azithromycin for cats dosage chart

Azithromycin for cats dosage chart

Fox received her veterinary education at Cornell University and has plus years of experience in the field. She has worked in emergency, shelter, medicine, surgery, and general medicine.

Content Sponsored by Chewy. The most common uses of azithromycin in pets are for the treatment of infections caused by susceptible microorganisms involving the skin, respiratory tract, and urogenital systems. Additional uses are for the treatment of otitis media inner ear infections , bacterial causes of keratitis and conjunctivitis , cyclosporine-induced gingival hyperplasia , acute cytauxzoonosis , toxoplasmosis , and Babesia gibsoni infections. There is also evidence that azithromycin may aid in the treatment of viral papillomatosis in dogs. Other formulations are generally available by special order. Azithromycin is supplied as:. Azithromycin, invented in and derived from erythromycin, belongs to the azalide subclass of macrolide antibiotics.

Azithromycin for cats dosage chart

Azithromycin is an antibiotic commonly used to treat certain bacterial infections in cats. Bottle sizes include 15ml and 30ml sizes. Azithromycin, the common brand name for which is Zithromax, is classified as a macrolide antibiotic. It does have a fairly broad spectrum of action against many different kinds of bacteria. Azithromycin is most often used in cats for upper respiratory infections , especially conditions that are chronic, recurrent, or refractory to other antibiotic therapies. It is therefore may be used more in select cases and not as a first-line choice. It is also thought to have some activity against certain protozoal microorganisms like Toxoplasma and Babesia as well, though better efficacy may be seen in combination with other appropriate medications. Bacteriostatic antibiotics do kill susceptible bacteria, they simply require a higher concentration to do so. A study in Clinical Infectious Diseases comparing bacteriostatic and bactericidal antibiotics in people highlights this distinction. Researchers found that not only were bacteriostatic and bactericidal antibiotics about equivalent in efficacy most of the time, but that in cases where there was a difference, bacteriostatic antibiotics often appeared superior and more cost effective. Unlike most antibiotics, azithromycin also has some anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating effects.

Other protocols may include higher doses used only a couple of times a week. Azithromycin also has some anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating properties sometimes making it a prescription choice for stomatitis mouth inflammation in cats.


Fox received her veterinary education at Cornell University and has plus years of experience in the field. She has worked in emergency, shelter, medicine, surgery, and general medicine. Fox is passionate about client education and making sure pet parents have the most up-to-date, accurate, and accessible information to empower them as caregivers and companions. Azithromycin is an antibiotic that is sometimes prescribed to cats for bacterial infections, especially in the respiratory tract. This drug can have side effects and adverse reactions in cats, although they are not very common. Azithromycin is an antibiotic that falls into the class of drugs called macrolide antibiotics. These are drugs primarily used to treat specific bacterial infections.

Azithromycin for cats dosage chart

See files for Cats. Azithromycin is an antibiotic for cats which is sold under various preparations. As with human medicine, antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections in cats. Theses infections can present in various parts of the cat's organism, such as the genitourinary, respiratory, oral, ocular and cutaneous systems. Azithromycin is particularly indicated for oral infections such as gingivitis and periodontitis, as well as ocular infections.

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Create profiles for personalised advertising. Your veterinarian should always be consulted before starting any new medication, so that any potential interactions can be reviewed. So in many cases, an antibiotic may not be indicated at all, even if your kitty is showing signs of sneezing or runny eyes. Unlike most antibiotics, azithromycin also has some anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating effects. Azithromycin is registered for use in humans only. Create profiles to personalise content. It has some anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating properties as well as some unique dosing characteristics that set it apart from other antibiotics. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine , vol. Azithromycin For Cats Overview. The Spruce Pets uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Cat Medication. Use profiles to select personalised content. Miscommunication could occur over the phone with a pharmacy, through mis-spellings, or misinterpretations of handwritten scripts.

Azithromycin is a widely used antibiotic in veterinary medicine, particularly for the treatment of various bacterial infections in cats. Azithromycin is a type of macrolide antibiotic that works by inhibiting bacterial protein synthesis, thereby preventing the growth and reproduction of bacteria. This medication is commonly prescribed to treat a range of bacterial infections in cats, including respiratory tract infections, skin infections, and urinary tract infections.

Cat Behavior. In these cases, a pharmacist at the compounding pharmacy would be the best source of knowledge for shelf-life and drug stability. Azithromycin can interact with other medications. It is a prescription drug and should only be administered under the guidance of a licensed veterinarian. Risk Factors. The best way to determine if your cat needs an antibiotic and which one will be most effective to use, is to have your cat examined by your veterinarian. It can typically be considered stable at room temperature for up to 10 days, after which it should be discarded. Veterinarians commonly determine antibiotic use based on bacterial culture whenever possible or at least based on the likelihood of infectious organisms present, and the body system affected. Rapid distribution of azithromycin into tissues results in significantly higher azithromycin levels than in plasma. Because azithromycin can reach higher and longer concentrations in tissues, there are protocols that allow for it to be given once a day for several days, and then only every other day or every third day, especially if treatment is to be continued for several weeks or long term. So in many cases, an antibiotic may not be indicated at all, even if your kitty is showing signs of sneezing or runny eyes. In many cases of upper respiratory infections, they may originate as an uncomplicated viral infection, which may not require antibiotic use every time sneezes and sniffles are heard. By Dr. Like many antibiotics, it has the potential to cause digestive upset, including vomiting , reduced appetite , and diarrhea.

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