depressive attributional style

Depressive attributional style

We administrated measures of attributional styles and psychological adjustments to a sample of Chinese Buddhists as well as a control group recruited in China. Data analyses showed that Buddhists were more likely to attribute bad outcomes to internal, stable, and global causes, depressive attributional style, but their well-being was less affected by it.

Depressive attributional style ; Explanatory style ; Negative attributional style ; Optimistic attributional style ; Pessimistic attributional style ; Positive attributional style. Attributional style, sometimes known as explanatory style, refers to the ways in which people explain the cause of events within their lives. When people experience positive or negative events, they often wonder why the event occurred. In order to answer this question, people make causal attributions based upon three basic dimensions: internal-external , stable-unstable , and global-specific. The internal-external domain refers to who or what is responsible for the event — in particular, whether something unique about the person internal versus something about the situation external caused the event. The stable-unstable domain refers to the perceived permanence of the cause.

Depressive attributional style

How do you view positive and negative life events? Perhaps you blame yourself when faced with failure while never giving yourself credit for the good. In the face of adversity, can you see past the present moment and know that things will get better? The way you attribute and explain positive and negative events to yourself can impact your life in ways you may not realize. Before you read on, we thought you might like to download our three Positive Psychology Exercises for free. These science-based exercises will explore fundamental aspects of positive psychology including strengths, values, and self-compassion, and will give you the tools to enhance the wellbeing of your clients, students, or employees. In psychology, the term attribution has two predominant meanings. The first refers to explanations of behavior; the second refers to inferences attributing blame, for example. It examines what information is gathered and how it is combined to form a causal judgment. Put simply your attributional and explanatory style is the way in which you explain your circumstances to yourself. People have a propensity to seek explanations for events. Whether it is within politics, science, philosophy, psychology or in everyday life, we want to know why things happen.

The third dimension of helplessness was first introduced by Kelley who focussed on ascriptions of global versus specific causes for adverse events. The science of clinical psychology: Accomplishments and future directions. Our data suggests otherwise; while reporting less positive affect and more negative affect, depressive attributional style, they had depressive attributional style favorable evaluations of their own lives and showed fewer symptoms of depression.

In this article we report meta-analyses of the relation of attributional styles to depression. In studies involving nearly 15, subjects, several attributional patterns had reliable associations with depression scores. For negative events, attributions to internal, stable, and global causes had a reliable and significant association with depression. Studies in which the attribution factors of ability and luck were measured also showed a reliable association with depression. For positive events, attributions to external, unstable, and specific causes were associated with depression. Ability and luck attribution factors for positive events were also associated with depression.

Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. Preview improvements coming to the PMC website in October Learn More or Try it out now. Individuals seeking treatment for depression often are struggling with maladaptive cognitions that impact how they view themselves and the world.

Depressive attributional style

Numerous studies have shown that depression-prone people are characterized by a chronic style of attributing failures to internal, stable, and global causes, sometimes labeled as the "depressive attributional style. In the current study, we hypothesized that Buddhism's view of ultimate internal controllability plays a buffering role against the depressive attributional style and reduces its negative impacts. We administrated measures of attributional styles and psychological adjustments to a sample of Chinese Buddhists as well as a control group recruited in China. Data analyses showed that Buddhists were more likely to attribute bad outcomes to internal, stable, and global causes, but their well-being was less affected by it. Thus, these results indicate that the "depressive" attributional style is not that depressive for Buddhists, after all. Keywords: Buddhist; depressive attributional style; karma; psychological adjustments; ultimate internal controllability. Abstract Numerous studies have shown that depression-prone people are characterized by a chronic style of attributing failures to internal, stable, and global causes, sometimes labeled as the "depressive attributional style.

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In other words, the cause of an event can be viewed as constant and likely to happen again stable or malleable and Agents with an optimistic explanatory style were more likely to still be employed in the position, and sell more insurance than agents with a pessimistic explanatory style. Anderson, C. Many individuals who are depressed have difficulty becoming motivated to effectively engage with the world. Heider , as cited in Malle, initially distinguished between perceived internal and external causes for events. Conditions Discover Quizzes Resources. Attributions and depression: why is the literature so inconsistent? Psychological Bulletin , 82, — This buffering effect of Buddhist beliefs might be attributed to its view of ultimate internal controllability. For the Buddhist group, the alpha coefficients were 0.

The way you explain an occurrence in your life is known as attributional style, which can affect your well-being. When something positive or negative happens in our lives, we often seek to explain its occurrence. We may ask: Why did this happen to me?

Optimistic and pessimistic attributional styles include general views of self and the world grouped from the three domains. Subsequently, attributional theorist, Weiner drew a distinction between temporally stable versus unstable causes, with stable attributions for failure being seen to contribute towards poor or low levels of motivation. Conditions Discover Quizzes Resources. Alloy 1. Article types Author guidelines Editor guidelines Publishing fees Submission checklist Contact editorial office. References Abramson, L. This can also lead to a reduction of depressive symptoms. Psychological Inquiry , 2 1 In the current study, we focus on Buddhism, which is one of the most influential Eastern religious systems, and examine how Buddhist beliefs affect attributional styles and their impacts on well-being. Seligman, Martin E. Negative cognitive styles and stress-reactive rumination interact to predict depression: A prospective study. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology.

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