Brain test lösungen
Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles is one of the most popular trick question games in the history of the iOS and Android platforms. You have to do all kinds of random stuff in order to solve the puzzle, such as use the answer that might not be obvious at first, or shake your phone, or find hidden objects, brain test lösungen, or solve math problems. The questions get tougher and tougher, as this is one of the toughest trick-question games brain test lösungen the market.
Falls eine der von uns angegebenen Antworten nicht korrekt ist, hinterlassen Sie bitte einen Kommentar und wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter. Die Fragen variieren von verschiedenen Kategorien. Search Search. Ich habe den Rennfahrer auf dem 2. Welchen Platz habe ich jetzt?
Brain test lösungen
The reason you have landed on our website is because you are facing difficulties with the popular game Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles and are looking for help. Well look no further because today is your lucky day as we have just finished solving all the Brain Test Answers and we have decided to share them with you below. Please keep in mind the developers of the game have changed the level numbers so what we might have in file can be different from the ones you have that is why we highly recommend you to use the search feature and search the question or level number. NEW : Brain Test 2 is finally here with a lot of brain teasers and riddles for you. If you are stuck then head over to BrainTest2. Playing Brain Test can be a great investment to improve your skills and the best way to have a productive free time. All the interesting and challenging riddles and brain teasers that you solve will add to your interpersonal skills by making you a real master in IQ puzzle games. Expanding the vocabulary, improving your logical thinking, broadening your creativity, are the most significant outcomes that you can get from playing this game. But the main deal about it is not to give up. Even if you get stuck or face difficulties you should not allow yourself to quit. We are here to help you get through the tough moments and be able to continue your Brain Test journey. There are many great levels waiting for you to solve and a little help from us will only help you advance, explore the game and be able to enjoy it! Here is the list of all the Brain Test Answers. We are always updating this page with new content as the developers of the game introduce new levels. Brain Test is developed by Unico Studio LLC which is a company known for developing puzzle games even though we might all agree that Brain Test is actually one of their most popular games.
Level To click on the animals from smallest to biggest, tap the mouse, the lion, then the elephant and hit submit.
Falls eine der von uns angegebenen Antworten nicht korrekt ist, hinterlassen Sie bitte einen Kommentar und wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter. Die Fragen variieren von verschiedenen Kategorien. Search Search. Ich habe den Rennfahrer auf dem 2. Welchen Platz habe ich jetzt?
Brain test lösungen
Alina hat Angst davor, auf ein Abenteuer zu gehen, um die Steine der Macht zu finden. Mache ihr Mut 2. Alina muss irgendwie in Gustavs Lagerhaus 3. Alina ist drinnen, aber sie muss irgendwie an diesen Gaunern vorbei 4. Ich muss den Gauner in der Toilette austricksen. Mama 6. Ich muss sie erwischen, solange sie abgelenkt sind 7. Alina muss diesen Schurken loswerden
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Brain Test Level Help him defend the little turtles Answers. They are exactly the same. Level — Tortoise must win Brain Test. But the main deal about it is not to give up. Level To figure out where the cat above the text, use your finger to move the entire question down below the three cats. Level — Horsy wishes to be a unicorn Brain Test. Das Eis ist ungerecht verteilt Brain Test. There are a total of 12 dogs — some of them are hiding. Welche Katze sitzt ganz rechts. Level — Feed our cat from the left to right Brain Test. Was ist auf dem Jupiter zu finden Brain Test. Level Another miserable man needs your help. Level — How does this equation work Brain Test. Level To pick a gift for your birthday, ignore the gift boxes on the screen.
Auf unserer Website kannst du Tricks lernen, um durch jedes Level zu kommen. Welcher der beiden ist mein echter Schatten 2. Kannst du auf alle meine Katzen tippen 7.
Bitte hilf mir mein Auto zu reparieren Brain Test. Level 11 — Which one is longest Brain Test. To fix it, take the picture of the sun and zoom out to expand it, then place it over the window. Then tap Go and the rat will run to the cheese. Level Oh no, her flower is dying! Level — His coffee has gotten cold Brain Test. Level Tom wants to jump again, but we ran out of mushrooms. Irgendetwas stimmt hier nicht Brain Test. So put some salt and some ice water in his porridge to cool it and to improve the flavor. Level — Tortoise must win Brain Test. Level — Please unlock the door I am trapped outside Brain Test. To revive the flower, take the bucket, fill it with water, then pour it on the flower. Die Katze ist immer noch hungrig Brain Test. Level He needs some help! There will be 6 letters.
I will know, I thank for the information.