Abt associates

Abt Associates is a for-profit abt associates firm founded by Clark Abt that contracts for governments and private entities. Clark Abt started Abt Associates in The company has been a contractor from the beginning: Its first projects included government contracts for developing educational games for elementary students and computer simulations for military planning, abt associates.

Bolivia Food Security installed over cookstoves for use by rural poor, with training on energy efficiency and health. India Advanced Cookstoves Initiative promoting policy and other pilot cookstove innovations in Uttar Pradesh. Abt Associates Inc. Government agencies, NGOs, and international agencies. Rural, isolated, food insecure using VAM Index in Bolivia, working at community level on sustainability and implementation. Presentations at fora, sharing of lessons learned, joint project implementation, and a potential Workshop highlighting best practices in cookstoves, health, and nutrition for early which Abt is considering.

Abt associates

Malaria is the most common cause of illness in Zimbabwe, killing approximately 10 percent of children before their fifth birthday. And while the country has reduced its HIV prevalence in half since , it still has one of the top highest rates in the world. Abt Global is working to reduce the impact of malaria and HIV. For malaria, we are killing the mosquitoes that transmit the disease, conducting robust research on mosquitoes, training health workers in case management, facilitating mosquito net distribution, implementing social and behavior change activities and conducting operations research. For HIV, we are a partner in a project to improve testing, prevention and treatment. This page is optimized for a taller screen. Please rotate your device or increase the size of your browser window. Zimbabwe country pullquote We provide extensive, comprehensive data to help governments make evidence-based decisions for vector control within their countries. From conducting indoor residual spray campaigns to distributing insecticide-treated nets to improving processes and treatment, we ensure the most effective and affordable tools are being used to protect people from disease. Allan Were.

Laura R. Donor Organizations. Abt Associates Inc.

A comprehensive and reliable resource for your academic preferences and choices at all levels. The number of scientists and publications, academic interests, and other detailed analysis results concerning universities and institutions will help you make your choices. For comparisons, you may fill in the search boxes below and retrieve the results. Abt Associates Inc. To advertise in this area [email protected]. Ranking According to in 23, all type institutions in World in 3, all type institutions in North America in 3, all type institutions in United States Total H index 6, 1, 1,

Abt is leading a flagship Southeast Asia initiative—Investing in Women IW —to foster inclusive economic growth by empowering women to thrive across the economy. Launched in through an AUD million commitment from the Australian Government, IW bases its efforts on three main pillars: impact investing, workplace gender equality, and influencing gender norms. Working with financial intermediaries to mobilize private capital, the program intervenes on the supply-side constraints of capital for women-led or -owned small and medium enterprises SMEs. We also provide technical assistance grants that help investors to support their new investees in taking full advantage of the growth capital available to them. Our initial leverage was negligible, and there were few commercial investments in the first gender-lens funds that IW seeded. Over the next five years, leverage ratios have consistently increased to over 5X in , with our portfolio funds and companies raising subsequent funding from private capital markets. Working with influential businesses in Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Myanmar, IW is helping to shift workplace cultures, practices, and policy barriers to achieve workplace gender equality WGE. IW has formed four country-level business coalitions that drive change from the top, with member CEOs making concrete commitments to WGE, such as working toward equal pay and creating an environment where women have opportunity equal to their male counterparts. These four business coalitions are important voices for gender equality in their respective countries.

Abt associates

Judith A. Alamprese has more than 35 years of experience directing research, evaluation and technical assistance projects in adult education and workforce development. Trained as a sociologist, she has focused on system and individual-level interventions to promote the social and economic well-being of low-skilled adults and at-risk youth. Her research has focused on adult reading instruction, program quality and accountability, interagency collaboration, adult basic education ABE transition to postsecondary education and employment, and state and local leadership and skills development. Alamprese is the principal investigator for the U.

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Kathleen Flanagan has been president and chief executive officer of Abt Associates since Abt Associates receives a significant income from market research. Subject and ranking analysis of Abt Associates Inc. The federal government also contracts with Abt Associates to manage and evaluate foreign aid projects. And while the country has reduced its HIV prevalence in half since , it still has one of the top highest rates in the world. Air Force, and the Raytheon company until he started Abt Associates. Ranking According to in 23, all type institutions in World in 3, all type institutions in North America in 3, all type institutions in United States Total H index 6, 1, 1, Notice: JavaScript is required for this content. Douglas C. October 21, Clark Abt started Abt Associates in

Forty percent of Cameroon's population lives below the poverty line. The country faces high rates of child and maternal mortality. Abt is working with key private and public sector stakeholders to strengthen health systems and ensure the use of best practices.

Abt Associates continues to receive federal contracts to manage and evaluate foreign aid programs. Shoemaker Abt Associates. For malaria, we are killing the mosquitoes that transmit the disease, conducting robust research on mosquitoes, training health workers in case management, facilitating mosquito net distribution, implementing social and behavior change activities and conducting operations research. Abt Associates also works for foreign governments, most prominently Australia. Jefrefrey Morris Abt Associates. Last 6 years i10 index. Partnership Presentations at fora, sharing of lessons learned, joint project implementation, and a potential Workshop highlighting best practices in cookstoves, health, and nutrition for early which Abt is considering. The number of scientists and publications, academic interests, and other detailed analysis results concerning universities and institutions will help you make your choices. Government agencies, NGOs, and international agencies. In , Abt Associates, with several other research organizations, evaluated the effectiveness of the federally funded Head Start program. Total H index. Last 6 years Citations.

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