classical comedic monologues

Classical comedic monologues

Join StageAgent today and unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. Research Playwrights, Librettists, Composers and Lyricists. Browse Theatre Writers.

Join StageAgent today and unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. Research Playwrights, Librettists, Composers and Lyricists. Browse Theatre Writers. Galfred, Earl of Tweenwayes. The Amazons. Text Video.

Classical comedic monologues

Looking for a great comedic monologue? You have come to the right page. We have put together a massive list of comedy monologues for men and women, from theatre, film and TV. We aim to cover all bases — some are from classical playwrights, and others from contemporary TV series. These monologues will work well for auditions, perhaps a showreel update or for just some self-taping fun. I find actors always have great dramatic pieces on their casting profiles, or at auditions, but rarely have a great comic monologue. Having a really great comedy piece will make you stand out and allow you to show off your range as an actor. Some are laugh out loud, but others are more subtle. How to approach a comedy monologue: The key to comedy is to play the truth of the situation. Too many actors play up the comedy, trying to make a monologue funnier than it is. In fact, we have to trust the playwright or screenwriter and just fully commit to the situation. How to pick a comedy monologue: I recommend reading a bunch of monologues below and then just making a gut choice. A monologue will soar if you connect with it!

And did he ask how I was? I know every girl at school except Monica is in love with him.


Join StageAgent today and unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. Research Playwrights, Librettists, Composers and Lyricists. Browse Theatre Writers. Sheriff Shirley Mulroney. The Dalmar Biker War. Agnes Popowich. Cedric Bottomly. Text Video.

Classical comedic monologues

Home Uncategorized 35 Comedic Monologues for Women. I know you will never read this letter. Crazy, hostile letters—like mine—the ones written in crayon on butcher paper, the ones made of letters cut out of magazines—. But I send them anyway, once a day, and do you know why? Because the loathing I pour into these pages is so ripe, so full-to-bursting, that it is my firm belief that anyone. This toxin will be passed upwards—it is the nature of bureaucracies to pass things vertically—till eventually,. In this way, through osmosis, little droplets of contagion are being rubbed into your leathery flesh every day—. We wait for the day when all the grams and drams and dollops of detestation will destroy you. We attack from below. Our day will come.

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By the time I reached Year Eight I had fifteen pairs of jeans. These monologues will work well for auditions, perhaps a showreel update or for just some self-taping fun. I made the young men help me gather the jonquils! My wife left me. Life in a box is better than no life at all. The composer. But I also definitely said as little as possible and was totally respectful of you in the way I talked about you. I think you are an amazing woman, I honestly do. Search all theatre characters. The Fencing Master. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Who knew those would be the magic words? And they were his last words.

No, faith; husbands are like lots in the lottery: you may draw forty blanks before you find one that has any prize in him. A husband generally is a careless, domineering thing that grows like coral, which as long as it is under water is soft and tender,.

And smelling like hibiscus. It makes me laugh. Search all theatre characters. As You Like It. How many times have I heard that? He said I had better resolve it, stop treating her like I was still a child. A Chaste Maid in Cheapside. Jonquils became an absolute obsession. I know you look at me now and think, boy she must have breezed through high school. I mean, where the hell did that come from? I hear how I am censured: they say I will bear myself proudly if I perceive the love come from her. But then it dawned on me.

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