Black hole bfdi

Our main character is Black Hole who goes as far as to use a fake name and avoid talk black hole bfdi where he's from to keep his 'species' under wraps and fit in Since I couldn't find Gaty as school yesterday decided I'll have to postpone that plan for today and go for a little walk er As rare as I ever do I think back to my past in space long before I found Earth, black hole bfdi, black holes like myself aren't know to have many of these emotions like other cosmic entities we're often just well.

Our main character is Black Hole who goes as far as to use a fake name and avoid talk of where he's from to keep his 'species' under wraps and fit in Author's Note: I've decided to write the rest of this in some form of script format at least for dialog terms cuz that's a little easier for me. I only have two more classes until school's out today those being math and chemistry in that order, my fellow Death P. An awkward silence filled the room. I do what they say and find an empty seat, as I look around there were some familiar faces one of which I don't like being Pencil at least her friend Match isn't with her she seemed to have a very confused look on her face when she looked my way, must've noticed my new face.

Black hole bfdi

He was first seen in " Gardening Hero " known as "Vortex" back then , pulling Spongy in, and eventually being sold because of budget cuts. He also had another chance of joining the game in IDFB , but it was postponed. He got votes, placing him 10 th. Black Hole's appearance is made up of two parts. His event horizon is round and is solid black. Surrounding his event horizon is a gassy accretion disk with six different colors, mainly blue, green, and red and some purple, yellow, and orange. His accretion disk is mostly seen in white, it is very transparent, and it slightly glows. When he talks, he oscillates up and down in sync with his dialogue, though this is possibly just to make it easy to tell when he's talking. Black Hole is a calm and collected individual, never raising his voice. Valuing life, he is empathetic and patient. He's always kindhearted, never wanting to be rude to others and never wanting to start conflict or harm others.

Bring your pet to school day. Black Hole.


He was first seen in " Gardening Hero " known as "Vortex" back then , pulling Spongy in, and eventually being sold because of budget cuts. He also had another chance of joining the game in IDFB , but it was postponed. He got votes, placing him 10 th. Black Hole seems to be a stellar blackhole due to the mass being more than the sun, but not enough to be in the middle of a galaxy, his appearance is made up of two parts. His event horizon is round and is solid black. Surrounding his event horizon is a gassy accretion disk with six different colors, mainly blue, green, and red and some purple, yellow, and orange. His accretion disk is mostly seen in white, it is very transparent, and it slightly glows. When he talks, he oscillates up and down in sync with his dialogue, though this is possibly just to make it easy to tell when he's talking.

Black hole bfdi

This article lists the interactions and relationships of Black Hole. Black Hole is a calm and collected individual, never raising his voice. Valuing life, he is empathetic and patient even to those who act rude towards him.

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He flies over to Cloudy's collection, commenting on the amount of things in the pile, but wonders why the zombies are crowding around the collection. Fall play auditions. Power Restored. Snowball Showdown. However, Four eventually gets fed up with them and forcefully pulls the entire team out of his mouth, which also makes Death P. This chapter is about Brains. Don't leave your phone at home. And about being born, I technically was born asexually but how does that tie in with love? The battery lands next to Black Hole and he figures that they must want him to fly up. I don't think I've ever been. Fanny clarifies that he meant he could use his suction abilities to help them.

Black hole voting icon redraw. Death P. T Height Chart

Can stars fall in love with other stars? Meeting Pen 2. Black Hole decides to help with knocking down Teardrop 's stack after Tree informs them that she ruined their stack. Back to School. Although they were initially up for elimination. But Bomby instead complains about Black Hole sucking his banana up and claims he owes him a banana. Black Hole the Cosmic Serpent. Pie then falls off the staircase and is rocketed directly to the top by Black Hole's gravity, where she presses the buzzer, securing Death P. And about being born, I technically was born asexually but how does that tie in with love? Common Ground. A new Member Again. Candle's Warning.

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