cell biology exam 1

Cell biology exam 1

What are cells constantly doing?

For this exam, you will need to know the properties of amino acids, nucleic acids, and phospholipids, as well as bonds, polarity, respiration, and photosynthesis. Browse Course Material Syllabus. Meet the Instructors. Meet the TAs. Types of Organisms, Cell Composition. Covalent Bonds, Hydrogen Bonds. Macromolecules: Lipids, Carbohydrates, Nucleic Acid.

Cell biology exam 1


Download Course. Carbon atoms usually form covalent bonds with other carbon atoms and with oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur. Topics Science.


Hello, and welcome to Biology Exam I, where we will be taking a close look at one of the most important topics within the scientific study; cells! How much can you tell us about cells, as well as the essential macromolecules? Here's an interesting quiz for you. Search Speak now. This team includes our in-house seasoned quiz moderators and subject matter experts. Our editorial experts, spread across the world, are rigorously trained using our comprehensive guidelines to ensure that you receive the highest quality quizzes. Learn about Our Editorial Process.

Cell biology exam 1

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Michelle Mischke. Academy Contact Find Us. Basic Mechanics of Cloning. Exam 2. Brainscape's Knowledge Genome TM. Covalent Bonds, Hydrogen Bonds. Why are those properties important? Find Flashcards. Creative Commons License. DNA Replication.


Hazel Sive Prof. Freely sharing knowledge with learners and educators around the world. Characteristics of carbon, characteristics of water, selectively permeable membranes, synthesis of polymerization of small molecules, Self-assembly. Academy Contact Find Us. Light microscopy: earliest tool, identifies nuclei, mitochondria, chloroplast, also called bright field microscopy because white light passes directly through a specimen, limit of resolution; Phase-contranst and DIC microscopy: make it possible to see living cells clearly, phase of transmitted light changes as it passes through a structure with different density from the surrounding medium, enhance and amplify slight changes; Fluorescence microscopy: allows detection of proteins, DNA sequences, or molecules that have been made fluorescent by binding to antibodies, antibody can be coupled to fluorescent molecule which emits fluorescence, GFP can be used to study temporal and spatial distribution of proteins; Confocal: use laser beam to illuminate single plane of fluorescently labeled specimen; Digital video: use video camera to collect digital images. Proud member of:. Sallie Chisholm Dr. Biochemical Genetics. Molecules of importantance to the cell biologist have a backbone or skeleton, or carbon atoms linked together covalently in chains or rings. Bacteria: prokaryotes nonnucleated, genetic info in nucleoid and present in cell as a chromosome, compartmentalize activities; Animal: eukaryotes, no cell wall but extracellular matrix, peroxisomes, vacuoles are temporary storage and transport, septins; Plants: eukaryotes, photosynthesis occurs, lots of chloroplast , plasmodesmata for communication and exhange. Meet the TAs. The cellular membrane is hydrophobic permeability barrier, consist of phospholipids, glycolipids, and membranes proteins, membrane lipids are amphipathic both hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions, amphipathic phospholipids have a polar head, the polarity is due to a negatively charged phosphate group linked to a positively charged group, the polar heads of membrane phospholipids face outward toward the aqueous environment, they also have 2 nonpolar hydrocarbon tails, they hydrophobic tails are oriented inward, the resulting structure is the lipid bilayer, because of the hydrophobic interior a lipid bilyaer is readily permeable to nonpolar molecules, however it is quite impermeable to most polar molecules and highly impermeable to all ions, biological membranes are selectively permeable. Transcription, Translation.

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