

Established for over 50 Years, the aim of the company has always been to provide exceptional service and offer fantastic value for money to both our loyal and new customers, desira. We desira now an Electric Vehicle dealer for Nissan and have also launched easypeasy - desira one-stop-shop for Used Cars and bosch servicing at our Wroxham Road easypeasy branch in norwich. At Desira we understand how important your Car is to you and whether you are buying personally or through a business we want to make your, desira.

The DeSIRA initiative aims to contribute to climate-relevant, productive and sustainable transformation of agriculture and food systems in low and middle-income countries. DeSIRA aims to support research and innovation projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America, and strengthen research capacities and research governance involving key actors at national, regional, continental and global levels. It includes a broad range of thematics valorising agroecological principles. The institutional architecture for governance of AR4D at global level and in some regions is well established, although still fragile. DeSIRA supports the organisations in charge of governance of research at regional, continental and global level.


DeSIRA Development Smart Innovation through Research in Agriculture is the European Commission initiative dedicated to the adaptation of agricultural practices to climat change, the promotion of agro-ecology and the support of small farmers, which was launched at the first One Planet Summit. DeSIRA aims to accelerate the development of agriculture in developing countries, mainly in Africa, by relying on research results. This original concept between "action research" and innovation deployment is particularly well suited to the rapid transformation of agricultural and food systems in partner countries to make them more resilient to the effects of climate change. Science is mobilized to build, with other actors, solutions of immediate application which impacts are continuously assessed. Through its projects, Desira contributes to the sustainable and operational transformation and adaptation to climate change of agricultural and food systems in low and middle-income countries. DeSIRA strengthens and relies on agricultural research organizations in Europe and in the South, as well as on their partnership networks, to promote innovation trajectories that can be initiated immediately and on a large scale. The first phase of the project will run from , with a contribution of , euros from the European Commission. A different kind of innovation DeSIRA promotes and supports the importance of innovation in the transformation of agricultural and food systems in the South in order to face global challenges climate, biodiversity, food security. Each year, from to , the choice of projects has been made by DG Devco on the basis of proposals formulated by the. Breadcrumb Home Search. Support the transition of agricultural and food systems to address climate change and biodiversity decay with an innovative tool whose performance has been proven since

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DESIRA aims to improve the capacity of society to respond to the challenges and opportunities of digitalisation in rural areas. Through a network of 20 Living Labs in the European rural areas, the project will assess the past, current and future socio-economic impacts of ICT-related innovation. The EU Rural Digitalisation Forum RDF is an open EU-wide community of stakeholders with a common interest to work, learn and share knowledge about the digitalisation of agriculture, forestry and rural areas. Living Labs are networks of rural businesses, public authorities, citizen groups, digital technology operators, farmers and researchers who co-develop ideas, scenarios, and socio-technical solutions related to digitalisation in rural areas. Oosterwold NL Local markets 2. Central Ostrobothnia FI Circular economy 3. Rhineland-Palatinate DE Communication and gender 4.

Desira is a family owned motor group, founded by John Desira in John Desira started in the motor trade in London, working as an Apprentice Technician. Once qualified, he was recommended a small garage in South Lopham, Norfolk; where he started his own business. Desira has expanded over the years from this first garage and is now the one of the largest privately owned Fiat Dealer groups in the country. The aim of the company has always been to provide exceptional service and offer fantastic value for money to both our loyal and new customers. At Desira we understand how important your car is to you and that's why we want to make your experience with us as easy and affordable as possible.


There is a global consensus emerging around the challenges the agricultural and food systems face climate change, loss of biodiversity, high pressure on resources, etc. Even if the pathways to transform the agri-food systems are controversial sustainable intensification, climate smart agriculture, agroecology or nature based solutions , all the actors agree for supporting innovation to design and implement new solutions at scale. To put it simple innovation is introducing a novelty in an economic and social environment. Innovation can be characterized in different ways depending on its characteristics product vs process, technical vs organizational or social, radical vs incremental, endogenous vs exogenous, top-down vs bottom-up, etc. The innovation can be promoted by a specific actor the entrepreneur, the firm, etc. Innovation could be at farm level with new agricultural or management practices, at value chain level with new processing or marketing methods, at territorial level with new rules for natural resources management, or at policy level with new rules and norms.


The first phase of the project will run from , with a contribution of , euros from the European Commission. At Desira we understand how important your Car is to you and whether you are buying personally or through a business we want to make your. This strategic approach is based on several principles:. Necessary Necessary. Desirak ulertzeko beste ikuspuntu batek zera dio, desirak ez direla gauzen egoera jakin batekikoak, baizik eta objektuen nahiak. Psikologia morala kontuan hartzeaz gain, badaude plazeran oinarritutako teoria hobesteko arrazoiak, gogoaren filosofiatik abiatzen direnak. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Pertsona horren ongizatearen ezaugarriei arreta jartzea, guzti honen araberako emozioak izatea -izua pertsona horren ongizatea arriskuan denean, lasaitasuna ongi doanean, etb. However, there is a debate on the type of innovation to be promoted as innovation can have positive or negative impacts depending on the dimension economic, social, environmental or on the point of view civil society, firms, policy makers. Teoriaren arabera, desira ezaugarritzen duen efektua arreta desira asebeteko duten arrazoietara zuzentzea da.

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Three Faces of Desire. Annual mileage. Baina froga hauek ere bateragarriak dira plazeraren ohiko kausa sari sistema denaren ideiarekin. Beste behin ere, horrek esan nahiko luke nire desioak nire sentimenduetan eragiteko duen eraginkortasunean idiosinkrasiaren bat dagoela, desiraren indarraren diferentzia adierazi beharrean kasu honetan, barizela harrapatzeak haurtzarotik espero den froga dirudi, eta horrek moteldu egiten du nire erantzuna. Hau da, tesia ez da soilik batzuetan nire nahiez jabetzen naizela, batzuetan behatzez jabetzen naizen bezala. Orain arte landutako desiren teoria guztiak desira a priorizko ikerketarako egokia aurkitu dute, salbuespen batekin. Insurance Group. Horiek dira desiren funtsezko ezaugarrien hautagai. Compass Renegade. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features.

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