annunaki in bible

Annunaki in bible

What does the Bible say about? When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose. These were the mighty men who were of old, annunaki in bible, the men of renown.

Over the past decades, thousands of ancient Sumerian texts written in cuneiform have been discovered in ancient Mesopotamia, which we know as modern Iraq. Their translations by renowned scholars from around the world reveal an incredibly detailed scientific account of the biblical history of creation. But it goes even deeper than that with the Annunaki. But keep in mind that this all occurred before the great flood that Noah is known to be a part of in biblical history. Now of course I don't have to mention that the nephilim are also called the sons of God, and the sons of God is another word for angels.

Annunaki in bible

Same story as before, this is all to make you believe the great deception of demonic aliens as alien saviors. Do take this comment seriously, and look into what I say. You won't regret it. All posts. Newcomers' Community. H4LAB Research. Explore communities…. The Bible tells us about the Annunaki. The most widely read book in all of history, the Bible has pushed the faith of billions of people and has shaped the very world that we live in. But what if there was something that was not drastically clear in the way that people decipher the Bible. These are very important parts of Scripture that often go overlooked by readers, but shed some light on a different side of the Bible and the very faith that billions of people believe in. Who Are The Annunaki? Annunaki is a phrase that has been made famous by Zecharia Sitchin.

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Anunnaki Bible is a collection of ancient Sumerian cuneiform tablets. Among many other things, this compilation contains the ancient sources of magic, long life, and ultimate success in life. Many writers have come up with their own versions of the Anunnaki bible but generally, all of them convey the same secrets and messages. In this article, you will read about the Anunnaki Bible and the secrets that lie within. The Anunnaki are therefore very famous ancient Mesopotamian gods and goddesses.

If you have been reading up on the Anunnaki, you probably have noticed we spend most of our time trying to understand who and what the Anunnaki are. That is understandable. Who and what are big questions with many facets and plenty of mysteries to plumb, and it takes quite a lot of time and effort to piece together the answers. But as any journalist knows or anyone who even learned about journalism in school , the five big questions with any story are always:. Why did the Anunnaki come here in ancient times? What do they want from us? What is likely to happen when they do eventually return en masse? It is hard to answer this question as well because the resources we have are so limited at this point. There are a lot of individuals who claim to know something about the Anunnaki, sometimes from personal experience—you will even meet people who claim to be Anunnaki.

Annunaki in bible

If you are learning about the Anunnaki, two names you are going to hear a lot are Enki and Enlil. In this article, I am going to give you a crash course in the mythology of Enki and Enlil. But this is a complex topic, and I do not want to jump into it without laying the initial groundwork. So here are the absolute basics, just in case you are brand new to learning about the Anunnaki.

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Further research and archaeological discoveries may eventually shed more light on these intriguing ancient gods and their place in human history. What does the Bible say about? The texts are also open for the public to see but the public cannot get as close to the enclosures that they could read the texts. The Anunnaki are therefore very famous ancient Mesopotamian gods and goddesses. Then I saw in the right hand of him who was seated on the throne a scroll written within and on the back, sealed with seven seals. Many believe that the Annunaki extracted massive amounts of gold using human labor — this is derived from multiple discoveries of ancient mining tunnels in South Africa, as well as relics and links to the Sumerians. These gods held the highest ranks in the worshipping hierarchy in the Mesopotamian kingdom. ETH Sign in. Later a very famous Assyriologist, Jules Oppert confirmed that the Land of Shinar in the Bible is actually a reference to a region south of Mesopotamia known as Sumer. One of the major reasons behind its popularity is its origin. Timeless Myths.

Sumerian God Anu. First things first—in case you are still quite new to researching the Anunnaki, I want to make sure you understand the basics before proceeding further.

Even though each religio n has its own version of the start , the Anunnaki Bible explains it in a very interesting way. And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, with ten diadems on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads. So whichever king could get the most army, food sources and weapons could take over the other kingdoms. Here you will find tales and information on ancient and medieval mythology and legend. I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels. ETH This is within the holy Bible, and directly correlates with the two texts The Book of Enoch and the Sumerian tablets. Here are the most important points that you need to remember about the Anunnaki Bible:. According to some beliefs, the Anunnaki arrived on Earth some , years ago by landing in the Persian Gulf. But it goes even deeper than that with the Annunaki.

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