dallas 1978 tv series

Dallas 1978 tv series

Ewing, a Texas oil baron, uses manipulation and blackmail to achieve his ambitions, both business and personal. He often comes into conflict with his brother Bobby, his arch-enemy Cliff

For more information, visit the contribution bible. The world's first mega-soap, and one of the most popular ever produced, Dallas had it all. Beautiful women, expensive cars, and men playing Monopoly with real buildings. Famous for one of the best cliffhangers in TV history, as the world asked "Who shot J. Dallas ruled the airwaves in the 's.

Dallas 1978 tv series

An age old feud between the Ewings and the Barnes starts up again when Bobby Ewing and Pamela Barnes reveal the shocking news to their families they have married. Ewing, Bobby's older brother, seeks to break the newlyweds up by using ranch hand Ray Krebbs, who once dated Pamela. Seeking acceptance into the Ewing family, Pamela does her best to befriend Lucy despite the situation being not as easy as it would seem. When information from sensitive paperwork for the family business ends up with Cliff Barnes, J. Pamela denies everything but her and Bobby end up leaving the ranch to spend a night in a hotel. Texas is being threatened by a powerful storm. As the hurricane approaches two men arrive at Southfork and take hostages. One of the men is out for revenge on J. The annual Ewing barbecue is a source of tension between the Ewing and Barnes families when Pam's pregnancy is announced. The news, among other things, sends Sue Ellen to the bottle which brings about other problems at Southfork. Bobby surprises Pam by asking her join him on a business trip to Las Vegas.

Jenna treats Bobby's wounds and they stay the entire night together, but do not have sex. To the final "shot". At the Oil Baron's Ball, neither Bobby nor Pam are pleased to see each other with their respective dates.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode list. Seasons Years Top-rated. Bobby Ewing and Pamela Barnes shock their respective families when they reveal they have married.

In addition to viewing clips from the show, the special also included blooper reels, practical jokes between cast members caught on tape, Larry Hagman's home movies while filming "Dallas", comical alternate endings to "Who Shot J. Years after J. Ewing lost Ewing Oil and apparently committed suicide, we learn that he is alive and well. He returns to Dallas, and plots what could be his greatest scheme: Bringing his family back together, and regaining control of Ewing Oil from arch-enemy Cliff Barnes. Will he be successful? Although J. When he discovers that Ray Krebbs' land, which is heavily mortgaged, has undiscovered oil on it, he knows that if he plays his cards right, he can purchase the land and have enough money to regain control of Ewing Oil. Both parties hatch schemes in order to get what they want. Thousands of people around the world visit the Ewing Family home every year. Get the guided tour from the Southfork reps and find out behind the scenes Southfork secrets.

Dallas 1978 tv series

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December 16, Kristin Shepard, Sue Ellen's younger sister, comes to town. Sue Ellen Ewing. This episode sets up Knots Landing. April 6, [28]. May 11, Priscilla Presley Jenna Wade …. Even the cast were affected by the production and political struggles. Details Edit. Before he leaves for the Caribbean, J. February 4, Cliff lashes out at Pam for helping Bobby win the Canadian deal.

The series revolved around an affluent and feuding Texas family, the Ewings , who owned the independent oil company Ewing Oil and the cattle-ranching land of Southfork. The series originally focused on the marriage of Bobby Ewing and Pamela Barnes , whose families were sworn enemies.

Led by the man everyone loves to hate, J. In high spirits because he was able to thwart J. As the new assistant district attorney, Cliff jumps at the chance to work on the investigation of a body found on Southfork. February 9, April 12, Videos That was a usual standard for American TV shows for European watchers by then The Philadelphia Inquirer. September 22, Details Edit. With most of the family visiting Jock's first wife in a Colorado sanitarium, J. Dallas The Official Website. View Edit History. United States. Mickey is depressed when the doctor says he'll be paralysed for life.

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