dumbledores full name

Dumbledores full name

Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts, was always a bit of an enigma in the "Harry Potter" series.

As such, spoilers will be present within the article. First Class , Grand Sorc. A Muggle -supporting wizard, though the complete opposite in his earlier years, he was considered to have been the greatest wizard of modern times. His father died in Azkaban when Albus was young, while his mother and sister were later accidentally killed. His early losses greatly affected him early on, even at his death many years later, but, in turn, made him a better person.

Dumbledores full name

Rowling 's Harry Potter series. For most of the series, he is the headmaster of the wizarding school Hogwarts. As part of his backstory, it is revealed that he is the founder and leader of the Order of the Phoenix , an organisation dedicated to fighting Lord Voldemort , the main antagonist of the series. Following Harris' death in October , Michael Gambon portrayed Dumbledore in the six remaining Harry Potter films from to Rowling stated she chose the name Dumbledore , which is a dialectal word for " bumblebee ", [3] because of Dumbledore's love of music: she imagined him walking around "humming to himself a lot". Rowling said she enjoyed writing Dumbledore because he "is the epitome of goodness. And he would rather not know. He allows Harry to get into what he would not allow another pupil to do, and he also unwillingly permits Harry to confront things he'd rather protect him from. On 19 October , Rowling was asked by a young fan whether Dumbledore finds "true love". Rowling said that she always thought of Dumbledore as being homosexual and that he had fallen in love with the corrupt wizard Gellert Grindelwald , which was Dumbledore's "great tragedy"; Rowling did not explicitly state whether Grindelwald returned his affections. He led a celibate and a bookish life. In the opening chapter of the first novel of the series, Dumbledore arrives at number four, Privet Drive in Little Whinging , Surrey. When the evil wizard Lord Voldemort kills Harry's parents before being reduced to a lesser form, Dumbledore decides to place the now-orphaned Harry in the home of Vernon and Petunia Dursley. He knows that Harry will be protected by the special magic caused by his mother's sacrifice. He reasons that they are the only family he has left with Petunia Evans Dursley being Harry's aunt, who accepts her nephew into their home.

His resentment at having to care for his family made it easy for Gellert Grindelwald to befriend him, dumbledores full name. In Snape's next memory, Dumbledore is explaining to Snape that he was denied information given to Harry because Snape's mission puts him at a greater risk of being detected. It is interesting to note that Dumbledore values Harry more highly than himself in the dumbledores full name where the locket Horcrux was hidden.

Ron describes him at one point as "barking. Someone who is "barking mad" in the UK is fully functional, but exhibits a very high degree of harmless eccentricity. Dumbledore's wand is Elder, a wood representing banishing, prosperity, protection, renewal, and healing. Elder is also believed to intermingle both good and evil, and its flowers produce a strong odor suggesting death. The wand's inner core contains a thestral tail hair that the author has stated is , "a powerful and tricky substance that can be mastered only by a witch or wizard capable of facing death. At Privet Drive , two wizards, Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall arrive to leave Harry, an orphaned infant, with his only remaining family, the Dursleys.

Although in his later years Albus Dumbledore was known as much for his eccentricity, gentle humor and unfailing kindness as his magical abilities, he was deeply ashamed of some of the things he did — and thought — in his youth. He learned the hard way about the seductiveness of power, and its costs, and spent the rest of his life trying to understand and contain the darker impulses in Wizarding society. Dumbledore was the oldest of the three children of Kendra , a Muggle-born witch, and Percival Dumbledore , a wizard. When Albus was ten and his brother Aberforth was eight, tragedy born of the friction between the Muggle and Wizarding worlds struck the family and changed it forever. She survived, but was so badly injured that her development was permanently damaged. Her magic would explode out of her in uncontrolled, unpredictable ways. Albus, and later Aberforth, would attend Hogwarts , but Ariana remained hidden, and her magic untrained and uncontrolled.

