Dragon nest adept guide

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Force Out: Lvl 6 for escape purposes, you can stay in your current position by using the skill while holding a directional button. Mixed infection: Max for Physician Revamp. Poison Break : Max for Physician Revamp. Injector: Max LVL: Physician revamp removes healing ability of Injector but makes it into a buff that raises movement speed and action speed to 5secs. Magma Wall EX: Adds another additional pillar making it explode in all 4 directions. Explosions becomes AOE. Your playstyle will dictate where will you allot the rest of these skill points:.

Dragon nest adept guide

This guide was written by one of our QA's, CoolCat ! He's worked on a lot of flow changes that have occurred on Project Duck and has been one of the first people to get Lab 17 clears on NA. If you're interested in learning about other classes, we have a Class Guide Archive! They are known for spamming fire punches, blowing up the ground, and blocking your screen with two huge ice hands. Adepts are a short to mid-range DPS class that build bubbles in order to use her huge AoE skills that blow up the boss. The class plays around using burst skills while throwing out filler skills to keep bubble generation up. Be sure to use this skill before every [Ground Zero] to enhance the skill. You should be able to get two casts every [Ground Zero]. This is also a very good pushing skill. This also gives a SA shield to your teammates. Some classes don't like playing around the movement speed during a fight, so be careful when you use it. When running a CD plate on this skill, it pairs up nicely with [Frosty Fist] for even more bubbles. Also an iframe skill — only for the first punch — and the 2nd punch is only good for extra pushing or if you are out of skills I don't always cast the 2nd punch. Not necessary to max this skill if you have other preferences.

Like Loading Some skills like Magma Wall, Magma Wave and Poison Break all need around 6 bubbles to be able to give the maximum damage.

July 15, by Tempest 1 Comment. The amount of firepower she has for a girl in a small body is tremendously a lot. The fire power she can churn out is a lot. One of her killer skill is the Magma Wave which produces a straight AoE and explodes. All Alchemists focus on a system called the Bubble counter.

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Dragon nest adept guide

Post a Comment. Without a doubt, Adept are really solid in PVP plays. They are on top of the chart when it comes to one-on-one matches or even, team matches with other players as they can dish out major damage over time.

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I boost ice or fire? Sudah punya akun WordPress. Fellowship heraldry? You should always be casting skills with the maximum bubble effect to make sure you don't lose out on any damage. I have all the Academic class and I think all of them rock for their differences. Injector — Level 1. This skill can be taken in your choice. Logging in Bubble Bubble — Level 6. The fire power she can churn out is a lot. Health Mastery — Level 5. The roll out is also an iframe and you can also cancel the roll by pressing left click.

After all, this is my playstyle and perhaps it might not suit yours.

A: No comment. Hypnosis : You can max this our with your remaining pts. Obviously needed for every class as it allows you to get you quickly. Join 6, other subscribers. No comments:. Adept [Ice Beam] : Shoots two beams of ice. The movement of the palm is too slow and not worth to level it even higher. Be sure to use 5 bubbles when you cast this. Wax — Level 6. Lvl10 Stun Grenade percentage is high enough to proc at normal mobs.

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