Blizzard restore item

Item restoration is a service you can use in World of Warcraft if you accidentally sell, disenchant, or otherwise destroy something from your inventory, blizzard restore item. It's easily done: you want to clean out your bags before you head to the raid, and you mistakenly sell that piece of gear you've been trying to decide is an upgrade or not.

I am going through a very painful situation which is really affecting my game experience. I unfortunately deleted a weapon before going to bed on the 9th October, a two-hands epic Axe. I usually go on the restoration page but it is not showing anywhere and i am really struggling right now. No one has been helping and this is really affecting my game experience. Could you please help me? I created a ticket and was provided a very generic answer, very unhelpful! See below: Issue ID:

Blizzard restore item

Item restoration is a service you can use in World of Warcraft if you accidentally sell, disenchant, or otherwise destroy something from your inventory. It's easily done: you want to clean out your bags before you head to the raid, and you mistakenly sell that piece of gear you've been trying to decide is an upgrade or not. Of course, if you realise your error right away, you can use the "buy back" tab at any vendor. If it's been a few days, however, you might think it's time to put in a ticket and hope to get it returned that way. The good news is that it's actually much easier than that—you can do it yourself with the WoW item restoration service. Here's how it works. The item restoration service is available once every seven days and this limit applies to each of your characters. Here's what you need to do to restore an item:. Before you restore your items, you'll get to see what you'll need to "pay" to get them back. It's no more than you gained when you destroyed them, but you need to have it available to exchange for the item: if you sold it, you'll need the gold you gained, if you disenchanted it, you'll need the crafting materials. Presumably, this is to prevent players from abusing the service to gain materials or gold. While most items can be restored via this method, there are some things that can't be and won't show up on the list. Quest items, for example, won't show up here.

If it's been a few days, however, you might think it's time to put in a ticket and hope to get it returned that way.


I once feigned stabbing myself in the eye with a popsicle stick only to actually stab myself in the eye with a popsicle stick. I've been known to make some rash decisions that cloaked the next hours of my life with self-pity and regret. This is why MMOs have functions like buy back tabs, confirmation dialogues and the ability to trade loot that was mistakenly ninja'd because "It's a hunter weapon. Item recovery isn't something new to World of Warcraft. Previously, you could submit a ticket with the details of your butter-fingered mistake and, if you were a blessed individual, you could have your gear back within a day or two. The new item recovery system takes away the hassle of waiting and gives you your items via in-game mail almost instantly. To test it out, I deleted my newly acquired healing boots on my paladin. Destroyed, gone, dead. Being in Orgrimmar barefoot can't be conducive to good health, so I tried to submit a ticket before I accidentally stepped in any wyrven poo-doo.

Blizzard restore item

Item restoration is a service you can use in World of Warcraft if you accidentally sell, disenchant, or otherwise destroy something from your inventory. It's easily done: you want to clean out your bags before you head to the raid, and you mistakenly sell that piece of gear you've been trying to decide is an upgrade or not. Of course, if you realise your error right away, you can use the "buy back" tab at any vendor. If it's been a few days, however, you might think it's time to put in a ticket and hope to get it returned that way. The good news is that it's actually much easier than that—you can do it yourself with the WoW item restoration service. Here's how it works. The item restoration service is available once every seven days and this limit applies to each of your characters. Here's what you need to do to restore an item:. Before you restore your items, you'll get to see what you'll need to "pay" to get them back. It's no more than you gained when you destroyed them, but you need to have it available to exchange for the item: if you sold it, you'll need the gold you gained, if you disenchanted it, you'll need the crafting materials.

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You can use our Item Restoration page to restore sold, destroyed, or disenchanted items. Support Customer Support. Best graphics cards in the GPUs I recommend for every budget. They also take a few minutes to show up after logging out, so that's worth bearing in mind too. It's no more than you gained when you destroyed them, but you need to have it available to exchange for the item: if you sold it, you'll need the gold you gained, if you disenchanted it, you'll need the crafting materials. If it's been a few days, however, you might think it's time to put in a ticket and hope to get it returned that way. FTSE 7, Here's how it works. I am sorry to hear you are having a bit of trouble with your items. I unfortunately deleted a weapon before going to bed on the 9th October, a two-hands epic Axe.

So wait, its once every 30 days per item you mess up?

Best gaming laptops in I've had my pick of portable powerhouses and these are the best. Support Customer Support. More about world of warcraft. It's easily done: you want to clean out your bags before you head to the raid, and you mistakenly sell that piece of gear you've been trying to decide is an upgrade or not. If you can't see an item on the list and you know you sold it very recently, check the "buy back" tab at any vendor. Things won't show up on the item restoration list if you can still get it back yourself in-game. Quest items, for example, won't show up here. Lapiqure-sulfuron October 19, , am 6. While most items can be restored via this method, there are some things that can't be and won't show up on the list. Helldivers 2's latest order sure looks like a setup for players to liberate their own mech suits… for democracy! Sarah James. See comments.

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