ed speleers star trek

Ed speleers star trek

September 9, By: TrekMovie. It includes several exclusive interviews including two regarding the final season of Star Trek: Picard. In one, Ed Speleers talks about that post-credit scene as well as the potential spinoff series, which showrunner Terry Matalas imagines as Star Trek: Legacy.

Published May 2, The Star Trek: Picard actor walks us through all the big beats from the final season! Welcome to Warp Five, StarTrek. With the third and final season of Star Trek: Picard all out for the world to enjoy, all the mysteries of who, and what, is Jack Crusher has been laid bare. The course of his life changed dramatically once he boarded the U.

Ed speleers star trek

Star Trek: Picard Season 3 officially brought the series to a close with an emotional and incredibly satisfying finale. In their final scene together for now Seven dubs Jack the "special counselor to the captain," giving him what I've lovingly been referring to as the "Troi chair. The final two episodes of Picard finally revealed why Jack and Seven had such an instant connection when they first met—aided of course by the easy, familial chemistry between Ryan and Speleers. Being Picard's son made Jack a sort of human-borg hybrid , embedding a link to the collective Seven was once a part of in his very DNA. Seeing the two of them take to their own bridge after that found-family scene they shared in Episode 6 feels like a full circle moment. Speleers recently sat down with Collider's own Maggie Lovitt to discuss Jack's journey in Season 3, and they of course had to revisit this particular relationship. During their discussion, Speleers spoke about the "unearthed understanding" between Jack and Seven. He continued, saying:. Or is it because it's the actual Borg likeness in them? And that's the thing, I think, that would be interesting to explore later on.

You look at the team of writers they had on board, and they nail it in terms of moments of levity, then driving back into humor, then driving back into serious tension. September 12, am.

By Adam B. Senior Entertainment Writer. Suddenly, Picard is confronted with a grown child he never knew existed, from a relationship with Dr. Jack Crusher could be a pivotal role for Speleers, as well. After going to Trek University, how much did you appreciate what it would mean for fans to learn that Jean-Luc Picard had a son?

Nick is an entertainment journalist based in New York, NY. If you like pugs and the occasional blurry photo of an action figure, follow him on Twitter NickARomano. Warning: Spoilers from Star Trek: Picard 's series finale are discussed in this article. There might be another Star Trek series coming our way — or at the very least, another home for Ed Speleers ' Jack Crusher. He wouldn't tell us exactly what, of course, but the producer — who has guided the Patrick Stewart -led spin-off to break into the Nielsen Top 10 ratings for the first time with season 3 — confirms his story isn't over. After Jean-Luc Picard Stewart and Beverly Crusher Gates McFadden save their son from the Borg Queen with help from their longtime comrades, the finale episode jumps forward a year to see where these characters ended up. Among the reveals is the U. Titan, which has been rechristened as the Enterprise-G in recognition of Picard and his crew's efforts. Jack is now Ensign Jack Crusher, as he was placed on an accelerated track by Starfleet.

Ed speleers star trek

Published Jan 29, Their roles were revealed in the official trailer! The final season of Star Trek: Picard premieres on Thursday, February 16, with new episodes of the episode-long season available to stream weekly on Thursdays. Additionally, the trailer revealed two new Season 3 cast members. In the epic, thrilling conclusion of Star Trek: Picard , a desperate message from a long-lost friend draws Starfleet legend Admiral Jean-Luc Picard into the most daring mission of his life, forcing him to recruit allies spanning generations old and new. This final adventure sets him on a collision course with the legacy of his past and explosive, new revelations that will alter the fate of the Federation forever. Star Trek: Picard features Patrick Stewart reprising his iconic role as Jean-Luc Picard, which he played for seven seasons on Star Trek: The Next Generation , and follows this iconic character into the next chapter of his life. Terry Matalas serves as showrunner for Season 3. Seasons 1 and 2 of Star Trek: Picard are currently available to watch now.

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Here you go! Read Edit View history. I felt that there was a chance to make him his own. Unholy Night Pre-production. Archived from the original on 13 October He is so gracious. Retrieved 1 October It always creeps in whenever you work with an actor on such a scale, and when they have legacy like Patrick and Gates have. He also appeared as Jack Crusher, a main character and a secret son of the protagonist, in the final season of Star Trek: Picard. In one, Ed Speleers talks about that post-credit scene as well as the potential spinoff series, which showrunner Terry Matalas imagines as Star Trek: Legacy.

Published Apr 25, Now, that Star Trek: Picard has concluded its third and final season, we've uncovered the all the mysteries surrounding Jack Crusher , including his parentage he's Jean-Luc Picard's son , why the Changelings are hunting him he's essential to their planned attack on Frontier Day , what's behind the red door he keeps seeing in his visions the Borg!

The House That Jack Built. I also agree. I think he is, but he still has this underpinned characteristic that I think he shares with Picard — to always be fearless, and do the best you possibly can for the benefit of others. Edward John Speleers born 7 April [1] is an English actor and producer. By Adam B. It was his own guilt and embarrassment of inadequacies and time as Locutus that clouded him for seeing his son for who he was. I agree percent. I love that scene so much. Archived from the original on 12 August After going to Trek University, how much did you appreciate what it would mean for fans to learn that Jean-Luc Picard had a son? Did you know Edit.

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