Dale howard naked

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Dale howard naked

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Reactions: Deleit. Blogs New entries New comments Blog list. I fancied the pants off him, back in the day.


The year-old lost out to best friend Stuart after the pair received the most nominations from their fellow housemates. Dale developed an early friendship with Jennifer Clark after entering the house and admitted to harbouring a crush on her. He stayed up late talking to the single mum on several occasions and the couple shared a goodnight kiss on Day However, new arrival Stuart put a spanner in the works, forging an immediate bond with Jennifer over their children and common interests. By Day 26, Dale had concluded that she had turned her attention to his rival, but the pair became close again and he was heartbroken when she was evicted on Day He went on to become good friends with Stu after Jennifer's departure. Dale was an early member of the luxury bedroom group and was involved in the heated argument on Day 22 which resulted in Dennis being removed from the house.

Dale howard naked

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Reactions: sotonstudent. Reactions: Hulapi Reactions: Hulapi Blogs New entries New comments Blog list. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Erotic Stories Mar 4, shilderia. Home Forums Main Models and Celebrities. How old was he when was on TV? You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. Spent many nights fantasising about this guy fucking me. Forums New posts. Reactions: koukou13 , mcw84 and Secretman. My agenda is so transparent too.

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This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Media: 0. Media: Googled it. Is he still doing stuff in the public eye? I fancied the pants off him, back in the day. You must log in or register to reply here. Accept Learn more…. Home Forums Main Models and Celebrities. Reactions: Deleit. Converting My Neighbor Tom.

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