Barcelona players numbers

Futbol Club Barcelona is a professional association football club based in Barcelonabarcelona players numbers, Catalonia, Spain. Barcelona is one of only three clubs to have never been relegated from La Liga [1] and the most successful barcelona players numbers in Spanish footballhaving won a total of 76 domestic titles: 26 La Liga titles, a record 31 Spanish Cups14 Spanish Super Cupsa record 3 Copas Eva Duarte and a record 2 League Cups.

Institutional information. Organization chart. Economic management. Conventions and contracts. Guides, Manuals and Channels. Press Releases. Image Gallery.

Barcelona players numbers

Balde 3 Alejandro Balde. Christensen 15 Andreas Christensen. Alonso 17 Marcos Alonso. Gavi 6 Gavi. Pedri 8 Pedri. Romeu 18 Oriol Romeu. Roberto 20 Sergi Roberto. Jong 21 Frenkie de Jong. Torres 7 Ferran Torres. Lewandowski 9 Robert Lewandowski. Raphinha 11 Raphinha. Roque 19 Vitor Roque. Xavi Xavi.

Height 1.


Barcelona confirmed on Friday the finalized squad for the season that features a total of 26 players, of which 21 have been registered as first team players along with five youngsters from the youth level who will be main squad regulars. The Blaugrana signed eight new players and completed nearly 20 depatures during the busiest summer transfer window in recent club history, and this is how the squad breaks down by position:. Goalkeepers : 1. Arnau Tenas. Defenders : 2. Ronald Araujo, Andreas Christensen, Marcos Alonso, Jordi Alba, Jules Kounde,

Barcelona players numbers

Balde 3 Alejandro Balde. Araujo 4 Ronald Araujo. Christensen 15 Andreas Christensen. Alonso 17 Marcos Alonso. Gavi 6 Gavi. Pedri 8 Pedri. Romeu 18 Oriol Romeu. Roberto 20 Sergi Roberto. Jong 21 Frenkie de Jong. Torres 7 Ferran Torres.

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Philippines Spain. Marc Guiu Forward. Retrieved 25 May Michael Reiziger. Lewandowski Forward. Conventions and contracts. Futbol Club Barcelona is a professional association football club based in Barcelona , Catalonia, Spain. Download as PDF Printable version. Fermin Midfielder. Roberto Defender. Further information: Category:FC Barcelona players. Currently playing for Barcelona. Weight 70Kg. Amateur guide. Country Germany.

Futbol Club Barcelona is a professional association football club based in Barcelona , Catalonia, Spain. Barcelona is one of only three clubs to have never been relegated from La Liga [1] and the most successful club in Spanish football , having won a total of 76 domestic titles: 26 La Liga titles, a record 31 Spanish Cups , 14 Spanish Super Cups , a record 3 Copas Eva Duarte and a record 2 League Cups.

Balde Defender. Country Spain. Audiovisual rights. Follow FC Barcelona on social media. Further information: Category:FC Barcelona players. La Liga 27 Titles. Antonio de la Cruz. Josep Seguer. However, some players who have played fewer matches are also included if they are on Barcelona's list of legends. Vicenc Piera. Soccer Statistics Foundation. Retrieved 13 February

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