best jhin synergies

Best jhin synergies

Jhin is one of the most unique champion designs in the game.

Are you constantly seeking the edge to dominate your opponents? Ready to gain that coveted rank and secure your position in the League? You will receive your eBook download link straight to your email. Since the beginning of season 14, Jhin has been a heavily contested pick in the bot lane. Everybody knows that the current meta revolves around burst damage, so Jhin naturally fits this playstyle. However, you still need to know which are the best supports for Jhin in season 14 of League of Legends.

Best jhin synergies

Your ultimate deals significantly less damage to enemies with full health. Look to pick off weakened targets as they run away. Deadly Flourish has incredible range. When approaching a fight be sure to look ahead for enemies that could be rooted. You can still cast your spells while reloading. Use them to fill the down time. You can use Brand's abilities in a variety of combinations to maximize his damage in different situations. You can deter enemies from standing near their minions by setting them ablaze, due to Conflagration. Pyroclasm bounces randomly between enemies, so try to cast it on a small group of enemies if you want to hit the same target multiple times. The Jhin Brand synergy stats shown here demonstrate the areas of his gameplay that do better or worse when paired with Brand, compared to his overall stats. Significant differences are areas of focus that highlight how his gameplay changes when paired with this other champion. Overall, Jhin sees a large worsening in his KDA ratio of kills and assists to deaths when paired with Brand.

Works very well with high CC supports and his ult can be very difficult to dodge with your own, best jhin synergies, since he has 4 shots. Twitch build for season 11 by Zammey Twitch Player.

Jhin, the Virtuoso, may be a powerful League of Legends champion on his own, but when paired with the right support partner, he can enact his murderous intentions on all opponents with ease. Whether it be an enchanter, mage, engage, or tank champion alongside him in the support role, nearly every member of the support champion pool has the tools to accompany Jhin and make up for what the Virtuoso lacks. Regardless of the variations in the meta, particularly those impacting the fragility of ADCs, Jhin is a powerful, easy-to-pick-up champion who can provide his team with an ample amount of damage from a distance and decent crowd control. Here are the best support champions to play with Jhin that will ensure the Virtuoso great success in his artistic and violent ventures. Since her midscope update earlier this year, Rell has become the staple support option for nearly every ADC in League of Legends —especially those that are capable of dealing tons of damage without needing help. While her identity as an engage champion remains the same, many of her abilities have been given new effects that remove the clunkiness she used to be associated with.

Jhin has a very long-range, and his W is an excellent spell that can follow up on engages even from a very long range. His ultimate is also great at initiating team fights as it has a slow effect. Champions that root enemies are the best kinds of support that you can pair with Jhin and tank CC engage champions. With that in mind, let us look at five great support champions you can use to pair with Jhin in the bot lane. Both of them have long-range spells, meaning they can take enemies down from afar. Now, let us have an in-depth look at what Lux can do for Jhin.

Best jhin synergies

With recent shifts in the meta and recent ADC buffs, Jhin has seen more and more play in more roles than 1. Jhin has started to be played in the Support role and has even been picked up in professional League of Legends. While it is unclear how long this bubble will last, Jhin is now a half-decent Support who can bully and harass the enemy throughout the laning phase and set up picks for his team in the mid and late game. With a unique build path, Jhin is a tanky damage dealer who is pretty good at securing kills and peeling for his carries.

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If you see a Jhin getting fed then you'd best buy Zhonya's, which can also counter Jhin's ult. You can farm safely. Out of all the best support champions Jhin can have, Lux is the most versatile one. Poke him while he uses W, since he's standing still. Send me my PDF. There is no perfect synergy for Jhin that will no matter what be his top synergy. To filter the statistics and builds to a specific rank, you can use the selection menu located earlier in the counter matchup guide. It is on an incredibly low cooldown, allowing Janna to practically spam it. You will win nearly every time. If ahead can outdmg you. Should Jhin take some damage, her W is enough for sustain in lane, and it can even be used to lower enemy damage if you need to protect Jhin from an buttbuttin. A big reason for that is his passive, which allows him to deal true damage to his targets. Don't get cocky and wait for opportunities to go him, otherwise, just be patient.

Are you constantly seeking the edge to dominate your opponents? Ready to gain that coveted rank and secure your position in the League?

His Q can be a pain though, and his traps are hard to deal with. You can still cast your spells while reloading. Simply be careful into this matchup, Jhin is known to do high damage output and this isn't any different for Samira. In this matchup, Jhin will have ample opportunity to setup picks with most support champions i. Make sure to not get out traded early but you can always look to dive on top of him. He will autopush the lane and you can punish him for this. Since her midscope update earlier this year, Rell has become the staple support option for nearly every ADC in League of Legends —especially those that are capable of dealing tons of damage without needing help. Snajper idealny by Devilbuny Caitlyn Player. Close sidebar. With that in mind, let us look at five great support champions you can use to pair with Jhin in the bot lane. As Vayne, you can dodge a lot of Jhin's skill shots with Tumble and utilize your passive movement speed. Purge With Silver 9. Lissandra Mid. Try to push the wave in as Jhin has a harder time farming under Turret. Lillia Jungler.

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