coach carter tv tropes

Coach carter tv tropes

Award Snub : Samuel L. Jackson was expected to get an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor, but it never came to pass.

So your Ragtag Bunch of Misfits has finally learned to work together, become a family , and made it all the way to the championship. Now all they have to do is win the big game, which is easy, because Underdogs Never Lose. Except for this time. This time, the underdogs lose by one fourth of a point in the last two seconds of over-time because the star player twisted his ankle at the worst possible time. The team's spirit is utterly crushed and they feel like they let everyone down. But then, their fans all start to cheer, the Jerk Jock captain of the rival team comes to praise them for being such Worthy Opponents , and their coach congratulates them on playing such a great game. When they ask why everyone is so excited that they lost, their coach tells them that it's because they're still winners.

Coach carter tv tropes

The team helping finish Timo's pushup and suicide count so he can play. Extra points go to Lyle who, despite not being on particularly friendly terms with Timo, was the first person to step up and offer to help with the exercises. Timo thanking Coach Carter for saving his life by teaching him values and at the same time convincing the Coach to keep coaching the team when the school voted him to resign. A mix between heartwarming and tearjerking, Timo's desperation to get back on the team is due in large part to missing his friends and the game he loves. As much friction as he has with Carter, he's willing to overlook that because he knows this is good for him. When Worm loses his cool during the studying montage, Kenyon immediately leaps to his side to calm him down and gently help him get back to work. That's exactly the kind of caring teamwork Coach Carter was hoping to foster. Timo appearing on Coach Carter's porch after his cousin Renny is shot. Timo is slowly breaking down and begging to be back on the team while Carter decides to take in Timo to comfort him. Thanks to Carter's coaching, the team has grown from delinquents failing in school to exceptional men whom Carter could not be prouder of. The "Where Are They Now? A far cry from the dismal fate that was in store for them if Carter never imparted his values onto the team.

When Worm loses his cool during the studying montage, Kenyon immediately leaps to his side to calm him down and gently help him get back to work, coach carter tv tropes. Get Known if you don't have an account. Brown, sure must be stressful teaching math, science, English, and history all at once.

Smiling motherfuckerly. Jackson has appeared in every movie ever made, including all those to be made in the future. If you're working on a funny little home movie with your buddies, Samuel L. Jackson will show up at some point onscreen. If you accidentally leave your camcorder on, he'll end up in front of it.

List of Coach Carter characters, with pictures when available. These characters from the movie Coach Carter are ordered by their prominence in the film, so the most recognizable roles are at the top of the list. From main characters to cameos and minor roles, these characters are a huge part of what made the movie so great. The names of the actors who played each character are listed below as well, so use this Coach Carter character list to find out who portrayed your favorite role. If you're wondering, "What are the character's names in Coach Carter? As one of the main players on the Richmond Oilers basketball team, this young man exhibits a strong determination and sense of responsibility toward both his teammates and his loving girlfriend.

Coach carter tv tropes

Cruz: Teachers ain't supposed to touch students. Carter: I'm not a teacher, I'm the new basketball coach. Coach Carter is a sports drama film Based on a True Story about high-school basketball coach Ken Carter who demanded academic excellence from his students, trying to change the culture of a sports-dominated school. He was so determined that when the team's grades slipped, he cancelled the team's games outright, including one with a rival school, despite protests from the other students and the parents. Think Lean on Me but with a basketball team and Samuel L. Jackson as the "Crazy" Joe Clark if he was a basketball coach. Tropes featured include:.

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Tropes featured include:. Needless to say, Boscha's "win" had been instantly forgotten. Show Spoilers. A mix between heartwarming and tearjerking, Timo's desperation to get back on the team is due in large part to missing his friends and the game he loves. Aside from Jason Lyle, the Oilers have another white player and an Asian, both of whom don't have any lines. It stands for "Bad Motherfucker", a line spoken by the actor in previous roles. Jackson's most overlooked quotes. He is still in a good life position afterward, and helped his team to learn some things and win their last game. How well does it match the trope? Carter: Then we've failed. Live-Action TV.

The Coach Carter true story is what helped the sports movie classic reach its iconic status. Starring the iconic Samuel L. Jackson as real-life high school basketball coach Ken Carter, and tells the story of how he changed the lives of the student-athletes on the basketball team at an inner-city high school in Northern California.

Real Life Writes the Plot : Each player's position is based on the strength of his respective actor. Jackson in the Ultimate Marvel series. The owners of Zeus proclaim that Zeus is the winner, as expected, but the crowd is all for Atom, and Atom is celebrated as "the People's Champion". If you accidentally leave your camcorder on, he'll end up in front of it. On the other hand, Chick, who deliberately injured The King in the first place and only won because Lightning stopped in front of the finish line, not only loses the sponsorship of Dinoco, but the respect of most everyone. Jackson's most overlooked quotes. Follow TV Tropes. They get better. The American decides not to attack the South Korean, allowing time to expire and the U. Video Games At the end of Punch-Out!! Principal: And what if they fail? Justified because her other son lost his life and so she became incredibly protective of Junior as a result. You're still the champion in my book!

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