dnd gruumsh

Dnd gruumsh

Omens of Gruumsh ranged in leniency from a drifting cloud of toxic smoke to the sudden snapping of a young shaman's neck, usually taking the form of the latter. Violent and bloodthirsty, [29] [30] Gruumsh was a god that exulted in battle [31] dnd gruumsh reveled in warfare, dnd gruumsh.

Gruumsh pronounced groomsh , also known as Gruumsh One-Eye, is the patron deity of orcs , who regard him as the god of Conquest, Survival, Strength, and Territory. His symbol is an empty eye socket, or a single unwinking eye. His sacred animal is the giant rat. Gruumsh appears as a powerful orc with one eye. A figure of fury and driven cruelty, Gruumsh rules his pantheon with brute power. His favored weapon is the spear. Gruumsh is the husband of Luthic and father of Bahgtru.

Dnd gruumsh

Gruumsh, the Ruiner is a Betrayer God who commands hordes of his followers across Exandria to destroy, pillage, and slaughter from his home plane of Acheron. He is depicted as a massive orc with one eye, and his symbol is a singular unblinking and bleeding eye. He is worshiped in communities in Wildemount , Tal'Dorei , and Marquet as the god of violence and slaughter. He is commonly held to have created orcs during The Calamity when his nemesis Corellon shot out his eye and his blood struck Corellon's elves, transforming them into orcs. However, orcs existed before this battle, and this false origin was encouraged by Gruumsh, who wished to take credit for their creation, through his followers. Gruumsh is also known for destroying Cael Morrow , a city of elves and orcs in Marquet , as vengeance against Corellon during the Calamity, though he was prevented from destroying the entire continent by Alyxian. Gruumsh is depicted by his followers as a "hulking, bulbous behemoth of an orc " with one eye centered in his face like that of a cyclops. He is also known as "Great Ruiner" and known by the epithet of "the Ruiner". Gruumsh is one of the gods of the pantheon who came to Exandria at the beginning of the Founding. The gods, then collectively known as the Protean Gods, arrived as formless and nameless young divinities. As they tamed the elemental chaos of Exandria, shaped the world, and created its peoples, these gods were given shape and names as their creations worshiped them. Though they were previously formless, it is believed each god had unique motivations and thoughts that were codified through this worship. The Primordials , whose presence on Exandria was unknown to the Protean Gods, fought against the shaping of the world and destroyed many of the gods' creations.

Orc religion, [16] and Gruumsh himself, [95] denied that he lost an eye to Corellon, dnd gruumsh, [16] and suggesting otherwise was blasphemy. He ruled dnd gruumsh Rotting Eye from the Rotting Throne, a gross mass of dead captives, stolen loot, and battle standards.

We need editors! See the editing guidelines for ways to contribute. Gruumsh , also known as Gruumsh One-Eye, is the patron deity of orcs , who regard him as the god of conquest, survival, strength, and territory. In many campaign settings , the orcish pantheon of gods consists of the leader Gruumsh, as well as Bahgtru , Ilneval , Luthic , Shargaas , and Yurtrus. Gruumsh was created by James M. Ward for the Deities and Demigods Cyclopedia

A pointer is a short summary that points to published material. This material is posted under the fair use clause of copyright law. The Unofficial Description and any notes are licensed cc-by-sa. Care should be taken in editing this page. Orcs hold a particular hatred for elves. The elven god Corellon Larethian half-blinded Gruumsh with a well-placed arrow to the orc god's eye… Gruumsh grants divine might to any champion who willingly plucks out one of its eyes in his honor. Gruumsh… pushes his children to increase their numbers so they may be his instrument of revenge against the realms of elves, humans, and dwarves. Orcs are naturally chaotic and unorganized… Only certain charismatic orcs, …touched by the will and might of Gruumsh, have the capacity to control the other orcs in a tribe. A Chosen Few.

Dnd gruumsh

They were commonly called Gruumans. Orc society was based on the ideals of strength, survival, fear, and war, principles founded in the veneration of Gruumsh and taught to young orcs through cruel experience. On a personal level, Gruumsh demanded his followers to be strong and prepared to showcase their strength at any moment. On a wider scale, Gruumsh drove the orcs to follow his example by conquering their opposition. Through his mortal mediaries, Gruumsh drove his people to achieve their manifest destiny, acquiring new lands and living space. Yet Gruumsh believed in razing the lands of his foes, [9] in raiding and pillaging [16] as well as occupying. Gruumsh's clergy were sure to maintain their physical fitness, and were responsible for culling the weak and unfit for fighting. Gruuman priests also encouraged the orcish tendency towards warfare, becoming war-leaders or key advisors to them. Gruumsh was the center of the dark, primal religion of the orcs, one of brutality, bloodshed, and devastation. Orcs were a naturally chaotic race, acting based on instincts and emotions rather than logic or reason, and most normal orcs lacked the capacity to control others in their tribe.

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Spawned by the combination of both their blood, the abominable Ityak-Ortheel fled into the Abyss soon after its creation, and had plagued the elves since that time. The orcs claim that their spirits always defeat the goblins, but the goblins always reform to battle again. You Lie! Even as Corellon fought with the camaraderie of a sibling, however, Gruumsh harbored murderous thoughts towards Arvandor's Coronal, growing more bitter and jealous with each passing battle. Edited by Julia Martin. Edited by Jennifer Clarke Wilkes , et al. He is depicted as a massive orc with one eye, and his symbol is a singular unblinking and bleeding eye. Many times had they come to blows in the past, but it was their attempts to stake their claims on creation and gain a following among the mortal races that would be the true conception for a fight that would shape fate. Sign In Register. He is worshiped in communities in Wildemount , Tal'Dorei , and Marquet as the god of violence and slaughter. While gods such as Lolth and Tharizdun had demonstrated a potential willingness to side with primordial forces if the ancient war between Law and Chaos was to begin anew, Gruumsh, although chaotic in several ways and not to be depended on, would likely side with beings of order. He is commonly held to have created orcs during The Calamity when his nemesis Corellon shot out his eye and his blood struck Corellon's elves, transforming them into orcs. Cancel Save.

Omens of Gruumsh ranged in leniency from a drifting cloud of toxic smoke to the sudden snapping of a young shaman's neck, usually taking the form of the latter.

Forgotten Realms Player's Guide. Some among orcs and elves claimed that it was Sehanine's doing that Gruumsh was defeated. The Complete Book of Elves. Player's Handbook 4th edition. The arrow was meant as a warning shot rather than an actual attack, meant to point out his vulnerability since losing his eye would spell the end of much of his divine power. Ward for the Deities and Demigods Cyclopedia I would have. There was silence upon the world then, as Gruumsh One-Eye lifted his great iron spear and stretched it over the world. Gruumsh once had an alliance with the conniving drow goddess Araushnee, to bring down the gods of the elves once and for all. His epithet was taken from the metal plate covering a head wound that never properly healed, oozing blood and pus when he fought hand to hand and occasionally causing him to enter maddened rages. Corellon was bad enough from Gruumsh's perspective, but when confronting him he could at least expect straightforward battle and invigorating bloodshed, something he could not only understand, but also respect. Though Gruumsh discovered the tryst, the consequences were unknown. However, she often manipulates Gruumsh's followers into attacking her enemies to keep her drow followers safe. Then the assembled gods turned to the orcish gods and laughed loud and long.

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