area code 626 location

Area code 626 location

Submitted in Compliance with California Public Utilities. Prepared by Telecommunications Division:.

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Area code 626 location


Recognizing the substantial social and economic burdens associated with constant area code changes, area code 626 location, the CPUC has taken steps to resolve the numbering crisis. TD examined Neustar's summaries of the companies' first two semiannual NRUF reports, which reported utilization data as of June 30, and December 31,


In the United States, area code is assigned to parts of California. However, it is important to note that area codes themselves are not inherently scams. Scammers can use any area code to make fraudulent calls, so it is essential to be cautious and aware of potential scams regardless of the area code. Area code is a California telephone area code that was split from area code on June 14, The Area Code is located in the state of California. Area Code is one of the three-digit telephone area codes in the USA. It covers roughly 6,, unique phone numbers and 5,, individuals near the cities of Alhambra, Los Angeles, and Pasadena. Area code is not inherently a scam. It is a legitimate area code located in the state of California, USA. However, like any area code, it can be used by scammers to trick people into giving out personal information or making fraudulent purchases.

Area code 626 location

Download Area Code Database. Area Code is located in California. A full list of covered cities and counties is below including its prefix and population coverage. The Area Code Map above shows the geographic region it covers. There are currently no overlays, meaning this is the only area code for the geographic regions listed.

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As with wireline carriers, efficient number use practices specific to reserved numbers could immediately free up numbers within these wireless carriers' inventories for use, and thus, could slow the rate at which new prefixes are allocated to these companies. Data is self-reported by the companies; the CPUC staff has not audited any utilization data submitted for this study and report. By the end of , California had 25 area codes statewide. Had the pool administrator opened prefixes based on the forecast, the prefixes would lie unused in the rate center. Aging Numbers 38 For example, if the prefix 38 currently reserved only for directory assistance could be used to provide time and emergency preparedness, then two more prefixes could be returned for reallocation in the area code. So far in California, number pooling has worked well because companies have met their numbering needs from the excess numbers other companies donate to the pool. These companies hold 63, numbers that could be made available for number pooling, if they implemented LNP technology. In May , TD released another four reports covering the , , and area codes. Administrative Law Judge's Ruling Ordering Carriers to Submit Utilization Data, dated October 25, , ordered ten delinquent companies that hold prefixes in various California area codes to submit utilization data within 20 days or be subject to sanctions. Wireline carriers report Type 1 numbers in the Intermediate category since they provide these numbers to another company. Each of those possibilities would present different rate "impacts" for both companies and customers. This report on the area code continues TD's analysis covering specific area code number utilization levels. Available numbers in one rate center cannot be used in another rate center. Authority Regarding Pooling 12

Find out who that phone number is registered to. Spokeo will search through millions of phone records, including both landline and cell phone numbers.

Some of these practices of non-sequential numbering and not filling blocks substantially before using new blocks may have happened before the July decision. The CPUC has been aggressively setting up number pools. All rate centers in one area code, for example, could be consolidated into one rate center. The report evaluates the status of number availability in the area code, and discusses the various state and federal policies which govern number use in California and nationwide. Pools are underway in the , , , , , , and area codes and an additional six pools are scheduled to begin in In that same decision, the CPUC required its Telecommunications Division TD staff to study number use to determine the quantity of available, unused numbers in the area code. If the CPUC were allowed to create a separate area code for those companies, these prefixes in the area code could be reassigned to other phone uses, thus prolonging the life of the existing area code. By contrast, there were instances where 1, to 2, numbers in use were reserved for a given prefix. Non-Working Wireless : this category is for wireless companies only to report numbers that they have already assigned to customer equipment, but are not yet working. The first table below illustrates the current distribution of numbers assuming that pooling is in effect in the area code. Improved Number Inventory Management 11 The CPUC should therefore pursue an investigation in this area. As of June 30, , there were prefixes available for assignment in the area code. Table shows available numbers in blocks of differing contamination levels held by wireless carriers.

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