controller grip claw

Controller grip claw

The claw grip originated from the early days of esports in Halo 2, where infamous players like Walshy handled the controller in such a unique manner that it soon became notorious, controller grip claw. So why is there such bad press around this grip? Why do people associate pain with it?

When it comes to gaming controllers, research has found that ease of use is key. Each console generation introduces new controller variants, leaving players to try and determine the most optimal hand positions to get as much out of gaming as possible. Most gamers are familiar with the "standard" grip, which involves placing the index fingers on the left and right trigger buttons while your thumbs move back and forth between directional pads and thumbsticks. However, for some, this causes a bit of an issue — if your thumb is on the thumbstick and your index finger is on the trigger, you have no usable fingers free for all those directional buttons on the top right of your controller. So, they've figured out a solution that has become as natural for some players as it is uncomfortable for others. The "claw" grip adds another finger into the equation. Your thumbs remain on the thumbsticks, while your most agile finger, the index finger, is reserved for the directional buttons.

Controller grip claw

This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. Esports Healthcare disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information. The information contained on this website does not establish, nor does it imply, doctor-patient relationship. Esports Healthcare does not offer this information for diagnostic purposes. A diagnosis must not be assumed based on the information provided. Some players elect to use paddles to keep up while others continue to use traditional console controllers. For those who continue to stick with the traditional button layout, a large population of gamers have turned to use the claw grip for controller mastery. Unfortunately, this play style is not without risks. Unfortunately, due to its smaller dimensions, a PS4 controller creates a more significant risk for fatigue, pain, and injury. Xbox controller risk still exists, but PS4 gamers using claw grip will likely experience more significant issues.

Some players elect to use paddles to keep up while others continue to use traditional console controllers. Eccentric contraction—the lengthening of a muscle and tendon under tension—helps maintain the tendon fiber orientation.


Hypergraze may earn a commission from purchases made through our links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we trust. For more information, visit my disclaimer page. Chances are you found this article because you were wondering about different ways on how to hold a controller correctly and play using the claw controller grip. Believe it or not, the way you hold a controller has a direct impact on your performance. I used to play with a regular grip before I knew of all the benefits you get from playing claw. I should mention there are only two ways of holding your controller, claw or regular. Using the claw grip method when playing video games can be beneficial, as it generally allows for more responsive and accurate control of the controller. This allows you to move your character with the analogue stick and press the face buttons without having to move your thumb back and forth , which can potentially increase your reaction time and button pressing speed.

Controller grip claw

A claw grip controller is a gaming technique where the player positions their hand in a way that resembles a claw-like shape. Unlike the traditional palm grip, where the entire hand rests on the controller, the claw grip involves arching the fingers, allowing for quick and precise movements. This grip style is particularly popular among gamers who play fast-paced and competitive games, such as first-person shooters and fighting games.

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To learn more about nutrition, in general, check out our pages on the basics of nutrition and how to read nutrition labels. Fortunately, these issues are all avoidable! And, for the sake of your health, schedule and commit to a regular sleep schedule including eight hours of uninterrupted sleep! Adduction of the index finger would cause the base and side of your index finger to press against the controller face rather than your finger tip pressing the individual buttons. In the case of the claw grip, the muscle is most active when you pull your middle finger off the trigger as well as using your index to press the buttons. Not long after, plenty of media outlets started writing about the damaging effects of the claw grip. In order to understand why the risk exists, it is important to first understand the anatomy of the hand and fingers. At Esports Healthcare, so much of what we teach comes from the foundation of body mechanics—namely, your posture. These prolonged contractions will lead to fatigue. The muscle belly will expand and feel firm when you begin to use it. Yet, that doesn't mean the gaming industry has failed to take notice of the claw. Also, drink plenty of water. Here are a few exercises to prioritize. Over time, however, the activity becomes easier and easier. Many people suffer from injury and pain due to a lack of overall conditioning through a lack of exercise and stretching along with a lack of healthy lifestyle habits such as nutrition, posture and sleep.

By Alex Mercer. December 7, Claw grip is a unique grip gamers use to maximize their button input on console games.

Use your other thumb or the 2nd knuckle of your index finger to press into the muscle along the side of your hand. Use the index finger of your opposite hand to resist the movement of your fingers on the table. To do so, perform the claw grip and accompanying movements on your controller, and feel for the contraction of the muscle below the base of your index finger. This technique, called cross-friction, will also press out stagnant blood and allow fresh, oxygen-and-nutrient-rich blood to fill the muscle in its place. So, if you weigh lbs, you should drink 60 fl. Taking breaks between games and matches is part of that, but your recovery after and between these long sessions is even more important. Therefore, the first dorsal interosseous muscle is constantly activated while using the claw grip! Most of the strain comes from the 2nd PI as it is constantly pressing the index. They assist not only when moving the index finger around the buttons, but also when pressing the trigger itself. Fortunately, these issues are all avoidable! One way to achieve this is by performing the ulnar nerve glide. Much like any other activity, the body must adapt to its new surroundings in order to function without hindrance. About EHC. Claw grip can put you at risk for wrist and hand pain Shutterstock. When it comes to gaming controllers, research has found that ease of use is key.

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