counters for malzahar

Counters for malzahar

Malzahar middle on Patch Below is a detailed breakdown of Malzahar middle counters against middle champions with a minimum of games.

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Counters for malzahar

When he hasn't recently taken damage or been crowd controlled, Malzahar gains massive damage reduction and crowd control immunity, lingering for a short period after taking damage. Malzahar opens up two portals to the Void. After a short delay, they fire projectiles that deal Magic Damage and silence enemy champions. Malzahar infects his target's mind with cruel visions of their demise, dealing damage over time. Using Malzahar's other spells on the target will refresh the visions. If the target dies while afflicted by the visions, they pass on to a nearby enemy unit and Malzahar gains Mana. Malzahar's Voidlings are attracted to affected units. Malzahar channels the essence of the Void to suppress an enemy champion over a zone of damaging negative energy. Darius gets a little mad back here when people disable JavaScript, so beware, things might not work properly. Try not to stand near low-health units affected by Malefic Visions to prevent it spreading to you. Try to avoid Malzahar's Call of the Void ability, which can often be dodged.

Sivir the Battle Mistress.

CounterStats provides valuable counter picking insights for League of Legends players. Play smart with our LoL champion counters. All Rights Reserved. No results found. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Malzahar in League of Legends and win in Champion Select! Malzahar Builds. Hide Mid Lane Mid Lane

Malzahar Counter for Mid Patch Pro Builds. More Stats. Ranked Solo. Best Picks vs Malzahar.

Counters for malzahar

As soon as he gets it, pop the shield so he has to play even safer. Malzahar will be looking to push the wave constantly once he has an item. Avoid standing inside the minion wave at all times so he cannot poke you and push at the same time. Whenever he has his Ultimate R up, make sure you have wards in the river so you can spot the Jungler before they get to your lane. In team fights, make sure no one on your team is too far forward as Malzahar may try and catch someone out of position with his Ultimate R. As soon as Malzhar focuses a champion with his Ultimate R , try to CC him so the channel is cancelled. You can abuse this by poking him down and forcing him to recall early.

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A thing to remember is that he can just auto push waves and gain mana back doing so. The average opponent winrate against Lissandrais After normalising both champions win rates Malzahar wins against Xerath 7. He clears very fast, meaning he can punish your roams. Matchup is comfortable, max E. Zoe by AnxialSociety Zoe Player. You can win lane if you poke and all in. He can push you into tower constantly and harder than other champions, while also having a shield against your long range hooks, as well as having an lethal ultimate. Blitzcrank Support. He's just gonna push lane. Sylas Player. Try to pop his shield with Q poke before engaging. The average opponent winrate against Hweiis Jax Grandmaster at Arms. Patch [

CounterStats provides valuable counter picking insights for League of Legends players. Play smart with our LoL champion counters. All Rights Reserved.

Go for a kill. Amumu Jungler. As for how do you kill him just poke him constantly he has no sustain besides pots while you heal, if he plays really safe he s pretty hard to kill. The only negative in this matchup is you are roped into buying a QSS. Before engaging try to poke his shield off with q. He will shove the lane down your throat and force you to CS under your tower while suffering space aids, his biggest threats are his passive , which can be annoying to get rid of and his R which will set you up perfectly for the easiest gank ever. Sion The Undead Juggernaut. Did you know? Whatever you do dont dive him under turret. Udyr the Spirit Walker. Malzahar Builds. Once he hits 6, you'll need to play very carefully when his ultimate is up.

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