dragon age stroud

Dragon age stroud

Sign In. Harry Hadden-Paton Male Inquisitor voice. Alix Wilton Regan Female Inquisitor voice. Jon Curry Male Inquisitor voice.

Is it just me, or is Alistair's character box now weirdly squished? Loleil , 5 June UTC. It is. I'm not sure what to do about it though I did some retooling that seems to have fixed the problem.

Dragon age stroud

Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. This topic contains spoilers - you can click, tap, or highlight to reveal them. Basically, I haven't played all of Origins and want to know what's the best option for deciding Loghain's outcome in Dragon Age Keep. My original choice was to have him redeem himself by killing the Archdemon, but then I heard if Loghain is spared, Alistar would leave my party yet somehow further in the game I can make him and Anora king and queen? Thrown in the mix I even have a human baby arranged with Morrigan. Can anyone shed light onto these plot elements, and if I want the full experience in my Inquisition playthrough, what should I choose? He just takes the place of Stroud or Warden Alistair. In DAO game, we can recruit Loghain and still able to make Alistair as a king more likely he chose to quit the warden and became the King IF the warden Hardened him during his personal quest involved his sister. The best outcome for me for this are to chose for Loghain still alive and recruited as warden, and for warden, he the one to Kill the archdemon and make a old god baby with Morigan. If Logain alive he will became central pointman and make an appearance during one of the quest involving wardens. I executed Alistair and kept Loghain.

I believe it was in a conversation with Loghain, yes?

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Jean-Marc Stroud was born the younger son of a minor noble family in the Fields of Ghislain. He received word that his family had been killed shortly after completing his training at the Academie des Chevaliers. Although the culprits were made out to be bandits, Stroud's family were actually the victims of the Grand Game. Before Stroud could seek revenge against his family's murderers, his trainers at the Academie urged a Grey Warden , one Clarel de Chanson , to recruit him to stop him from throwing his life away. Unable to refuse Clarel's request honorably, Stroud joined the Wardens. In the following decades, Warden Stroud served the Grey Wardens with honor. Stroud earned a reputation as the finest swordsman in the Grey Warden Order, combining his study at the Academie with years of fighting darkspawn alongside dwarves in the Deep Roads.

Dragon age stroud

The Dragon Age series is filled with tough decisions, and those choices often have consequences - both for the rest of the game and beyond into future installments. With Dragon Age 4 in production, it's time to think about which previous in-game decisions will have the biggest impact on DA4 's story. Realistically, more than one decision from the previous Dragon Age games will come back to haunt players come Dragon Age 4. However, there's one particular decision from Dragon Age: Inquisition that, based on what we know of Dragon Age 4 's story so far, seems most likely to have a big impact. Everyone who played Inquisition likely remembers "Here Lies the Abyss" quite well: it's the quest that took the Inquisitor, their army, Hawke, and a Grey Warden ally to Adamant fortress in the Western Approach. The Inquisition laid siege to the Grey Wardens holed up there, as they had begun to hear the Calling unbeknownst to them, at the interference of Corypheus and in desperation, they began to summon demons and bind them in a disastrous attempt to end the Blights for good. Players saw the consequences of this in an earlier Inquisition quest: if allowed to complete their summonings, the Grey Wardens would be forced to bring their demon army down upon Orlais in a wave of destruction that would leave the whole world vulnerable to Corypheus' plans. Thus, "Here Lies the Abyss" follows the Inquisitor's mission to stop the Grey Wardens from bringing their plans to fruition.

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Should we delete them? And why is Alister heir before Cailan? Gareth David-Lloyd Solas voice. We're never give alot of people's ages in the game anyway. It's doubtful that Alistair is meant to be any younger than mid-twenties, as you can tease him about still being a virgin "and you are how old? He had reason to distrust them due to certain events - and there was no way in hell he'd let a bunch of Orlesian wardens in, fearing they'd just turn to occupation, not liberation. Well i have to say that he has nothing against dwarves because he has told my female dwarf on 2 separate occasions that he loved her. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. I'm not saying that Goldanna's mother didn't die at Eamon's castle in child birth, just that it was convenient for a cover story for Alistair to be told. Be warned, if you are in a romance with Alistair, he will break it off with you after the Landsmeet. Even if it is known who the man was who fathered you, if he's not your mother's husband, biology gets trumped in favor of societal tradition. Anora should have been dealt the same fate as her Evil father Logain, the two work together through lies and deceptions. Any other thoughts? According to the upcoming World of Thedas book Alistair was born in Dragon, making him 20 in Origins and 28ish for Act 3 in DA2 and 29ish in the comics.

Varric has a friend named Hawke , who fought Corypheus once before and now fears Grey Wardens are under the influence of the ancient darkspawn. Hawke has a Warden contact who may be able to say more. The quest plays out across several locations in Thedas.

So which one is correct? It might be not noteworthy anyway, mostly just random tidbits about the writers and the character. That way you can still can take Alistair with you to the Archdemon without having to do the ritual or having him killed. Sencilia , February 23, UTC. Plus, the page reflows well enough that it really doesn't look that bad. Alistair killed Loghain and was forced to give up all his claims to throne. Alistair is the younger son, Maric hid him beause he was illegitamate, his mother was an elf, a grey warden and a mage and he did not want to demean the late queen - by suddenly appearing with a bastard son- even well after her death. Coroxn , January 8, UTC. In fact, "harden" and "hardening" are in such common use throughout this wiki, especially in the epilogue, that the term very badly needs its own subsection that can be hotlinked from all those other pages. Healthy Emmie Villager.

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