dany game of thrones

Dany game of thrones

Game of Thrones excelled in its storytelling and character-building, especially in the earlier seasons.

Daenerys Targaryen died in Game of Thrones season 8, and prequel show House of the Dragon revealed the real reason her death had to happen. Daenerys long believed her destiny was to claim the Iron Throne. House of the Dragon showed that while she was indeed destined to do something important, it was a very different role. And the only way to defeat it was with a Targaryen ruling. Except, of course, that Aegon never faced the White Walkers.

Dany game of thrones

Grew Up In fact, Aerys was killed by a member of his own Kingsguard, Jaime Lannister. Daenerys' mother was spirited to safety just before that, but died while giving birth to Dany as they fled Kings Landing. Since then Dany and her older brother Viserys have lived in exile, while Viserys plots to retake the throne — treating his sister heartlessly in the process. The Dothraki are a nomadic people of expert horse riders, and that culture is difficult for an outsider to assimilate into. Though they are fierce warriors, Daenerys believes she is equally as powerful as she considers herself the true heir of the Targaryen dynasty. Queen of the Dothraki. Her marriage was arranged by her older brother, Viserys, who hopes to use the 40, Dothraki soldiers to retake the Seven Kingdoms. However, as Daenerys spends more time with the Dothraki she grows more willing to defy her brother — and begins to have her own ideas about how to best use those 40, warriors. Interests… learning how to be a Khaleesi. Dany must teach herself the Dothraki language and learn to lead her people. Also, she received some petrified dragon eggs as a wedding gift. Her ancestor Targaryens rode to the throne on the backs of dragons.

In that time, she exceeded expectations and shocked the masses but still had to make tough decisions and endure immense hardships. Daenerys accepts Yara's offer of an alliance and observes that both of their fathers left the world worse dany game of thrones they found it, dany game of thrones, but Daenerys and Yara are going to leave it better than they found it. The army refrained from attacking for some time, as they waited for their overlord to be retrieved from Dragonstone.

Queen Daenerys I Targaryen , also known as Daenerys Stormborn , and colloquially known as Dany , was the twenty-first ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and the eighteenth and final monarch of the Targaryen Dynasty. She reigned in King's Landing for less than a day before her death in AC although she had political control over much of the realm for up to a year prior , and was succeeded by her second cousin, Gendry I Baratheon. Born on Dragonstone following the death of her father, she spent most of her early life in the Free Cities with her abusive brother Viserys, after the rest of her family was killed during Robert's Rebellion , which resulted in her House being ousted from the Iron Throne and replaced with House Baratheon. She was married to and eventually fell in love with Khal Drogo , having a still-born son with him before his untimely death. Despite losing her husband, Daenerys successfully hatched three dragons and used her newfound power and influence to embark on a war of emancipation against the cities of Slaver's Bay , successfully abolishing slavery in the region. Daenerys then launched an invasion of Westeros to attempt to reclaim the throne for House Targaryen, but soon diverted her efforts north to fight in the Great War. Just before the Fall of Winterfell , Daenerys legitimised Gendry , one of King Robert Baratheon 's bastards , as Gendry Baratheon, and appointed him her heir presumptive.

Warning: This post contains spoilers for Game of Thrones season 8. Daenerys has officially turned into the Mad Queen on Game of Thrones. Just like her father, Aerys II, she now has a reputation for killing the innocent. Few fans were surprised by Dany going mad. Throughout this season, Sansa has told Jon over and over again that she does not trust Daenerys. Even Jon has rejected her romantically. Daenerys has never suggested she had a desire to burn innocents as she did in this episode.

Dany game of thrones

Of the many characters that populated Game of Thrones , Daenerys Targaryen is perhaps the most important character. Since the very beginning of the show, her journey has been central to the overall story and she remains a beloved fan favorite despite the controversial arc by the show's end. Daenerys headlined some of the most memorable episodes in the series and delivered some of the most unforgettable moments.

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Archived from the original on June 21, The world hadn't seen a dragon in centuries until my children were born. Daenerys counters that the Second Sons are assigned to patrol Meereen and keep the peace, and there are plenty of women in the city that Daario can pursue. Daenerys learns Varys is trying to seat Jon on the Iron Throne and executes him for his treason. Daenerys dismisses this about Jon, claiming that he is "too little" for her, but Tyrion thinks Jon has feelings for her. However, Jon reveals Rhaegar did not rape Lyanna and they were in love. Jorah Mormont points out that the North is not really safer for her than anywhere else, as someone with a memory of Robert's Rebellion and an idea of becoming a hero could easily take her out with a single crossbow bolt. Grew Up She orders Grey Worm to send a messenger to the city, and inform Yunkai's slaver rulers that they must either surrender or suffer the same fate as Astapor. Jorah and the remaining Dothraki fall to their knees, proclaiming Daenerys their queen and leader. Archived from the original on May 24, Mormont points out the difficulties of persuading them to cross the Narrow Sea , but believes success would be possible if that could be accomplished and if King Robert was foolish enough to meet them in open battle. Archived from the original on June 22, Daenerys attacks Euron's Iron Fleet atop Drogon as the Battle of King's Landing begins, sinking the fleet and destroying the scorpions. He implores her that the young who can adapt rejoice in her new world, but for those too old to change, there is only fear and squalor.

Daenerys Targaryen transformed into the Mad Queen in the penultimate episode of Game of Thrones , and the Daenerys Kings Landing attack remains of the most shocking moments on the show. While it was shocking, there are several reasons Daenerys burned King's Landing to the ground after she had lost everyone and everything dearest to her.

Retrieved September 20, Daenerys tries to convince Drogo to invade so their son might claim the Iron Throne, but the Dothraki do not trust ships and water their horses cannot drink. The masters discuss their terms of surrender, announcing they will allow Daenerys and Tyrion to leave the city, while Missandei and the Unsullied will be sold back into slavery, and the dragons will be slaughtered. Archived from the original on April 28, For the real-world name, see Daenerys given name. She then notices Jorah in the array of fighters, who gives the traditional dedication to her and manages to be the last fighter standing. Later, Tyrion urges Daenerys to spare the inhabitants of King's Landing if they surrender. Daenerys looks down at the streets below from her royal apartment in the Great Pyramid. Archived from the original on April 6, To escape Robert Baratheon 's wrath after the Sack of King's Landing , in which Daenerys's father, niece , and nephew were killed, the pregnant Queen Rhaella and young Prince Viserys were sent to the island-castle of Dragonstone , where the queen gave birth to Daenerys. Daario Naharis, commander of the Second Sons and the most expendable member of Daenerys's entourage, volunteers to be her champion. High in the skies above Winterfell, Daenerys and Drogon are suddenly attacked by the Night King on Viserion, but she is able to evade him. Elia Martell [b]. Archived from the original on June 24,

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