Dumbledores full name

As such, spoilers will be present within the article. First Class , Grand Sorc. A Muggle -supporting wizard, though the complete opposite in his earlier years, he was considered to have been the greatest wizard of modern times. His father died in Azkaban when Albus was young, while his mother and sister were later accidentally killed. His early losses greatly affected him early on, even at his death many years later, but, in turn, made him a better person. While initially unable to directly act against Gellert Grindelwald due to their past blood pact , the Ministry 's surveillance of him, his love for Grindelwald, and his lingering guilt over his sister's death, Dumbledore sent Newt Scamander to New York to release the Thunderbird Frank , and later sent Newt to Paris to rescue Credence Barebone. After the tragic death of Leta Lestrange in Paris, Dumbledore became determined to contribute helpful advice to the resistance against Grindelwald, notably Newt , Theseus , Tina , Jacob , Yusuf , and Nagini in the global wizarding war. Initially unbeknownst to Dumbledore, however, Grindelwald intended to use the former's alleged Obscurial relative, Aurelius Dumbledore , as a weapon against him. Following the global wizarding war, regardless of Aurelius's fate, Dumbledore became most famous for defeating Grindelwald in what was considered to be the most epic duel of all time. He also gained much more recognition with his involvement in the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon's blood and his work on alchemy with Nicolas Flamel.

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Until finally Umbridge was granted the new position of High Inquisitor of Hogwarts. Retrieved 20 March Dumbledore, Mr. Throughout the Harry Potter series, Dumbledore has acted as a trusted mentor to Harry, and, in this way, has contributed greatly in Harry's victories over Voldemort. Harry reminds her that he caught the Snitch in his mouth. Snape grudgingly agrees but demands Dumbledore never tell anyone. It is unclear whether Snape actually betrayed Dumbledore or was acting under unknown circumstances. Therefore, he feared that he may have indirectly given Voldemort a servant to return him to power. They next found themselves in a vast chamber containing an underground lake, with a solitary island at its centre from which a faint green light was visible. Dumbledore orders Harry to remain in his dorm until morning; any messages can wait until then. It was the pendant of his former teacher's blood pact with Grindelwald, leaving Albus to ponder if he could destroy it, which would allow him to finally participate in the war and defeat the Dark wizard once and for all. Sirius writes Harry that he should be safe under Dumbledore's protection.

He was a half-blood wizard, the son of Percival and Kendra Dumbledore , and the elder brother of Aberforth and Ariana. His father died in Azkaban when Dumbledore was young, while his mother and sister were later accidentally killed.

Dumbledore asks if Snape is starting to care about the boy. According to Snape, the curse would eventually spread itself from the contained hand, and Dumbledore was doomed to die in no more than one year's time. Dumbledore favored a benevolent approach, convincing himself it was for "the greater good" of all, while Grindelwald espoused a more sinister method. The homely Merope magically ensnared Riddle Sr. It is confirmed in Deathly Hallows when the object is inherited by Ron that the Deluminator is of Dumbledore's own design. As proof, Dumbledore performs magic. She just cares about being true to her readers. As such, there were only three people who knew the full story once the dust had settled: Jacob , Duncan Ashe , and the Headmaster himself. Aberforth knew he had to stay behind, for his sister Ariana. Harry has inherited Sirius' property, including the house at Grimmauld Place, Kreacher, and Buckbeak , but a charm may exist that magically leaves everything to Bellatrix Lestrange. After Buckbeak is condemned, Dumbledore, Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge, and the executioner head to Hagrid's hut for Buckbeak's scheduled execution. Near the end of the battle, Dumbledore himself arrived and swiftly captured all the Death Eaters personally; except Bellatrix Lestrange , who murdered Sirius and evaded a spell cast at her by the revered wizard. As such, he can no longer wait; whatever he must accomplish now has a definite deadline. Shortly after, Albus' younger sister, Ariana also died. When the Aurors and the rest gathered to capture Grindelwald, he told Albus before Disapparating that he had never been their enemy, now or then.

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