Blind channel setlist
Tour: Doomsday Summer Tour statistics Add setlist. Edit set times.
Tour: Doomsday Summer Tour statistics Add setlist. Edit set times. Tour stats. Complete Album stats. Tapiola Festivaali setlists.
Blind channel setlist
Eminem cover. Average show length: 37m.
Edit set times. Tour stats. Complete Album stats. I was there too. Add Setlist. Search Clear search text. You are here: setlist. Dec 29 Set Times.
Blind channel setlist
Edit set times. Tour stats. Complete Album stats. Rockfest setlists. I was there too. Add Setlist. Search Clear search text. You are here: setlist.
Average show length: 37m. Oct 09 All Blind Channel set times. Customize your setlist. Start time: PM 6h 20m after doors. Alive or Only Burning. I was there 26 setlist. Aug 19 Jun 29 Covers 1. Jul 15 End: PM 30m long. All Blind Channel set times.
Anastacia cover. Tagged : Amber Liu. Jul 15 Over My Dead Body. Aug 18 Covers 1. Set Times. I was there too. Blind Channel. Tour stats Complete Album stats. Complete Album stats. Backstreet Boys song. Rock the Lakes Vallamand, Switzerland Add time. Complete Album stats. Aug 17
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