amharic movies

Amharic movies

Ezega Entertainment is a amharic movies section that includes thousands of Ethiopian videos, Blog articles, Forums, and Events page, among other things. Our Ethiopian video collection has new Ethiopian music, Ethiopian news, amharic movies, Ethiopian comedy, Ethiopian drama, Ethiopian film, etc. And our Ezega Blogs section has various articles written by experts that may be of interest to you, amharic movies. They deal with health and beauty, career and employment, business, and real estate, to name a few.

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Amharic movies


In theaters with online ticketing US only. Two Worlds: Blood Bound. In Your Eyes.


Ezega Entertainment is a vast section that includes thousands of Ethiopian videos, Blog articles, Forums, and Events page, among other things. Our Ethiopian video collection has new Ethiopian music, Ethiopian news, Ethiopian comedy, Ethiopian drama, Ethiopian film, etc. And our Ezega Blogs section has various articles written by experts that may be of interest to you. They deal with health and beauty, career and employment, business, and real estate, to name a few. Ezega Entertainment brings you high quality, individually selected entertainment videos for you to view from the comfort of your home. Here, you will find Ethiopian Videos for Ethiopia music, current news, drama, comedy, movies, films, etc. To check out our latest collection, please click here to go to Ethiopian Music Ethiopian Movies Ethiopian Videos page. Ethiopia has more than 80 languages and ethnic groups. New Ethiopian music is also as diverse as its cultures and languages.

Amharic movies

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Marsha's coming of age film debut film is based on her childhood memories of a civil-war-torn Ethiopia. A Walk to Beautiful. Set in , in a season of hot Political turmoil that started the downfall of the Emperor and the mass executions of top officials, Abraham Gezahagn tells us about a child's struggle to cope with societal ignorance of moral crime. He finds himself stuck in a relationship with a prostitute, making him confront his past and discover what is the price of love. Asalif adapts to the changes to his familiar surroundings with growing autonomy. The story is set in Merkato, a sprawling market in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, considered to be Africa's largest open-air market, narrating the story of a girl, Selam, whose kindness and perseverance transforms her life for the better. An Ethiopian immigrant, sets out on a journey through his children's homes after losing his wife. The album releases that have crossed Ethiopian borders are mainly recordings from the 50's to the 80's, however, the contemporary music scene from Addis remains, bar a few exceptions, unknown to the rest of the world. Votes 7. They were usually relegated to Azmari Bet or Habesha Bet - small bars in shanty areas. Some are about Ethiopian news today, some are Ethiopian documentaries, and others are promotional video types. Yemechereshawa Kemis. A drama about two Ethiopians who enter a marriage of convenience and struggle to maintain traditional values as they strive toward their dreams. Within the confines of a Christian orphanage in Ethiopia, we witness the daily activities of its little inmates.


Recently viewed. In minutes. Show all titles. When Phil discovers that he wasn't an Orphan at adoption, he risks everything - including his life, to uncover the tortuous corruption between his developing birth-country and the Western World. Now, Ethiopia has artists performing from Habesha Bet to modern theatres. Is Addis still swinging as it used to? Under the Shadow of the Sun. His dream of using his craft to improve the health of Ethiopians is squashed by a military junta that uses scientists for its own political ends. It evolves around how society's perception and pressure has divided the family apart in bringing the man forward to the authorities. Ezega Entertainment brings you high quality, individually selected entertainment videos for you to view from the comfort of your home. Yesuf Ababa.

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