Barcelona gay bathhouses

Many who travel to gay Barcelona want to take in the culture, stunning Gaudi architecture and sample top-class cuisine. However, barcelona gay bathhouses, most of us also want to relax and unwind, too. Sauna Casanova calle de Casanova 57is located in the heart of Gayxample Sauna Casanova calle de Casanova 57is located in the heart of Gayxample.

Known for its appealing atmosphere and high-quality facilities, this sauna offers a wide range of services. Check their website. Sauna Bruc, situated at Carrer de Pau Claris 87 , is especially popular among older men. With a classic design and a whirlpool, this place offers a relaxed and cozy atmosphere. It also features a bar and a restaurant where you can enjoy a meal or a drink after relaxing in the sauna. With three floors and a video cinema room, this place is perfect for those seeking a more robust atmosphere. Moreover, Sauna Condal prides itself on being an inclusive and welcoming space, where all men are welcome, regardless of their age or body type.

Barcelona gay bathhouses

Our yummy roundup of the best gay saunas in Barcelona where you can play with handsome locals — and just let your naughty side run loose! Being one of the most gay-friendly cities in the world, it's no surprise that there is such a huge variety of gay bathhouses to choose from in Barcelona. The fascination with hot, steaming rooms dates back to the bathhouses which could be found all around Europe in medieval times. Back then, people would go to saunas to bathe, socialize and unwind. At one stage, they even began to believe saunas held magical powers. With that idea put out into the universe, the Church quickly turned around and said a big hell-no to sauna use, which led to the closure of many bathhouses across Europe. Over the past century, saunas have grown more popular than ever, particularly within the gay community…what could be better than a boiling room, filled with steam and guys just hanging out? They've become an important staple of the LGBTQ community, a safe haven where you can come for action and to explore your envies or simply just chill. Why they are so popular here is mainly a result of the intense recession the country has faced over the past decade. This led to high unemployment rates, particularly among young guys, who as a result of this have had to live with their parents to save money, making it hard to bring back a date or two! Hence the rise in demand for gay saunas across the city. In this guide, we've put together the 6 best gay saunas in Barcelona to check out where you can connect with locals, bears, otters, or whatever and whoever takes your fancy! Now don't get lost within the twisting corridors of Sauna Casanova ….

This gay video and sex store has a cruising area at the back with porn videos, cabins and a special water feature! Stefan Arestis Sunday 9th of February Facilities at Sauna Condal include a huge person jacuzzi, steam room, dry sauna, barcelona gay bathhouses showers, dark room, maze, cruising zone and cabins.

Barcelona is a city that celebrates diversity and inclusion of all people, so it should come as no surprise that it is an extremely gay-friendly city. The city boasts an amazing gay pride event every year, as well as many nightclubs, bars, and saunas that are targeted at the gay community. Gay saunas , in particular, are quite well-known in Barcelona and offer clients a fun and relaxing space to unwind after a long day. However, many of these saunas are meeting points for members of the gay community to meet others. Read on to learn about some of the best gay saunas in Barcelona.

Sauna Casanova is a masculin sauna, sauna vapor, dry sauna, video, cruising zone, cuarto oscuro! From Pases Group. Sauna Condal is a masculin sauna in Barcelona , sauna vapor, dry sauna, video, cruising zone, cuarto oscuro! Sauna Thermas is the biggest masculin sauna in Spain. From Pases group Group. Bar, restaurant, swimming pool with whirlpool, Jacuzzi, Finnish sauna dry sauna or steam sauna Turkish bath , showers, video projections and of course dark room The Sauna Bruc offers all the facilities imaginable to make your moment of relaxation as pleasant as possible while respecting all the health standards in force. Hola guapos!! Si sirve de algo, os explico mis experiencias en las saunas de Barcelona. Por lo general, a mi me siguen gustando, y encuentro siempre lo que busco para pasarlo bien.

Barcelona gay bathhouses

Barcelona dazzles with Gothic facades and Gaudi treasures - but scaling La Sagrada Familia's towers for that perfect pic can really wear you out. Luckily, the city offers a considerable selection of gay saunas where weary gay travelers can affordably decompress Barcelona-style. Here, you can enjoy a full day of steaming, soaking, and socializing with fellow sauna goers for less than 20 euros. Slip into swimwear or opt for European nude relaxation after long days on your feet.

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Moreover, Sauna Condal prides itself on being an inclusive and welcoming space, where all men are welcome, regardless of their age or body type. With options for private rooms, equipped with protection and lubricants, you'll never be made to feel unsafe. Spacious sauna over three floors. Also, to enter, you need to pay an yearly membership fee as well as the regular entry. It's open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Clothing is NOT optional, so if you aren't prepared to show it all off, then you best stay away. Approaching guys can be nerve wracking — no one likes being rejected — but there are various tactics that can be used. When finished letting off some steam get it…because a sauna has steam? Perhaps this variety is due to the themed nights they organize like bears, leather, and naked nights. Barcelona Gay Saunas Barcelona has a great selection of gay saunas, many of which are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Barcelona Gay Sauna Prices Barcelona dazzles with Gothic facades and Gaudi treasures - but scaling La Sagrada Familia's towers for that perfect pic can really wear you out. Gay saunas , in particular, are quite well-known in Barcelona and offer clients a fun and relaxing space to unwind after a long day.

Sauna Casanova is a gay sauna located in the heart of Barcelona, at Carrer de Casanova Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it provides a welcoming and relaxed environment for its patrons.

Recent Blog Posts More from the Blog. It's open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Or has something changed and we have not yet updated our pages? The fascination with hot, steaming rooms dates back to the bathhouses which could be found all around Europe in medieval times. When finished letting off some steam get it…because a sauna has steam? Over the past century, saunas have grown more popular than ever, particularly within the gay community…what could be better than a boiling room, filled with steam and guys just hanging out? It's a very large sauna, spread over 3 floors. It tends to be a bit quieter during the day and weeknights. Perhaps this variety is due to the themed nights they organize like bears, leather, and naked nights. Open seven days a week, 24 hours a day, it attracts a diverse clientele and offers high-quality relaxation services.

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