careers for enfp

Careers for enfp

Updated January 13,

ENFPs are happiest in their careers when they can deploy their vivacious, person-centered nature to express themselves and help others. ENFPs can be found in a wide variety of careers and industries, but the most satisfied ENFPs have found a way to bring creativity and originality into their daily work. It is important to note that any personality type can be successful in any occupation. However, some occupations are well suited to the natural talents and preferred work style of the ENFP, while other occupations demand modes of thinking and behavior that do not come as naturally to the ENFP. Occupations that require the ENFP to operate outside their natural preferences may prove stressful or draining, and often sound unappealing to ENFPs who are choosing a career. The following occupations have been found to be unpopular among ENFPs, based on data gathered from surveys of the general population. The Champion.

Careers for enfp

By Dr. ENFPs are intelligent, creative, versatile, good with people, and can have a knack for entrepreneurship and leadership. The ENFP wants to find a career he or she is passionate about. Settling for a mediocre career choice seems unacceptable to this personality type. Most would rather live frugally doing what they love than get rich performing unsatisfying work. ENFP college students may struggle to identify a college major that can satisfy their broad interests and versatile abilities. Both of these types like to explore a variety of options before making any permanent decisions about their career path. They often require plenty of experimentation and life experience in order to discover their deepest passion. Despite the challenge of zeroing-in on the right career, job, or college major, ENFPs can find satisfaction in a number of different career areas. This can help individuals identify their best career choice. Individuals with Realistic interests enjoy physical, hands-on work. It is therefore not surprising that this interest domain is correlated with a preference for Thinking over Feeling. They may, for instance, pursue careers in landscape architecture. The Investigative domain incorporates analytic, scientific, and academic interests. Investigative types enjoy working with ideas, theories, facts, or data.

Type Nine. This makes them a natural team leader or manager.


We're here to answer that question and help you understand more about who you are and how you best express yourself on the job and otherwise. And while they love building new connections, they need more alone time than most other extraverts. In everything they do and experience, they look for the deeper meaning behind it. If they find a cause, they pursue it with a passion and energy that inspires others to get involved. They may be revered as gurus or visionaries, but the ENFP is likely to feel constrained by a leadership role, due to their need for the freedom to innovate and to explore new ideas and solutions.

Careers for enfp

ENFPs are happiest in their careers when they can deploy their vivacious, person-centered nature to express themselves and help others. ENFPs can be found in a wide variety of careers and industries, but the most satisfied ENFPs have found a way to bring creativity and originality into their daily work. It is important to note that any personality type can be successful in any occupation. However, some occupations are well suited to the natural talents and preferred work style of the ENFP, while other occupations demand modes of thinking and behavior that do not come as naturally to the ENFP. Occupations that require the ENFP to operate outside their natural preferences may prove stressful or draining, and often sound unappealing to ENFPs who are choosing a career. The following occupations have been found to be unpopular among ENFPs, based on data gathered from surveys of the general population. The Champion. The ENFP personality type is Extraverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving, which means they are energized by time with others, motivated to deeply understand the human experience, drawn to authentic emotional intensity, and easily bored by the mundane. This combination of personality preferences produces people who place great value on personal freedom and happiness, both for themselves and for others.

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As managers they are confident in their abilities, enthusiastic and assertive. ENFPs with IA interests may study the social sciences, philosophy, critical theory, theology, investigative journalism, or take up non-fiction writing. ENFPs have little interest in rules, and will encourage their teammates to think outside the box to create a solution that is uniquely theirs. The INTP. They are the energetic innovators, developing new styles and solutions that push the boundaries of current design trends. ENFP personalities work best in a dynamic environment where they can gain energy from others, whether in a project team, classroom or crowd. Subscribe to get our latest blog posts Delivered to your inbox, every week! As ENFPs dislike structure, a job in a creative industry as a performer or actor is well suited. The ENFP personality type is one of the more common types identified by the Myers Briggs test and is seen more often in women. Type Eight. They love to travel, engage with people, explore contemporary ideas, and to write about their experiences. Entrepreneur ENFPs enjoy a challenge and are risk-takers. Despite the challenge of zeroing-in on the right career, job, or college major, ENFPs can find satisfaction in a number of different career areas. ENFPs do not tend to have a natural aptitude for precision or detail.

ENFPs are enthusiastic and vivacious individuals who love to support others in discovering their creative potential. They enjoy being creative themselves and the best ENFP careers usually lie in the creative field.

Their empathy and people-centric focus will translate well in a role which requires the ability to relate to the needs and desires of the customer. View all Myers Briggs Types. In leadership positions, ENFPs convey enthusiasm and excitement for their ideas. The management of project structure and delivery does not come as easily to ENFPs as the human resources aspect. Scoring high in extraversion, ENFPs are friendly, confident and enjoy group situations where they can interact with a range of different people. Those with ENFP personalities are well suited to roles in teaching, or learning and development. They seek out fun, novel tasks that allow them to be imaginative and relate to other people in an unstructured, supportive way. Not sure what career is the best fit for you? They know how to engage different groups in conversation and can relate easily to people. This makes them a natural team leader or manager. They may benefit from actively strengthening their organisational skills and ability to plan and stick to a project timeline. This article will explore the Myers Briggs personality type of ENFP , and the careers most and least suited to someone in this personality category.

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