: New Vegas. It is possible to have up to two legitimately acquired companions in the party one humanoid and one non-humanoid. All permanent companions have a unique quest line that can be followed in order to "upgrade" them, usually giving them new armor or new perks. These companions are only available while playing the Dead Money add-on , they are only temporary and will not follow the Courier around as standard companions do:. These companions are only available while playing the Honest Hearts add-on , they are only temporary and will not follow the Courier around as standard companions do:.

Fallout vegas companions

After being burned on Fallout 76 , fans of the franchise are cautiously optimistic after hearing of the Amazon Prime series. In addition, The Outer Worlds 2 is also slated to release quite soon, and many hope it fixes its predecessor's problems. In the meantime, people always have the option of hopping back into the Mojave. Fallout: New Vegas is by and large considered the best-written game out of the Bethesda era of Fallout. This is in large part thanks to many Fallout 2 devs and writers working on the project. In particular, the companions are given a lot more love, even getting their own personal questlines. Who are the best of the bunch? Lily Marie Bowen is one of the most fascinating Super Mutants that players will meet in their adventures. A grandmother who was exposed to FEV switches from kind old grandma to raging berserker at the drop of a summer hat. Beneath the admittedly comical image of a muscled-up Nightkin talking like a sweet old lady, there is tragedy underneath it all. Lily Marie Bowen lives with a split personality named Leo. In mortal danger, Leo takes over and attacks everything in his way. The player has the choice to help them curb these frenzies or let them take over her. Unfortunately, this questline is unmarked and doesn't offer much in terms of backstory, and it makes Lily a rather mediocre companion story-wise. Rex is the King's personal pet, and one the player is tasked with getting healed.

In fact, the same can be said about every companion in the Mojave, though ED-E being pure machine certainly sets him apart from other allies, fallout vegas companions. Installing the patch again will not allow you to send your followers to the Lucky

All eight permanent companions in Fallout: New Vegas. These followers accompany the player only in specific areas or for a limited duration of time. They are listed alphabetically:. The Honest Hearts DLC introduces three companions who will accompany the player during the storyline, one per act. This special attribute reflects the player's influence on their followers.

There are a total of eight of these in the base game, and each of them has unique affiliations and quests that the players can choose to undertake. After leaving the starting town of Goodsprings for the first time and making their way south, players will come across the town of Primm. One of the houses in this town is called the Nash residence, and inside, you can find a broken-down robot sprawled out over a counter. This is ED-E, but it first must be fixed before it can join you on your journey. There are three ways to do this. Once fixed, ED-E can always be found inside the Nash residence. It is the first of the only two non-humanoid companions in Fallout New Vegas. No quest will draw players to this location, but the entrance of the base is marked by two giant statues shaking hands. This is known as the Unification Monument. Rose of Sharon Cassidy, or Cass for short, can be found in the barracks here.

Fallout vegas companions

After being burned on Fallout 76 , fans of the franchise are cautiously optimistic after hearing of the Amazon Prime series. In addition, The Outer Worlds 2 is also slated to release quite soon, and many hope it fixes its predecessor's problems. In the meantime, people always have the option of hopping back into the Mojave. Fallout: New Vegas is by and large considered the best-written game out of the Bethesda era of Fallout. This is in large part thanks to many Fallout 2 devs and writers working on the project. In particular, the companions are given a lot more love, even getting their own personal questlines. Who are the best of the bunch? Lily Marie Bowen is one of the most fascinating Super Mutants that players will meet in their adventures. A grandmother who was exposed to FEV switches from kind old grandma to raging berserker at the drop of a summer hat.

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Fallout games. Because Nerve only affects DT and damage, companion quests that bestow other bonuses upon completion such as movement speed are potentially less effective for those with high Charisma. She will be significantly more difficult to kill since she is protected by guards. With some good armor and this boost you can reduce enemies with pistols or sub-machine guns to simply waste ammo. Lily: Lily falls into the same trappings as Veronica for having a melee-focused build in Fallout: New Vegas and also because their perks can be easily replicated. Complete her side quest in as non-violent a way as possible to grant her this perk. This is an interesting but ultimately not that compelling of an ability. Cass will tell you to go to the Cassidy Caravans Wreckage, which will trigger a few more travel plans that eventually uncover a conspiracy between The Silver Rush and Crimson Caravan. Yet another way is to tell the companion to wait, which appears to replenish the companion's health and remove the poisoning. The Vault - Fallout Wiki Explore. Unlike most of the other companions, Cass is very opinionated. For example you could make a veritable firing squad by having Ed-E and a ranged attacker complimenting your own ranged attacks,or you could have Rex and Lily along to act as distractions while you snipe enemies from a distance. They can also wear all types of armor and power armor that is not related to a faction, even without having the Power Armor Training perk. This can result in negative HP which cannot be cured with more stimpaks, and they will die as soon as you exit the companion wheel.

Fallout: New Vegas holds a unique status within the Fallout franchise, mixing the more advanced technology and combative aspects of the newer Fallout 3 and 4, with the more story-focused and RPG elements of the original two Fallout games.

Not to mention, he is one of the strongest companions from a gameplay perspective. Overall, ED-E's reliability, versatility, and a plethora of perks make them a fantastic, if mostly unintelligible, companion. Convince The King to part ways with his companion. This former caravan owner has quite a bone to pick with both the NCR and the Legion. The reason for this working is simply because, in casual mode, companions are set as essential and cannot die. As soon as you accept the Guess Who I Saw Today quest, you will be able to recruit Lily but she will soon leave to be part of Doctor Henry's experiment. There's nothing particularly bad about Rex, although other companions are generally far more useful and powerful. Her unorthodox interest in new things and friendliness to outsiders is looked down on in the Brotherhood of Steel. This page lists all companions in Fallout: New Vegas. Cass will tell you to go to the Cassidy Caravans Wreckage, which will trigger a few more travel plans that eventually uncover a conspiracy between The Silver Rush and Crimson Caravan. For companions in other Fallout games, please see " Companion ". Categories : Fallout: New Vegas companions. Companions will refuse to wear or even carry faction-specific apparel, except apparel corresponding to their own faction. It is possible to have up to two legitimately acquired companions in the party one humanoid and one non-humanoid.

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