best walking dead season

Best walking dead season

Eleven seasons and multiple spin-offs later, The Walking Dead shuffled off this mortal coil in November Here's our ranking of the worst to best installments of the landmark series.

To help us bid farewell to the beloved zombie drama, we ranked all eleven of its seasons from worst to best. Simply put, Season 7 was bleak: a chain of endless suffering, slow-motion camera pans, Negan beat-downs and Daryl Norman Reedus grunting. The uneven Commonwealth story brought in some fantastic actors Josh Hamilton and Laila Robins made excellent villains , but it never managed to climb back up to early-seasons levels of tension or intrigue. The series finale was passable, but missed opportunities were evident. Was Season 11 bad? Not quite—it just felt empty. However, when taken as a whole, Season 10 suffered from many of the same issues as 7 and 8.

Best walking dead season

Imagine a world in which The Walking Dead as a whole never existed? Which seasons are at the bottom of the bin? Ultimately, without the exploration of Negan and the Saviors, the season would fall apart. The Walking Dead Season 9 marked the end of Rick being our primary protagonist. The tone and overall feeling of the show shifted the moment Andrew Lincoln left the series. And that can be perceived as either a good or a bad thing depending on who you ask for the show as a whole. The introduction of the Whisperers upped the creepy factor and took the series in a direction that was needed given the lack of Rick. But, did it deliver on the horror front of things? If nothing else, the horror which includes the Walker designs , action sequences, and themes surrounding classism helped make even the more boring episodes entertaining. Plus, it brought Rick back for a few scenes near the end of the series finale, which is always a win in my book. Many of the events that occur in Season 10 range from disturbing to stress-inducing. All in all, Season 10 had a fair amount of highs and wrapped up a beloved arc as best as they could. And ,even in an apocalyptic setting, the most horrendous people manage to survive. Not to mention Rick Grimes is one of the best written characters in television history. The evolution that he goes through from the first season onwards is incredible.

But it's the final episode of the season that remains unforgettable for taking viewers back to pre-outbreak times and diving into Negan Smith's backstory, how his wife Lucille died, and what made him the best walking dead season he grew to be. Create profiles for personalised advertising. Negan was arguably the biggest villain on The Walking Deadbut fans felt his storyline had run its course.

As TV and movie franchises go, some might think The Walking Dead is in its infancy with only five titles currently available for public consumption. Compare the hours of viewing time available, however, and the franchise looks positively geriatric. The Walking Dead franchise: nearly hours of programming. The story is similar if you look at the bulk-wise fledgling Game of Thrones franchise, too. Warner Bros.

As TV and movie franchises go, some might think The Walking Dead is in its infancy with only five titles currently available for public consumption. Compare the hours of viewing time available, however, and the franchise looks positively geriatric. The Walking Dead franchise: nearly hours of programming. The story is similar if you look at the bulk-wise fledgling Game of Thrones franchise, too. Warner Bros.

Best walking dead season

There's no doubt that "The Walking Dead" will be forever enshrined in television history. Based on a comic series by Robert Kirkman, the show ran for 11 seasons and episodes. It's one of the longest-running cable series of all time, and its ratings have been record-setting. What makes the success of "The Walking Dead" all the more surprising is that its primary cast rotated with regular frequency. For nine seasons, Andrew Lincoln's character Rick Grimes could have been seen as a protagonist — but the show thrived for multiple seasons without him. Over its lengthy run the series had plenty of ups and downs but never lost sight of what fans loved most about it. At the end of the day, "The Walking Dead" was always an action-packed zombie story that nevertheless made its best moments all about the characters. Every episode was filled with so many small details and pause-worthy moments that the series became endlessly rewatchable.

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This is the season where Rick is left to reel, and even hallucinate, following the death of his wife Lori while trying to care for a new baby Judith, who he knows is very likely not his biological daughter. Most WTF moment: Bob having his leg eaten by former Terminus members — while he watches — is as shocking, and bleakly funny, as it sounds. It was genuinely thrilling to fans of the genre — and remains so — to see horror treated as prestige television. With Alpha and the Whisperers , certainly the greatest post-punk band that never was , the show finally introduced a villain as fearsome as the Governor. While Carol and Lizzy perhaps share the most memorable moment of this season, it's the inexplicable bond that formed between Daryl and Beth that has lingered long. Warner Bros. Simply put, Season 7 was bleak: a chain of endless suffering, slow-motion camera pans, Negan beat-downs and Daryl Norman Reedus grunting. He presented a new enemy in the living who was out for power and control. The season might have ranked higher had it not been for the big disappointment surrounding the final scene, which did not reveal the character who would die at the hands of Negan, but rather left audiences with an unsatisfying and torturous cliffhanger. The reveal that the inhabitants of Terminus had turned cannibalistic was ridiculous in the best fashion; it was handled with an exploitation movie sensibility that, if anything, made one wish The Walking Dead indulged more often in loony-bin thrills, and led to a series highlight when Bob Lawrence Gilliard Jr. For the first time in the show's history, The Walking Dead began to fully embrace its horror roots, especially in the prison setting, which was employed to wonderful effect here and lent the episodes a bit of a funhouse quality. Synopsis: Standalone episodes focus on both new and established characters set in the world of the original "The Walking Dead" series Just consider: The phrase "midseason finale" did not exist before Rick Grimes and his crew came onto the scene.

Despite several spin-offs starring many fan-favorite characters in the works, The Walking Dead has said farewell after 12 years and 11 seasons on AMC. Within those 11 seasons, the series saw dozens of cast members come and go, couples break up and makeup, and hundreds of walkers killed in unique and gory ways.

What's the Tomatometer? It was also the finest season for Negan, who completed a villain-to-hero arc worthy of a Fast and Furious sequel with his infiltration of the Whisperers, while also claiming the standout episode with the finale, " Here's Negan. Within those 11 seasons, the series saw dozens of cast members come and go, couples break up and makeup, and hundreds of walkers killed in unique and gory ways. It was also the first season in which Rick's group splintered into smaller contingents, after Hershel's death at the hands of the Governor, which allowed a show already known for its in-depth character development to dive deeper into the relationships between new characters like Abraham, Rosita Christian Serratos , and the cure-obsessed Eugene Josh McDermitt. The second season took the twists and turns of Season 1 and upped them a notch, starting with the season premiere's cliffhanger that left Carl's young life in the balance. This season also saw the development of Daryl and Beth's friendship, the dangerous and deadly Terminus, and the most gruesome moment of the entire season: when Carol instructed young Lizzie to look at the flowers to kill her due to the child's murderous tendencies and obsession with walkers. It may be the shortest season of them all, but, without a doubt, it's by far the best Walking Dead season. Truly a perfect season of television and I will not argue about that fact. This season marked a major turning point for the show. The TWD seasons ranked make it easy to see which ended up being the worst and best of the beloved series.

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