Chihuahua breeds pictures

One of the theories we have available about the origin of the Chihuahua breed — and certainly the most plausible one if you ask us — is that they are descended from an ancient race of dogs called the Techichi who were kept by the ancient Toltec peoples, chihuahua breeds pictures.

Cute chihuahua puppy sleeping with teddy bear on the white bed,Vintage style. Funny Chihuahua peeping out the frame, against white background. Chihuahua winks as if to say "okay". Chihuahua puppy sitting and looking at the camera, isolated on white. Side View, Vector Illustration.

Chihuahua breeds pictures

Hepper is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. Learn more. Click to Skip Ahead. While most people can recognize these dogs on sight, you might be less familiar with the different types of Chihuahua. Only the apple-headed Chihuahua is a recognized standard—and the most common—but there are several other types out there. Here, we explain the difference between short- and long-haired Chihuahuas, teacup or mini Chihuahuas, and Chihuahuas with apple, deer, or pear-shaped heads. There are six different types of Chihuahua, and some breed enthusiasts include the fawn Chihuahua as a seventh type. Determining which type of Chihuahua you have depends on the length of their fur and the shape of their head. Their size can also be a factor in their classification. Their head shape is the next determining feature and requires more attention to notice the differences. There are three head shapes to look out for—apple, deer, and pear—but only apple heads are a recognized standard. Finally, there are smaller Chihuahuas that are considered teacup sized—and controversial. Short-haired or smooth-coated Chihuahuas are recognized by the AKC, so they can take part in dog shows as long as they have an apple head.

They also have large, deer-like ears and slightly longer legs than the other types of Chihuahuas. We are working on that one, though.

While Milo and Matilda are on the bigger side of the Chi scale at 8 and 9 lbs. Milo is a bit more on the lazy side compared to the other three and sometimes will just sit there and watch the others play or just take a nap! They are all very loving and are always anxious to share kisses with their humans and with each other alike. They like to burrow in blankets, pillows, etc. If Matilda wants to play you'd better play or else you'll get a "donkey kick" until she gets a reaction. I always have heard how Chihuahuas are hard to train but I find them incredibly smart and clever. Maxwell is even known to open a crate door if he finds something inside appealing to him.

Do you love small dogs? If you do, then you could well be a fan of the beautiful Chihuahua breed. This breed is the world's smallest dog breed and comes from the Mexican state of Chihuahua. On average, the Chihuahua can live between years old. It can grow up to anything between inches and weight between Ibs. If you're going by the American Kennel Club, there is officially two different types of Chihuahuas, the long coat and the smooth coat.

Chihuahua breeds pictures

The hair types for all Chihuahuas vary greatly and usually do not correlate with their hair length. These dogs do not need any hard grooming for their coat, such as cutting or styling. They do have an undercoat, which, surprisingly, sheds more than longer-coated Chihuahua types. Chihuahuas were bred as a short-haired breed because they come from Mexico. Mexico is a tropical country known for its deserts, jungles, and hot weather. Due to having a short coat, Short-Hair Chihuahuas may get a sunburn if left out in the summer sun, and they may get pests such as fleas and ticks.


Ben Team June 9, Chihuahua, 1. Different varieties of coat color set. A mexican dog wearing a red hat. Origin: Mexico Defining Trait: No more than 6 inches tall or more than 5 pounds Lifespan: 7—12 years Height: 6 inches. Pear-head Chihuahuas are a mix of the previous two head shapes. I have not yet met a person that did not love her almost as much as I do. The smallest and most controversial type of Chihuahua is the Teacup or Mini Chihuahua. He is also a great doorbell before visitors even get out of their car. All six types will be perfect for cuddling up on the couch with.

Hepper is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. Learn more.

Although small they can be very intimidating. The shape of their skull is easy to mistake for the deer-head type. They are already a breed born scared due to their size but then they get unlucky because they end up with a horrible abusive owner. Christie March 2, Looking back at when we first got him at 6 weeks, we can't believe how quickly he grew. There are three head shapes to look out for—apple, deer, and pear—but only apple heads are a recognized standard. Margaret m June 1, Hey, John. If we walk to another room of our small apartment, he loves to grab a toy and follow us. Best of luck! Stephanie Parks April 6, When apple-headed and deer-headed Chihuahuas are bred together, the puppies can inherit a mix of their head shapes, leading to a pear-shaped head.

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